• 耶和华,鉴查人的心腹

    The lamp of the Lord searches the spirit of a man ; it searches out his inmost being.


  • 因为除了里面,在中间谁知

    For who among men knows the things of man, except the spirit of man which is in him?


  • 提前四1明说,后来时期离弃信仰注意迷惑人的教训

    Tim. 4:1 But the Spirit says expressly that in later times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and teachings of demons.


  • 如果当他残存身体身体分割,那么此时,他感到因为在临近死亡时,人的灵更加敏锐。

    If the consciousness of the deceased is still in the body while the body is cut up, there will be magnified pain too, as the consciousness becomes sharper upon death.


  • 正如》中一样,格拉德·威尔列举了一大堆印象深刻例子说明观点(青少年吸烟问题,纽约城市犯罪率等)。

    As in Blink, Gladwell marshals an impressive array of examples (like teen smoking or New York City crime rates) to prove his point.


  • 设立一些目标时,比如财务上的,家庭上的,工作上的,属成长上的 --每次设立任何目标总会有些站住来说‘你以为你是谁啊?

    The moment you establish some goals for your finances, your family, your career, your spiritual growth -- the moment you set any kind of goal -- there are going to be people who say.


  • 一些而言,爆竹隆重迷信他们认为爆竹声响光亮能够驱赶以保证吉祥

    For some, fireworks are a solemn matter of superstition: the sound and light show is believed to scare away evil spirits and ensure an auspicious good year.


  • 其中一位者揪出了貌似迷失方向急需指点迷津

    One of the practitioners picked up on a male who seemed lost and in need of direction.


  • 耶和华在耶弗他身上,经过玛拿西,来到基列的米斯,又米斯巴来到亚扪那里

    Then the Spirit of the LORD came upon Jephthah. He crossed Gilead and Manasseh, passed through Mizpah of Gilead, and from there he advanced against the Ammonites.


  • 但是,只有我们进入到范畴时候,我们才发现内心最深需求。

    But it is when we cometo the realm of the spiritual that we find the greatest depth ofhuman need.


  • 亚特兰大市默里大学基斯国家长动物研究中心弗兰斯·瓦尔强有力地证明在进化史上,笑声密切相关。

    It gives strong evidence that ape and human laughter are related through evolution, said Frans DE Waal of the Yerkes National Primate Research Center at Emory University in Atlanta.


  • 乔伊斯拿到奖学金缅因州了文科,在那里碰到帕蒂爸爸,后来曼哈顿上东区的万惟一神教堂给了这位彻头彻尾的非犹太

    Joyce got a scholarship to study liberal Arts in the woods of Maine, where she met Patty's exceedingly Gentile dad, whom she married at All Souls Unitarian Church on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.


  • (音译),72岁,父亲批文物目录编制负责保护这批帝王宝藏工作之一

    Zhuang Ling, 72, says his father, who had been a cataloger of the collection, was one of the staff members charged with guarding the imperial treasures.


  • 牧羊责任领导保护防御关心羊群福祉

    God gives shepherd leaders the responsibility to guard, protect, defend, and care for the spiritual welfare of his flock.


  • 耶和华既属乎血气永远里面。然而日子到一百二十

    And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.


  • 耶和华大大感动参孙,亚实基伦,击了三十他们衣裳,将衣裳了猜出谜语

    And the Spirit of the LORD came upon him, and he went down to Ashkelon, and slew thirty men of them, and took their spoil, and gave change of garments unto them which expounded the riddle.


  • MET首席科学家大不列颠的天气预报代理茱莉亚。斯戈也同意

    Julia Slingo, chief scientist at MET, Great Britain's weather-forecasting agency, agrees.


  • 举目看见以色列照着支派居住临到身上。

    When Balaam looked out and saw Israel encamped tribe by tribe, the Spirit of God came upon him.


  • MACMcGARRY:“我们问题是‘滑铁卢打败拿破仑?”’一个年轻回答顿。

    MAC McGARRY: "we had a question one time: 'Who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo?"' and the young fellow answered Duke Ellington.


  • 最终可能发现,那些是出于先前所知正当理由,才服用Provigil或者利他的。

    People using Provigil or Ritalin may eventually be found to have a legitimate but previously unknown need for the drug.


  • 苹果公司发言史蒂芬拒绝评价的这些“谣言揣测进行评论

    Steve Dowling, an Apple spokesman, declined to comment on what he called “rumors and speculation.”


  • 2006年伯顿佛蒙特大学乔希·邦加德(Josh Bongard)设计了一个行走机器可以不断地升级自己的内部模块

    In 2006, Josh Bongard at the University of Vermont in Burlington designed a walking robot with a continuously updated internal model of itself.


  • 不要自暴自弃地:「这些奇异经历只有最少数的属能得到的!」

    So don't shut yourself out of it and say, “Ah, these wonderful visions and revelations of the Lord are for choice spirits!”


  • “新七大奇观发言提亚·维:“除了金字塔以外,其他奇观已经消失了。”

    Tia Viering, spokeswoman for New7Wonders, said: "Apart from the Pyramids, the seven ancient wonders of the world no longer exist."


  • 摩西亚伦俯伏在地说:“,万神啊!犯罪就要全会发怒吗? ”?

    But Moses and Aaron fell facedown and cried out, "o God, God of the spirits of all mankind, will you be angry with the entire assembly when only one man SINS?"


  • 1974[font=宋体]年,一千聚集华盛顿尊崇可敬的国家大教堂(National Cathedral[font=宋体])参加一个许多方言语的仪式

    In 1974, a thousand people gathered in Washington's respectable-as-it-gets National Cathedral for a service in which many people spoke in tongues.


  • 1974[font=宋体]年,一千聚集华盛顿尊崇可敬的国家大教堂(National Cathedral[font=宋体])参加一个许多方言语的仪式

    In 1974, a thousand people gathered in Washington's respectable-as-it-gets National Cathedral for a service in which many people spoke in tongues.


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