• 要缴多少的机场只有您自己一个吗?

    How many people are you paying the tax for? Just yourself?


  • 这个实时控制系统完全自动化地控制一个每天运输超过2万的机场运输系统。

    This real time control system fully automates on-airport transit system that moves more than twenty thousands people each day.


  • 创造条件伊拉克能够获得巴士拉机场控制权,并能够归于全体民众使用

    Create the conditions for the Iraqis to resume control of Basra airport so that it can return to full civilian use.


  • 昆图尔肯机场火车站沙滩以及公园里观察情侣们亲吻估计这些人的年龄13岁70岁之间。

    The researcher watched kissing couples in airports, railroad stations, beaches and kissing couples in airports, railroad stations, beaches and parks. He estimated their ages at around 13 to around 70.


  • 英国皇家警察称这些计划伪装成软饮料炸弹零件绕过机场安检偷运航班,并将飞行过程组装成炸弹。

    The crown said the men planned to smuggle on boardcomponents of a liquid bomb disguised as soft drinks to bypass airport security. The devices would have been assembled during the flight.


  • 多年来,旅客机场安检点总是听到悲哀的声音:“便携式电脑必须提包里拿出来放到传送带上。”

    For years at airport security checkpoints, passengers have heard the refrain, almost a dirge: “Laptops must be removed from their cases and placed on the belt.”


  • 伦敦希思罗机场每天进出航班1200多架,运送乘客180000

    London Heathrow, Europe's business airport, handles upwards of 1, 200 flights and 180, 000 passengers per day.


  • 巨浪冲入宫城县省会仙台市机场,1300被困

    One giant wave washed through an airport in Sendai, the capital of Miyagi, leaving 1, 300 people stranded on upper floors within.


  • 事情发生个早春的早晨我们正在机场候机,我的女儿独自一飞机

    It happened one morning in early spring. We were sitting at the airport, waiting for the plane to begin boarding.


  • 等候机场有些飞走寻求等多的运气有的回到贫穷的祖国(主要出口产品)。

    WORKERS waiting at airports: some flying off to seek modest fortunes, others returning to poor homelands whose main export is people.


  • 相似的事故1960年发生劳根机场,机上72中除全部死亡当时飞机的一个翅膀首先扎波士顿港湾

    When a similar accident occurred at Logan Airport in 1960, all but ten of the 72 people on board died when the plane plunged wing-first into Boston Harbour.


  • 罗斯机场焦急的等待艾米丽出现,两预定飞往雅典蜜月,却碰见瑞秋

    While waiting at the airport in hopes that Emily will still show up for the honeymoon to Athens, Ross bumps into Rachel.


  • 机场紧锁门前我们发现机场的站漆黑一片,里面没有影走动。

    Outside the locked gates of the airport we found a crowd. The airport hut was dark; nothing moved.


  • 嫌疑具体特征已经分发所有港口机场警方相信他们可能已经计划好逃跑路线已经离开英国。

    The suspects' details have been circulated to all ports and airports but police believe they are likely to have organised an escape route and may already have left the country.


  • 犹太阿拉伯造成安全威胁因为他们可能会向停附近班固利恩机场飞机发射迫击炮。

    Jews say that "the Arabs" pose a security threat because they could fire mortars at planes landing at Ben Gurion airport nearby.


  • 如果一个航班必须动作快_你必须登上,你不能离得太远。」49岁克莱尔梅尔滕斯,解释着为什么一家不会离开机场

    "When there is a flight, you have to be quick _ you have to get on it, you can't be too far away," said Claire Maertens, 49, explaining why the family won't leave the airport.


  • 机场位于首都东南部俄罗斯最大航空枢纽去年一年拥有超过20万流量

    The airport, southeast of the capital, is Russia's largest airline hub, with more than 20 million passengers passing through last year.


  • 可能自己说:"虽然出现机场安检荧屏上个《阿凡达》里的,我也保持一个好身材,而且,往底裤里藏东西也毫无作用。"

    "I've got to shape up," you might tell yourself, "although I may appear on the airport security screen only as a blue man in Avatar.


  • 底特律机场警卫乘客们做了两次身体扫描他们让绝大部分通过检查,其它部分的检查与往常无异说道

    In Detroit they had two of the body scanners, which they were sending most people through, but other than that it was the same,” she said.


  • 外国记者身边倾诉他们怨言他们明白为什么这么飞机降落到机场但是他们能得到援助那么

    As a crowd gathers to air their grievances to a foreign reporter, they say they don't understand why so many planes have landed at the airport but so little aid has reached them.


  • 最近几个月来罗斯干出兴奋的事情就是机场记者那场混战,你知道有些事还真不对劲

    When the most exciting thing Queiroz has done in recent times is get involved in a scuffle with a journalist at the airport, you just know something is wrong.


  • 与普通大型商用客机相比,小型商务飞机外形更流畅,一般能运载525可以一些大型飞机无法达到的小型机场自由起降。

    Corporate jets are often sleek-looking, can seat anywhere from 5 to 25 people, and are capable of landing at small airports that are off-limits to big commercial jets.


  • 英国最大机场运营商英国机场管理局发言表示各个国家设定自己安全政策其最低标准欧盟控制

    Individual countries can set their own security policy but minimum standards are controlled by the European Commission, a spokesperson for the UK's biggest airport operator, BAA, says.


  • 伦敦碰到一个认为斯罗机场扩建计划已经上钉钉没有协商的余地了。

    I haven't come across a soul in London who does not believe the Heathrow expansion is a done deal and the consultation fixed.


  • 披头士席卷美国大城市了上万个挤在机场仅仅为了远远地看上他们一眼

    The Beatles sweep through the great us cities, drawing tens of thousands to airports for the merest glimpse.


  • 伦敦已经上周五汽车炸弹事件周六格拉斯哥机场事件搅得心神不宁了,本周报道地铁脱轨再次绷紧了他们的神经。

    Londoners, rocked by last Friday's car bomb discoveries and Saturday's attack on the airport in Glasgow, are on edge again, with a subway train derailment reported Thursday morning.


  • 尽管60%投票了赞成票,保留机场,但是至少四分之一的登记投票不得不同意关闭机场

    Though 60% of those who voted said yes, at least a quarter of eligible voters had to give their approval.


  • 机场:(废话,地球都知道)尤其是节假日花点时间早到机场也是值得的,免得错过航班

    Get to the airport early: Especially around the holidays, it's worth risking a little extra time at the gate in order to avoid missing a flight.


  • 这项研究想起2011年1曼彻斯特机场试验相似技术

    The research is reminiscent of similar technology that was tested in June 2011 in a Manchester Airport.


  • 这项研究想起2011年1曼彻斯特机场试验相似技术

    The research is reminiscent of similar technology that was tested in June 2011 in a Manchester Airport.


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