• 在汽车人的战役,找到并摧毁所有隐藏霸天虎标志

    Grimlock, Smash! -25 Destroy all hidden Decepticon symbols in the Autobot Campaign.


  • 拉古暴君(405-3'7年)因对西西里岛迦太基战役而出名。

    Tyrant of Syracuse (405-3 '7) noted for his campaigns against the Carthaginians in Sicily.


  • 摩西战役手持权杖使以色列击败约书亚标枪同样事情。

    Moses holds out a rod during the battle in order that Israel prevails over her enemies, and Joshua will do the same with a javelin.


  • 亲眼目睹了年前意大利索法里诺战役重大伤亡,有4万杀、受伤失踪

    He had witnessed the heavy casualties at the Battle of Solferino in Italy four years earlier, in which 40,000 people were killed, wounded or missing.


  • 欧元区,债权和债务之间的战役一再上演,成本较高的国家新的金本位连在一起,其具体方式德国那样,通过出口拉动经济增长。

    This battle is about to be re-enacted in the euro zone, where higher-cost countries have tied themselves to a new gold standard, in the form of the hyper-efficient German export machine.


  • 关注饮食只是这场战役一半———年轻不动的文化只能今后积攒更多问题

    Watching what you eat is only half the battle - a sedentary youth culture will only store up more problems for the future.


  • 格罗夫斯答道连续5赢得战役将军称得上伟大”,不过一百个只有3得此殊荣

    Groves replied that any general who won five major battles in a row might be called great, and that about three in every hundred would qualify.


  • “这个仪式印象非常深刻,”参加了仪式的安德鲁·费斯汀(AndrewFesting)。他父亲弗朗西斯·费斯汀(Francis Festing)是陆军元帅,曾担任同盟国缅甸战役中的指挥官。

    "It was a very impressive performance," said Andrew Festing, son of Field Marshal Sir Francis Festing, a commander in the Allies' Burma campaign, who attended the ceremony.


  • 它们是以nagaybaki哥萨克著名的战役命名的。

    They were named after battles in which nagaybaki Cossacks distinguished themselves.


  • 果不出所料最近北约扩大战役规模,增派3万美军进入阿富汗南部举动不屑一顾

    Predictably, both were dismissive of a recent step-up in NATO's campaign, a surge of 30,000 extra American troops into southern Afghanistan.


  • 果不出所料最近北约扩大战役规模,增派3万美军进入阿富汗南部举动不屑一顾

    Predictably, both were dismissive of a recent step-up in NATO’s campaign, a surge of 30, 000 extra American troops into southern Afghanistan.


  • 有名汽船参加了1942年那场战役,运送了超过一万八千伏尔加河的左岸。

    The famous little steamer participated in the war actions of 1942 and took over 18000 people to the left bank of the Volga river.


  • 50年后美国处于海外战役中,有些认为艾森豪·威尔警告仍然有效。

    Fifty years later, the United States is engaged in two wars abroad, and some say Eisenhower's warning still holds true.


  • 陶顿战役之后9寄出一封信时任英国宰相乔治内维尔(George Neville)写道28 000战役丧生爱德华其母中的数字一致

    In a letter sent nine days after the battle George Neville, the then chancellor of England, wrote that 28, 000 men died that day, a figure in accord with a letter sent by Edward to his mother.


  • 这场战役领导

    He is the leader of the campaign.


  • 修昔底德自己作为一雅典将军声称由于安菲玻里战役败北而被解职认为在伯里克利雅典变得莽撞狡诈善变

    Thucydides himself an athenian general who was sacked for his alleged failures at the battle of amphipolis judged the athenians to be rash and mercurial after the death of pericles.


  • 葛底斯堡战事最终尘埃落定,整个战役中,北军的损失将近23000南军的损失估计则在20000到28000之间

    The battle was effectively over. Federal losses numbered approximately 23, 000, while estimates of Confederate losses range between 20, 000 and 28, 000.


  • 每一个在庆祝诺森德战役结束

    Everyone celebrates the end of the Northrend campaign.


  • 这场战役中,他们死了2700我们牺牲800,这我们来说大获全胜一战啊!

    In this battle, they were killed 2700 people, but we only expense of 800 people, this is a victory for us, a war!


  • 随着克隆战争爆发绝地发现自己被迫身先士卒,参与军事行动在打击分离势力战役担任将军

    With the outbreak of the Clone Wars, the Jedi saw themselves pressed into the forefront of military activity, serving as Generals in the campaign against the Separatists.


  • 阿拉摩战役不满二百人的守军十二天内击退了几千墨西哥次又一次进攻

    In the Alamo battle, less than two hundred defenders repulse the attack by thousands of Mexican in twelve days.


  • 阿拉摩战役不满二百人的守军十二天内击退了几千墨西哥一次又一次的进攻

    In the Alamo battle, less than two hundred defend ers repulse the attack by thousands of Mexican in twelve days.


  • 雅文战役不久帮赫特赏金霍斯星系抓住了·索洛卢克·天行者丘巴卡

    Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, a group of Jabba the Hutt's bounty hunters captured Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca in the Hoth system.


  • 科洛桑战役期间克隆指挥官“老率领第七中队为欧比-万·克阿纳金·天行者驾驶绝地星际战斗机提供掩护

    During the Battle of Coruscant, Squad Seven, led by Clone Commander Odd Ball, provided cover to the Jedi starfighters piloted by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.


  • 帝国全面战争自诩全面重写ai,机器具有宽广战略战术智能,陆地大海战役地图上提供让敬畏对手

    Empire: Total War will boast a full re-write of the ai with a wider range of strategies and tactics, providing a formidable opponent on land, sea and on the campaign map.


  • 西蒙·比克罗夫特撰写星球大战:克隆进攻内部世界》(2002年,DK图书)说科思在吉奥诺·西斯战役中阵亡。

    Inside the Worlds of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones by Simon Beecroft (2002, DK Books) describes Koth as a casualty of the Battle of Geonosis.


  • 战役期间,477娅德尔同族中仍是个年轻

    At 477 years of age during the Battle of Naboo, Yaddle was considered young for her species.


  • 战役期间,477娅德尔同族中仍是个年轻

    At 477 years of age during the Battle of Naboo, Yaddle was considered young for her species.


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