• 基本上就是使命——知道需要承担什么

    This is basically one mission - to know what you need to bear.


  • 景峰使命秉承领先技术追求精良制造

    Prime's mission is to: uphold the leading technology, the pursuit of sophisticated manufacturing;


  • 救世主已经找到保罗所以认为自己肩负召集人的使命

    The Messiah had already come for Paul, so that's why he seems himself as going to get the Gentiles in.


  • 犹太教改革派主要思想包括“进化启示”、“犹太使命否认犹太复国”。

    The main ideas of Reform Judaism are"progressive revelation", the"mission of Israel"and the"abolishment of Restoration".


  • 咖啡馆起名为‘吉普赛使命’,符合流动性的含义,流浪者更加简单明了

    He thought of calling his cafe the "Gypsy Spirit Mission", which also captures the theme of mobility, but settled for the simpler Nomad.


  • 我们这一代使命-生命自由追求幸福这些字眼、这些权利、这些价值-真正成为每一个美国现实。

    That is our generation's task - to make these words, these rights, these values - of Life, and Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness - real for every American.


  • 我们这一代使命-生命自由追求幸福这些字眼、这些权利、这些价值-真正成为每一个美国现实。

    That is our generation's task - to make these words, these rights, these values - of Life, and Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happine - real for every American.


  • Facebook完成其创始使命——成为网络世界的“社交工具”——还有很长的路谷歌已经建立了一个竞争性业务

    Facebook has far to go before it fulfils its founder's mission to become the "social utility" of the online world and Google has launched a rival service.


  • 组织如果专注他们期望的最终结果,就无法蓬勃发展;正如如果没有目标提供使命,就无法成功一样。

    Organizations cannot thrive without being focused on their desired end results any more than an individual can thrive without goals to provide a sense of purpose.


  • 不是向往的境况,然而这是值得为奋斗的事业,一个我最终得以信赖遵从使命尽管我时常遭到阻挠。

    It is not a position one aspires to, but it is a cause I find worthy of battle and a call, though sometimes I may resist, I will ultimately trust and obey.


  • 今后几个星期全世界几十亿都将聚精会神地关注世界足联的世界杯比赛,我们吁请各地球员球迷们支持我们的使命

    Over the next few weeks, as billions of people worldwide focus on the FIFA world Cup, we appeal to players and fans everywhere to support to us in our mission.


  • 怒气冲冲地追他们,简直象瘟神——猩红热某个羽毛未丰专司惩罚这类小天使使命就是惩处正在成长的一代罪孽

    She resembled, in her fierce pursuit of them, an infant pestilence - the scarlet fever, or some such half-fledged angel of judgment - whose mission was to punish the SINS of the rising generation.


  • 丘吉尔一样直面挑战作为他们使命

    Both consider it their calling to rise Churchill-like to the challenge.


  • 如果维和警察交出这些,那么承诺保卫平民使命遭受致命危害

    If the peacekeepers hand them over, their avowed mission to protect civilians could be fatally compromised.


  • 我们认为翻译对于完成使信息每一个有益使命至关重要

    We believe that translation is key to our mission of making information useful to everyone.


  • 月球基地之后二十三十年内太空探索将继续进展也许运载机器邻近星系执行探测使命

    With continuing advances, it may be possible to launch robotic missions to nearby star systems within two or three decades after the commissioning of the first lunar base.


  • 其他领导则敲打着讲台要求银行恢复真正的使命”:从事风险的商业信贷业务

    Others will thump lecterns and call for banks to return to theirproper function” of low-risk lending to business.


  • 两旁是水晶墙,前面是耶和华的荣光。 终夜是这样;到了天一亮,最后一个以色列,大东风的使命便完成了。

    So on through all that night; and when, at dawn of the next day, the last of Israel's host set foot upon the other shore, the work of the stormy wind was done.


  • 对于亚美尼亚获得对祖先命运承认一项神圣的使命

    For Armenians, securing recognition of their ancestors’ fate is a sacred cause.


  • 对于亚美尼亚获得对祖先命运承认一项神圣的使命

    For Armenians, securing recognition of their ancestors' fate is a sacred cause.


  • 所有的东西-业务也好也好-从属于这一使命打造伟大的产品

    Everything - the business, the people - are subservient to the mission: building great products.


  • 盖茨指出所有北约28个成员国投票支持实施针对利比亚领导卡扎菲使命参与行动的成员国还不到一半

    Gates noted that all 28 NATO members voted for the mission against Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, but fewer than half have participated.


  • 假若不惜任何代价委身完成使命,你有些一样,经历到非凡的赐福

    If you will commit to fulfilling your mission in life no matter what it costs, you will experience the blessing of God in ways that few people ever experience.


  • 如果你们投身于像新闻工作任何事情希望你们能够一般更加感到一种光荣使命感。

    If you venture into anything resembling journalism, I hope you’ll be more honorable than that crowd.


  • 白宫发言布斯星期三美国按计划在八月底结束伊拉克战斗使命

    White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Wednesday that the United States is on track to end its combat mission in Iraq at the end of the month as planned.


  • 受训完成使命无论看起来多么困难表现很难想象彼得乌斯会失败

    Military officers are trained to complete a mission, no matter how difficult it might seem, and Petraeus appears quite incapable of imagining that he might not succeed, which is optimism of a sort.


  • 他说:“我们一个必须执行我们使命,要认识到,让当地了解我们尊重他们,尊重他们的文化敏感性,我们做事是负责的,有透明度这些对于我们赢得阿富汗信任非常必要。”

    Each of us must execute our mission with the realization that displaying respect, cultural sensitivity, accountability and transparency are essential in gaining the trust of the Afghan people.


  • 对于Google来说,‘我们继续履行我们使命这12亿服务’——那样是行不通的。

    For Google to say, 'We're going to live on our mission, but not serve 1.2 billion people' — it just doesn't work.


  • 对于Google来说,‘我们继续履行我们使命这12亿服务’——那样是行不通的。

    For Google to say, 'We're going to live on our mission, but not serve 1.2 billion people' — it just doesn't work.


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