• 至于所说的“电视剧”,我想并不重要吧。

    As to the most convulsed TV Series, it's not important.


  • 仍然痴迷一样观察移动反应机器概念类似于《西部世界》和《类》热门科幻电视剧所刻画类机器

    Humans remain fascinated by the idea of robots that would look, move, and respond like humans, similar to those recently depicted on popular sci-fi TV series such as "Westworld" and "Humans."


  • 当年他们两在将海明威的作品改编电视剧,勉强糊口的作家一个是参演过古装动作大作《圣杯》的电影明星

    One was a struggling writer adapting a Hemingway story for television; the other was that movie's star, still smarting from the sword-and-sandal bomb the Silver Chalice.


  • 重要,看到剧情电视剧能拍得如此出色,实在感到兴奋。

    Most of all, it's exciting that TV dramasare getting this good.


  • 因此,是不是可以说, “走路会议” 【这个词出自电视剧白宫西》(The West Wing),用来描述那些在白宫走廊里让不过气会议】硅谷具有特别的意义?

    So is the pedaconference (a term made famous by the TV show The West Wing, which often depicted breathless meetings taking place along the halls of the White House) particular to Silicon Valley?


  • 朽木》:没有哪部电视剧起来如此愉悦的感觉——只要你厌恶其中的一些脏话,瑕不掩瑜

    Deadwood: no series has ever been such a pleasure to just listen to -assuming one is not offended by profanity in all its splendor.


  • 电视剧制片铃木说道:“我们希望该剧可以展示出日本应该选择的前进方向,我们必须历史中汲取经验。”

    "We tried to show the direction that we thought Japan should be going," says Kei Suzuki, the series' producer. "we have to learn from history."


  • 尼尔•拜尔NBC大热电视剧法律秩序特殊受害执行制片并且是《仁心仁术》最初编剧之一

    Neal Baer is the Executive Producer of the NBC hit series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and one of the original writers on ER .


  • 独自远方徘徊畅游,一个晚霞映红西山,一个着早餐,一个独自去,一个看着电视剧说着不知所云的话

    When you go travelling far way, you watch the beautiful sunset varnishing the sky, you have breakfast alone, fall asleep alone and watch the TV dramas alone without knowing what it is about.


  • 所有校园主题电视剧制片都不能不面对一个现实的问题:到底是违背客观事实主演们能一直出现在剧中还是顺其自然他们毕业”?

    It's a question every producer of a school-themed show must face. Do we ignore reality in order to keep our stars on camera, or do we let them graduate in order to keep some measure of integrity?


  • 区域更多旅游有助于消解部分疑虑文化同样发挥着作用亚洲许多年轻听着日本流行音乐、看着日本漫画长大;而日本则同样热衷于韩国女子乐队电视剧

    More tourism within the region may help ease some of the misgivings. Culture also plays a role: many young people in Asia were brought up on Japan’s J-pop music scene and manga comics.


  • 文化作用同样不可小觑——亚洲各地许多年轻进入日本流行音乐动漫市场日本反过来也着迷于韩国女子团体电视剧

    Culture also plays a role: many young people in Asia were brought up on Japan's J-pop music scene and manga comics. The Japanese, for their part, are wowed by South Korea's girl bands and soap operas.


  • 一部好的小说优秀电视剧,里面都有着心弦的故事,有意思的角色曲折的情节,让进退两难的境地…这些还是入胜的。

    Just like good novels, good TV series have compelling narratives, engaging and interesting characters, clever plot twists, thorny moral dilemmas... they're far from being trash.


  • 据《广州日报》报道周杰伦执导的首部电视剧熊猫收视广州影视频道创下新低,开演第3仅有5000观看该剧。

    Ratings of Taiwan singer Jay Chou's first TV series "Panda Men" hit a record low 3 days after its debut in a Guangzhou chanel, since only 5000 people watched it, Guangzhou Daily reported.


  • 毫无疑问大多数缅甸愿意本来就少的可怜的电量来收看韩国电视剧

    Unsurprisingly, most Burmese prefer to save their scarce electricity for South Korean soap operas.


  • 结果发现比起没有收看医学电视剧年轻那些收看过此类电视剧有可能高估接受心肺复苏术后幸存几率

    The survey found that people who watched medical dramas were more likely than people who didn't to overestimate survival rates for patients needing CPR. (See the best TV shows of the decade.)


  • 还记得Sliders那个电视剧吗,有些不同的宇宙“对应的自己”,有些没有

    Remember on that show Sliders, how some people have "doubles" and others didn't on the various worlds?


  • 你可以通过精读脸书(facebook)或者本杂志“单调你生活”。有些可能仅仅坐在电视前一时间新闻或者看愚蠢的电视剧重播

    Some people might just exist for a period of time in front of TV news or a rerun of a mindless sitcom.


  • 文化作用同样不可小觑——亚洲各地许多年轻进入日本流行音乐动漫市场,而日本反过来也正着迷韩国女子团体电视剧

    Culture also plays a role: many young people in Asia were brought up on Japan's J-pop music scene and manga comics.The Japanese, for their part, are wowed by South Korea's girl bands and soap operas.


  • 40岁的黄西去年在美国出演电视剧大卫莱特曼秀”,出场一句:“爱尔兰。”让所有观众捧腹大笑

    When the 40-year-old Mr. Wong played the "Late Show With David Letterman" last year, people cracked up when he walked out and said, "Hi, everybody….So, I'm Irish."


  • 虽然它一直喜剧类电影电视剧永恒题材似乎一代不得不自己学习如何这种三角关系维持下去。

    It has been fodder for comedy in movies and on TV forever, yet each generation seems to have to learn for itself how to make this triangle work.


  • 这么多!但愿一部电视剧

    What a crowd! Let's hope the TV play is good.


  • 许多电视剧极其投合年轻的喜好。

    No. Many TV plays all appeal to young people.


  • 这部电视剧主要演员哪些

    Who's in the cast of this TV play?


  • 而且,从小到大一直都看美国电视剧所有澳洲一样。

    And I also grew up with American TV, like all of us Australians.


  • 港真仅仅一些展示土耳其苏丹富有生活的电视剧,很容易让产生这种感觉

    Seriously, just by watching some TV shows about Ottoman sultans who were very rich, people have this idea.


  • 赍“洪荒之力”一个史无前例力量,它首次出现于中国电视剧花千骨》当中

    To refer to one's prehistoric power, first appeared in the Chinese television drama The Journey of Flower.


  • 赍“洪荒之力”一个史无前例力量,它首次出现于中国电视剧花千骨》当中

    To refer to one's prehistoric power, first appeared in the Chinese television drama The Journey of Flower.


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