• 根据词典的解释,是而非就是看起来矛盾特点的东西,或者通常信念认可的东西相反。

    According to the dictionary, a paradox is something that seems to have contradictory qualities or that is contrary to common belief or what generally makes sense to people.


  • 脸上上某种颜色以象征这个性格和品质、角色和命运,京剧特点也是理解剧情的关键。

    One major characteristic of Peking Opera is the color painted on the face of a character. It is vital to the understanding of a play.


  • 墓葬用战斧陪葬也是绳纹器文化特点时代的出土墓穴都墓,男性墓内通常都石斧

    It is also known as a single-grave and battleaxe culture due to separate burials and the Mena s habit of being buried with stone axes.


  • 写作中,这些特点能够作为写作风格研究深度评价

    All these characteristics are evaluated as per one's writing style and in depth research done while writing an essay.


  • 下面图片想起特里安作品虽然剩余的部分包含了非常微妙但是显而易见的特点

    The image below recalls the work of Piet Mondrian, while the remainder of the home comprises a very subtle-yet-palpable sense of character.


  • 2008年底经济危机爆发之时,评论说电玩游戏本身特点

    As the economic crisis hit in late 2008, some said the same about the industry itself.


  • 制片希望这辆飞入空中时候看不到空隙,但是知道如果起飞过程点点剪辑出来以展示这辆车的特点那么这看上去很假

    The producer wanted the car to seamlessly take off into the air, but Barris knew it would look phony if the takeoff sequence was edited each time one of the car's features deployed.


  • 多种方式可以了解性格特点

    There are lots of ways to know someone's personality.


  • 毫无疑问眼睛美丽特点

    Eyes are undoubtedly one of the most beautiful features that one has.


  • 阿齐兹·伊南解释说,详细地来观察这个日期时还有有趣的数学特点

    Inan explained that when one looks closely at the date, it too has some interesting mathematical properties.


  • 只要你往卧室或者办公室里就会发现性格特点,同样,看收集音乐如此

    Just as a glimpse inside a bedroom or office provides clues about someone's character, so too can a peek at his music collection.


  • 丁梅斯代尔先生出于自身性格许多特点自然无疑地本应属于最后的。

    Not improbably, it was to this latter class of men that Mr. Dimmesdale, by many of his traits of character, naturally belonged.


  • 个叫马文机器可以用“消极”来概括特点

    There's a robot in those books, Marvin, who's — depressed, I think is the simple word about it.


  • 当时研究好象是个性化医疗的重大突破——想想看,只要我们了解病症分子层面有哪些特点就可以之进行针对性治疗,这是多么聪明的想法

    At the time, this work looked like a tremendous advance for personalised medicine—the idea that understanding the molecular specifics of an individual's illness will lead to a tailored treatment.


  • 广州特点热闹茶馆喝茶享受天伦之乐

    Families get together in noisy tea houses to enjoy tea, and family happiness is distinctive to Guangzhou.


  • 味觉不仅仅提供卫生习惯的参照窗口同时了解她们中的不可见DNA特点

    Sense of smell doesn't just provide a window into hygiene habits; it also gives women access to the unseen DNA of their chosen mate.


  • 这种方法中,科学家通过运用血液携带免疫T细胞特点,可以估计年龄,而误差左右

    The method exploits a characteristic of immune cells carried in the blood known as t cells. The approach enables scientists to estimate a person's age, give or take nine years either side.


  • 不同我们告诉只是信用卡特点而是行为特点

    The difference is that we'd be telling people not just about a particular credit card's characteristics but about what those characteristics mean in terms of human behavior.


  • 所以,虽然设有国会,议会,绝对主义国家特点就是君主不必召开这些代议机构因为说了算

    So, you have these diets and you have these parliaments, but one of the characteristics of absolute rule is that you don't have to call these bodies because the king is the big person.


  • 虽然盖茨能融入孩子们的生活里,但感情上却多少有点内敛,孩子认为可能符合他那特点

    While very involved in his kids' lives, Mr.Gates Sr. was somewhat distant emotionally, which his children say probably reflects his generation.


  • 虽然盖茨融入孩子们的生活里,但感情上却多少有点内敛,孩子们认为,可能符合特点

    While very involved in his kids' lives, Mr. Gates Sr. was somewhat distant emotionally, which his children say probably reflects his generation.


  • 牛头自己特点它们长着被吓到的脸。

    But bulldogs have character. They have a certain look... they're the kind of dog you look at and you get scared.


  • 牛头自己特点它们长著被吓到的脸。

    But bulldogs have character.They have a certain look... they're the kind of dog you look at and you get scared.


  • 上帝创造的时候,赋予这个特点才能,那些都是与生俱来的。

    When God designed you, he put certain characteristics and abilities into your DNA structure.


  • 阿尔·凯尔说:“显著特点贫困口中大部分居住南亚。”换句话说,被我们认定贫困口的17亿,51%居住亚洲

    "One striking feature is that most of the poor people live in South Asia - 51 percent of the 1.7 billion people that we have identified as poor are resident in that continent," says Alkire.


  • 亲密伙伴朋友同龄之间关系上特点增加虐待儿童危险其中包括

    A number of characteristics of relationships within families or among intimate partners, friends and peers may increase the risk of child maltreatment. These include.


  • 亲密伙伴朋友同龄之间关系上特点增加虐待儿童危险其中包括

    A number of characteristics of relationships within families or among intimate partners, friends and peers may increase the risk of child maltreatment. These include.


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