• 这些作品中的人物加以比较,他们蒙娜丽莎人物特征惊人的相似

    Comparisons between the characters in these works, and the characteristics of the Mona Lisa reveal striking similarities.


  • 所有事实,包括人物特征历史背景,社会地理环境等等

    It's all the facts about the characterisation, the history, the society, the physical setting and so on.


  • 相反他们只是根据自己生活片面无知理解编造故事情节人物特征

    Instead, they just fabricate their plots and characters based on their one-sided and ignorant understanding of life.


  • 侧面轮廓表现人物特征表情并且注重人类表情最丰富的脸部各个份。

    The characteristics and expressions of people show well in outline . Silhouettes focus on the face and its various parts where human expression is concentrated.


  • 了解一种人物特征能发掘他们弱点不利因素 同时也越希望他们最终成功。

    It's a natural law: The better you know a character, the more deeply you see their vulnerability and the odds stacked against them, the more you want them to succeed.


  • 作家可以为了写一本小说不断的修改人物特征故事大纲,不断地一遍一遍修改修改,直到最后被迫放弃。

    A writer can work on a novel, working in characters and plotlines, and then work on revision after revision, only to abandon it.


  • 警察尝试寻找重罪嫌疑犯时,警方素描专家可能通过目击者的交流,完成一副粗略的人物特征素描画像。

    When police are trying to find a suspect in a serious crime, a police sketch artist may be called in to interview witnesses and come up with a rough sketch of the person's features.


  • 人物特征表现内容结构情节语言特征方面《第二十二条军规》均呈现出独特的写作技巧构思

    This article elaborates the writing technique and conception in the literary work from the aspects of the character features, forms of expression, structure plot and the language characteristics, etc.


  • 创造虚构的人物时,你几乎总会名单几个不同特征结合起来,形成一个人物身份个性

    As you create fictional characters, you'll almost always combine characteristics from several different people on your list to form the identity and personality of just one character.


  • 这些人物以及他们行为性格特征出发点勾画人物形象。

    You use these people, and the bits of behavior or characteristics as a starting point as you begin to sketch out your characters.


  • 可以改变人物脸上生理特征制造出一种年龄效果类似于电影《本杰明-巴顿奇事》特效工程师布拉德-皮特的那种处理。

    It could also change the physical features of a person’s face to create an age effect, similar to what the special effects technicians did with Brad Pitt in .


  • 结婚了,直到昨天才发现阿莱克斯非常喜欢从表情人物形象里抠除这个关键的面部特征

    Ten years of marriage, and it's only yesterday that I discover Alex is perfectly willing to deprive her emoticon-people of a critical facial feature.


  • 两个类型看起来好像完全不相干它们统一在一起的,就是故事强烈人物性格特征,如果没有这一特征,此类故事将不复存在。

    These two types of stories seem polar opposites, but what holds them together and defines them is the strong central character that creates the reason for the story to be told.


  • 剧本的时候,将收集的这些人物性格特征体现到你的剧本中。

    Incorporate the character information you've compiledinto your screenplay as you write.


  • Carley说,很多阿斯·伯格综合症患者自己的诊断有着一种自豪感,因为历史上一些重要人物比如爱因斯坦爱迪生,也被描述成有此特征的人。

    Many people with Asperger's take pride in a diagnosis that probably describes some major historical figures, including Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison, Carley says.


  • 佛朗哥教授在接受意大利报纸LaStampsa采访时说:“每一幅画作中的人物我们展示人类敏感和脆弱特征,而这些都不依赖画家本身的意志和感知。”

    Franco told the Italian newspaper, La Stampsa: "The people depicted [in art] tell us about their vulnerable humanity, independently of the awareness of the artist."


  • 如果完成了一步,列出人物主要性格特征,然后继续下一步。

    When you have this worked out for the main characters, proceedto the next step.


  • 一个实验中要求评价虚拟人物特征这些人物一些生活在被试出生国家,一些则是移民外国

    In one experiment participants were asked to judge the characters of imaginary people, some who lived in the country in which they were born, and some who had moved abroad.


  • 尽可能多地写出剧本每个人物主要性格特征如果每个人物写出整整那么完成了作业

    Write as much as you can about each of the maincharacters in your screenplay. if you can write a full page about eachcharacter, then you've done your homework.


  • 决大多数肖像画都有意的传达出个清楚简单的意向:保留人物特征同时种概括的表现形式靠拢:或是表现美丽,或是表现社会地位,或是表现虔诚

    Most portraits, by design, convey one fairly simple idea: They preserve the particulars of their sitters while bringing them into conformity with a general type, whether of beauty, rank or piety.


  • 一旦人物性格特征描述的相当充分,变得有血有肉,那继续进行下一步

    Once you've got your characters fleshed-out more fully, proceed tothe next step.


  • 创造神话不是为了叙述历史,主要目的为了赋予人物某些形式特征,”莫霍克教授

    "Mythologies aren't created for the purpose of telling history, they're created for the purpose of trying to devise some form of identity for people," said Professor Mohawk.


  • 表现那个时代特征人物必然命运

    More performance characteristic of that era and the character of the inevitable fate.


  • 庐隐小说审美特征主要体现三个方面:人物形象情感性;题材内容的写实性;小说体式的私秘性

    The Aesthetic features of Lu Yins novels are as follows: sensibility of character images; realistic writing of subject matters; and privateness of novels styles.


  • 维多利亚小说男性中产阶级人物道德观; 阶级特征

    Victorian novels; male middle class characters; moral values; class characteristics.


  • 维多利亚小说男性中产阶级人物道德观; 阶级特征

    Victorian novels; male middle class characters; moral values; class characteristics.


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