• XML数据包含演员字幕剧终感谢一系列用作效果文件以及每个人物台词(对白)。

    The XML data contains the cast list, the title and credits, a list of files to use for effects, and each character's lines (the dialogue).


  • 效果有明显形象图片比如标志人物固体对象上表现最佳

    This effect works best with pictures of definite figures, such as logos, people, and solid objects.


  • 可以改变人物脸上生理特征制造出一种年龄效果类似于电影《本杰明-巴顿奇事》特效工程师布拉德-皮特的那种处理。

    It could also change the physical features of a person’s face to create an age effect, similar to what the special effects technicians did with Brad Pitt in .


  • 作为角色来说,反派人物表现出那种通常会认为英勇的,但是他们种不同的方式行为习惯计划来达到这种效果

    The definition of an anti-hero as a character who performs acts that are generally deemed or thought to be heroic, but he/she will do so with methods, actions, manners, and intentions that are not so.


  • 部电影中,制作者抓住人物情绪肢体表现细微变化,这带来效果令人惊叹。

    Throughout the movie, the filmmakers capture tiny changes in mood and physical appearance, and the grand effects are startling.


  • 于是得到导演想要视觉效果一些想法,从哪里开始做起,人物了什么

    So that I get some sense of the director's vision and where it's going to go, and what they say.


  • 例如不能很多的搞笑滑稽场面来描绘音乐神童莫扎特吧,只能用维的效果来塑造传记人物

    You cannot depict a saint-like Amadeus, the music prodigy, as all giggles and antics. It has to be a one-dimensional portrayal.


  • 帕斯卡尔·达芬奇绘制张画时使用了多层颜料,最表面的层使用了一种特殊料,这种颜料的光学性能可增加人物面部的三效果

    Pascal Cotte said da Vinci built the painting up in layers, the last being a special glaze whose optical properties increased the illusion of a three-dimensional face.


  • 电影视觉效果非常精彩足以证明莎士比亚影片潜力,而且影片中的人物关系塑造得恰到好处,后来无数的相似电影提供模板

    The film's visual splendor proves Shakespeare's cinematic potential, while the characters' rapport has served as the template for countless romantic comedies that followed.


  • 现在可以F4光圈下任何快门速度甚至相机最快的快门速度拍摄取得想要的拍摄效果:背景模糊人物像。

    Now, you can go ahead and shoot at F4 with shutter speeds up to the Max the camera has available. And you still achieve that precious look that we all want; a portrait with a blurred background.


  • 玛丽马克思》历时完成,慢工出细活,表现人物情绪的手法一流,视觉效果令人惊叹。

    Created over five years, Mary and Max is a visual stunner about the emotionally stunted.


  • 威尔逊通过线条灯光能够精妙编制出舞台上的视觉效果剧中人物最最细微的,不详情绪转变突如其来幽默气氛整个场景的设置同步起来,达到相辅相成的效果

    With just line and light, Wilson manages to choreograph his visuals so that both minor, ominous shifts in mood and sudden bursts of humor are synchronized with the sets.


  • 同样可以考虑灯光探测器放置在两个明亮区域之间这样人物场景中移动时产生明显的效果

    You'll also want to put a probe between two bright areas, so you'll get realistic results as your character moves through the level.


  • 所以五个镜头了解到那个角色人物性格,希望这部影片也能达到这个效果

    So you get that character in 5 scenes, and hopefully it's the same in this one.


  • 但是视觉效果艺术家们同意即便改进了技术虚拟世界创造潜力还是不能取代真人演员在电影中演绎一个人物

    But visual effects artists agree, even with improved technology and the potential to create anything in the virtual world, there is no replacement for a real actor interpreting a character in a movie.


  • 最后如果上面的方法都没有效果应该试试人物搜索服务PiplSpokeo——两者都可以进行反向电邮查询Spokeo的数据库较为详尽。

    Finally, if nothing works, you should try a people search service like Pipl and Spokeo - both services let you perform reverse email lookups but Spokeo has a more comprehensive database than Pipl.


  • 看看后面人物为什么没有效果呢?上带蓝牙耳机而已。

    Have a look behind the figures, why not? Mirror with a Bluetooth headset.


  • PascalCotte认为达芬奇分层完成名画《蒙娜·丽莎》,油画的最上面一层某种特殊的透明色料层,光学特性增加人物面部的三维立体效果

    Pascal Cotte said Leonardo built the painting up in layers, the last being a special glaze whose optical properties increased the illusion of a three-dimensional face.


  • 工作人员们不仅关注背景人物审美质量为了产生最震撼效果他们要花更大力气打斗场景的编排

    Beyond attention to the aesthetic quality of the backgrounds and characters, much effort was spent on choreographing the fight sequences for maximum impact.


  • 冻结之后的回合冰冻的人物可以重新作豁免鉴定终止效果

    Every round after being frozen, the creature can a new saving throw to end the effect.


  • 灯光带来的变革:这没有打上灯光前效果(右图);光线照射进来之后,人物形象顿时像被激活了。

    Transformations: an ordinary cut-out creation (left) comes alive when a light is shined through the tube.


  • 效果游戏中已经相当惊人的,使人物生活中因为他们局促不安以及谈话相适应的笑容

    The results in game are already fairly astounding, bringing characters to life as they squirm and grin accordingly during conversations.


  • “京派”的水墨人物写生素描为基础,画出素描效果用墨重用笔严谨气势较大份量

    "Beijing Send " and ink sketch by sketch-based character, use the "Dry Brush " Draw sketch effect, re-use ink, pen rigorous, imposing greater weight is heavy.


  • 这些杂志书籍会刊载解释运动基础入门的文章、回答技术性问题有趣人物特写及介绍有助运动效果产品

    These magazines — and books, too — carry articles explaining the basics, answering technical questions, profiling interesting people and introducing products that may aid your performance.


  • 陈罡具有好的人物造型功力笔墨技巧用墨笔法表达台湾现代青年形象取得了非常好的艺术效果

    Chen Gang is good at character modeling and ink skills. He expresses the figure of modern youth in Taiwan with the brushwork of ink bone, and good artistic effect is achieved.


  • 风格独特,造就中国画效果处理全篇内容风格和谐一致,人物动作流畅结构完整

    The Chinese painting effect is used throughout the film, matching the tone and content of the film. Actions of characters are smooth and the whole structure is complete.


  • 视频教程系列针对已经一些游戏人物模型工作知识中级水平的,需要指导获得专业效果艺术家

    This video series is aimed at intermediate level artists who already have working knowledge of how to make game character models, but need guidance to obtain more professional results.


  • 一个画面就像鞋盒造景那样,被赋予了生命我们可以依靠转动摄像头更清楚地看到3d效果如何使人物变得栩栩如生的。

    Each tableau, like a shoebox diorama, was animated, and we could move the camera around to better see how the 3d effect made the characters pop.


  • 一个画面就像鞋盒造景那样,被赋予了生命我们可以依靠转动摄像头更清楚地看到3d效果如何使人物变得栩栩如生的。

    Each tableau, like a shoebox diorama, was animated, and we could move the camera around to better see how the 3d effect made the characters pop.


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