• 相机模拟来说,“美国注重焦距,而东亚注重全景,”供职达拉斯得克萨斯州大学脑部康复中心丹尼斯·派克医生

    To use a camera analogy, "the Americans are more zoom and the East Asians are more panoramic," said Dr. Denise Park of the Center for Brain Health at the University of Texas in Dallas.


  • 喜剧感十足;著名“真理之口”的戏,两的对手戏旗鼓相当,这也是派克从影生涯少见的喜剧镜头。

    Peck matches her stride for stride in one of the very few comedies in his filmography .


  • 奥迪派出辆机器TTS跑车电脑全球定位系统就能行驶到派克峰顶峰

    Audi is sending a robotic version of its TTS sports car to navigate to the top of Pikes Peak only guided by computers and GPS.


  • 现在陷入译恐怖“怪圈”:11月派克河附近矿井发生爆炸,阿尔卑斯山克莱斯特彻,共计29死亡

    The South Island has now had its share of horror stories: in November an explosion at a coal mine at Pike River, across the Southern Alps from Christchurch, killed 29 men.


  • 夫妇二他们3个孩子位于派克大街740号的一栋占地9千平方英尺双层洋房里。

    They live in a nine-thousand-square-foot duplex at 740 Park Avenue, with their three children.


  • 被看作普遍更有同情心的英国BBC节目主持环境学保护主义者克里斯·派克汉姆(Chris Packham)呼吁不要浪费金钱拯救大熊猫

    In supposedly sentimental Britain, BBC presenter and environmentalist Chris Packham urged us not to waste our money trying to save the giant panda.


  • 第一次约会时奥巴马米歇尔了一场由黑导演派克拍摄的电影《为所应为》。

    On their first date Barack took her to see 'Do The Right Thing', a Spike Lee movie set in Harlem.


  • 美国爱荷华派克斯堡市5月25号受到龙卷风肆虐,造成罹难、222栋房屋全毁,共约400栋房屋受损

    The tornado that battered Parkersburg in Iowa on the 25th of May took six lives, destroyed 222 houses and damaged another 400 homes.


  • 我们集中精力阿里搜索,以便有效地使用这种装置,”一位警犬训练员约翰·派克警官如是说。

    "We concentrated more on the person search with Arry so that we can use this equipment more effectively," said a dog trainer, Constable John Parker.


  • 现在奉承君子协定教育性显而易见的。格里高利派克装扮一个犹太(大家也是这样认为的)揭露告发反犹太。”

    It is easy now to cringe at the didacticism of "Gentleman's Agreement," in which Gregory Peck pretends to be a Jew (and is actually believed to be one) to expose and denounce anti-Semitism.


  • 电影导演派克·拒绝参加今年奥斯卡颁奖典礼因为被提名者全部是白种

    Film director Spike Lee says he'll boycott this year's Oscars because of the exclusively white list of nominees in the acting categories.


  • 尽管承认这些,不过到目前为止,她认为派克也并不是那种父亲败坏这种职业名声谴责他们。

    Although she had to admit that, thus far, she didn't think that Mr. Pike was one of the men that her father would accused of giving the occupation a bad name.


  • 派克脏兮兮袖子擦着,他的黑黑的眼睛遇见另外一个发亮的眼睛。

    Pike wiped his face with a dirty sleeve, and his dark eyes met the other man's light ones.


  • 二月希尔宣称类似计划,在科罗拉多派克斯峰顶建造座巨大金字塔——外星同时使用

    In February, Hill announced a similar plan to build a giant pyramid on top of Pikes Peak in Coloradoto be used by both humans and aliens.


  • 使用欧乃派克496,发生过敏有不良反应24两者阳性率有统计学差异P<0.0001)。

    Twenty-four of the 496 patients treated with omnipaque 24 had both allergic history and adverse reaction to iodine contrast media, showing significant difference(P<0.0001).


  • 本周意大利参加峰会世界领导如果遇上风暴,那么他们穿上达弗设计派克大衣。贝达弗是为电影明星制作上衣的著名品牌。

    World leaders gathering in Italy for a summit this week will be able to don parkas designed by Belstaff, the maker of the movie star's jackets if things get stormy.


  • 本周意大利参加峰会世界领导如果遇上风暴,那么他们穿上达弗设计派克大衣。贝达弗是为电影明星制作上衣的著名品牌。

    World leaders gathering in Italy for a summit this week will be able to don parkas designed by Belstaff, the maker of the movie star's jackets if things get stormy.


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