• 是否精通某种语言并不决定一个工作表现是否远程员工之间保持顺畅的沟通非常关键

    Mastery of a certain language may or may not be relevant to the work you need performed, however, being able to communicate clearly with your remote worker is vital.


  • 渴望当地沟通更加融洽的旅行者游客将要有个新玩意:GoogleAndroid手机上的跨语言翻译工具将要推出的“对话模式”。

    Travelers and tourists longing to communicate better with locals may be in luck very soon.


  • 语言到底用来干什么的呢?一些认为它是用来操练语法规则和学习一大堆单词——而且单词长越好。这个想法错误的。语言是用 来交换思想,进行交流沟通的!

    the words the better. That’s wrong. Language is for the exchange of ideas, for communication.


  • 研究天生就是聋子从没有学过西班牙语其它正式的符号语言但是他们有一套他们周围沟通手语系统

    Members of the group were born deaf and never learned Spanish or a formal sign language, but they have developed a gesture system to communicate with people around them.


  • 作为企业领导如果鼓励沟通,那你需要注意自己面部表情音调还有肢体语言

    Be conscious of your facial expressions, tone of voice and body language if you're a leader trying to encourage communication.


  • 大部分曾经体验过紧张特别是舌头下巴脸部脖子肩膀部分。而且通常没有察觉持续不断压力会影响他们语言语言沟通

    Most people experience tension specifically in the tongue, jaw, face, neck, or shoulders and are normally unaware of how much that consistent stress impacts their verbal and non-verbal communication.


  • 我们使用多种语言,与很多沟通但是我们特别关注青年因为相较于我们他们更加专注社交媒体

    We are working in many languages, we are reaching many people, but we are particularly focused on young people because they are more engaged in social media than, let's say, people of my generation.


  • 欧洲多种语言唯一原因有用因为他们可以他们邻居沟通

    The only reason Europeans speak multiple languages is because it is actually useful to them to communicate with their neighbors.


  • 每当旅客去一个语言不通国家游玩无法言语清楚表达自我时,他们总会用手势当地沟通

    When words fail - and they usually do - holidaymakers resort to hand gestures to communicate with locals in a country where they don't speak the language.


  • 一些认为用来练习语法规则沉闷许多单词——而且单词越越好这种想法是不对的,语言用来交换思想是为了交流沟通的。

    Some people seem to think it's for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words — the longer the words the better, that's wrong, language is for the exchange of ideas, for communication.


  • 觉得语言奇妙艺术沟通桥梁。

    I think language is a marvellous art and we know each other by it.


  • 也许你们当中有一固执己见地认为力量大小转移出现是因为通过面部表情身体语言或者一些其它肢体动作细微暗示进行沟通

    Perhaps one of you will insist that this shift happens because you were communicating subtle cues through facial expression, body language, or some other physical action.


  • 另外一些语言学家认为好的英语可以满足一个沟通目的个限制

    Others believe there are limits to how well English can go in suiting everyone for communication purposes.


  • 语言能够成为之间沟通桥梁

    And language can be a bridge between two people.


  • 受访者表示他们没有主动用当地语言沟通当地他们的反应比较负面

    Some 45 percent of respondents said locals have acted negatively towards them because they don't make the effort to communicate in the local language.


  • 去过许多地方,跟当地根本无法语言沟通我每次都顺利地找到支持指引有用的建议有时甚至找到了女友

    I've been in lots of places where I could not communicate with words at all, and I always found support, guidance, useful advice, and even girlfriends.


  • 学习英语觉得快乐因为全世界有着共同语言我们沟通变得更加容易世界一家,英语我们靠近

    Learning English made me feel good happy, because the world have a common language, our communication easier, the world would like a family, English Let us closer to the heart.


  • 电视节目主持有声语言主持开口说出语言相对无声体态语言而言的,这是主持赖以沟通媒介受众主要手段

    In contrast to the case of silent body language, the verbal language of TV hosts refers to the spoken language, which is the primary means of media and audience communication.


  • 字句寄信亲笔写的,那种沟通感觉从字里行间透出,这些真实信息的传递,不是用语言可以说得清的。

    The letters written by sender himself can express some real feelings typed words cannot reach. An old saying says: word is meeting.


  • 字句寄信亲笔写的,那种沟通感觉从字里行间透出,这些真实信息的传递,不是用语言可以说得清的。

    The letters written by sender himself can express some real feelings typed words cannot reach. An old saying says: word is meeting.


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