• 人们关注人民币汇率升值外部压力

    It is more concerned about the appreciation of the RMB exchange rate of external pressure.


  • 问题出:“人民币汇率升值美国创造了多少就业?”

    The question was: “How many US jobs would be created by raising the renminbi exchange rate?”


  • 人民币汇率运行平稳海外市场继续保持人民币汇率升值预期

    RMB exchange rate kept stable, and the expectation of RMB appreciation continued in offshore markets.


  • 我国一直采取自愿出口限制、出口措施,在人民币汇率升值适当调整

    China has been adopting the measures of voluntary export restraints and export duties to cope with trade frictions, but such measures should be adjusted to suit the exchange rate appreciation.


  • 当前关于人民币汇率问题受人们关注,国际社会要求人民币汇率升值的呼声日益高涨

    The issue of the exchange rate of RMB has invited a lot of attention and the demand for the appreciation of RMB from the international community has been on the rise.


  • 尤其是2002年开始人民币汇率升值压力凸显以来关于人民币汇率走向问题备受世人瞩目

    Since 2002, under the appreciation pressure of RMB, economists and policy designers have been focusing their attention upon the moving trend of RMB exchange rate.


  • 自从2002年日本财政大臣盐川人民币汇率问题发难以来,关于人民币汇率升值争论此起彼伏,高潮迭起

    Since 2002 Japanese Chancellor started revolt about RMB rate of exchange problem, the disputation concerning revalue of RMB rate of exchange is increasing.


  • 因为国际收支平衡表趋于平衡人民币汇率大幅升值理论基础并不存在

    With the BOP account moving closer to equilibrium, the basis for large-scale appreciation of the RMB exchange rate does not exist.


  • 此外,由于中国2005年抛弃严格美元挂钩汇率政策,人民币平均升值幅度达到了4.2%。

    And since China ditched its strict dollar peg in 2005 the yuan has risen by an annual average of 4.2%.


  • 2005年放弃盯住美元汇率政策之后,中国已经加快人民币升值步伐

    China, which abandoned its dollar peg in 2005, has accelerated the pace of the yuan's appreciation.


  • 同样明显人民币汇率实际大幅升值既是不可避免的,同时也有助于中国经济转向更加依赖国内消费

    It is also evident that a large real appreciation of the Chinese exchange rate is both inevitable and a way of facilitating a shift in the economy towards greater reliance on domestic consumption.


  • 昨天人民币美元汇率再创升值以来新高,7.9587收盘打破前一天刚创下的纪录。

    The renminbi yesterday reached a post-revaluation high against the US dollar, closing at 7.9587 and breaking the record set a day earlier.


  • 当前人民币美元汇率为6.32,今年以来升值5%。

    The renminbi, currently trading at about 6.32 to the dollar, has appreciated about 5 percent so far this year.


  • 那么现在同1994年相比,人民币有效汇率升值57.9%。

    And since 1994, the real effective exchange rate of the Chinese Yuan has appreciated by 57.9% against the dollar.


  • 7月中旬中国停止人民币美元升值令人担忧;事实上人民币汇率下降1%。

    It is worrying that since mid-July China has stopped allowing the yuan to rise against the dollar; indeed, the currency has since fallen by 1%.


  • 2008年7月美国其他国家逼近金融危机的时候,中国中断人民币升值趋势,把汇率维持6.83的水平。

    In July 2008, as the U.S. and other countries were teetering toward financial turmoil, China put a stop to the yuan's rising trend and held the exchange rate at 6.83.


  • 近期美国一些不和谐声音指责人民币汇率提出动用一切可能的方式推动人民币升值明智,也是短视的。

    Recently, there have been some disharmonious voices in the us criticizing the RMB exchange rate and proposing to use all possible means to push for its appreciation, which is unwise and short-sighted.


  • 然而世界关注更多人民币升值以及人民币美元汇率争,其实亚洲币值强势上涨的不仅仅人民币

    But, while the world may be focused on the rise of the renminbi and the battle between it and the dollar, it is not the only Asian currency with strong fundamentals.


  • 自从2005年北京取消人民币美元固定汇率制度以来,人民币迄今为止已经升值18%。

    The yuan has increased in value by 18 percent since Beijing ended its fixed exchange rate with the dollar in 2005.


  • 许多华开展业务的跨国企业人民币汇率问题心态复杂,因为它们中国出口受到人民币升值的冲击。

    Many foreign multinationals operating in China are ambivalent on the issue, since their exports from the country will also be hit by any appreciation.


  • 人民币汇率上,我们预计明年人民币美元汇率加快升值步伐,升值6% ~ 7%,超过今年预计5.5%的幅度。

    On RMB, we expect its appreciation vs. the USD to accelerate a bit to 6-7% next year, up from this year's estimated 5.5%.


  • 人民币汇率昨日连续第三下跌引发人们猜测人民币持续升值也许并非定局

    The Chinese renminbi fell for the third consecutive day yesterday, sparking speculation that its continued appreciation might not be a foregone conclusion.


  • 美元人民币汇率至6.50以下,达到6.491,这意味着任人民币去年六月份以来,升值5%,当时在6.827左右。

    The dollar fell below 6.50 renminbi to about 6.491. That marks a 5 percent gain for the renminbi since last June, when it traded around 6.827.


  • 人民币汇率挂钩美元结算“无本金交割远期”(NDF),已经不再跟随人民币升值节奏起舞了。

    Non-deliverable forwards (NDFs), which are linked to the renminbi but settled in dollars, have stopped moving in tandem with the renminbi's rate of appreciation.


  • 更新不过周一晚些时候人民币美元汇率开始升值是建国以来最强劲的。

    UPDATE: the yuan, however, did begin appreciating against the dollar in trading later in the day, reaching its strongest level in modern times.


  • 更新不过周一晚些时候人民币美元汇率开始升值是建国以来最强劲的。

    UPDATE: the yuan, however, did begin appreciating against the dollar in trading later in the day, reaching its strongest level in modern times.


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