• 这项最新人工制冷海滩计划可能世界范围内引起骚动迪拜城内怎么没有环保人士发出更多反对声音呢?

    These latest plans for an artificially cooled beach may be causing ripples around the world, but why isn't there more vocal opposition by environmentalists within Dubai?


  • 个名为“地球工程”的理论领域上,一英国研究人员将进行全球首次人工火山现场测试计划,并将此作为应对全球变暖解决方案

    In a largely theoretical field known as geo-engineering, a team of British academics is about to announce a world-first with plans to field test an artificial volcano as a solution to global warming.


  • 声明没有提到人工成本或者讨论这个计划涉及多少机器人

    It did not refer to labour costs or discuss how many robots would be involved.


  • 短期计划人工制品一样,就会成为接下来几个小时几天几周宝丽来。

    As the artifact of your short-term planning, it becomes the developing Polaroid of your next few hours, days, or weeks.


  • 然而,基计划更加灵活,它要求建立反应塔,可以部署世界土地气候人工成本优的任何地方。

    Keith's plan, however, is more mobile, calling for towers that could be deployed wherever in the world land, climate, and labor costs are optimal.


  • 人工计数器”们催促收到问卷却没有回音的家庭但是分发他们掌上电脑计划不得不取消。

    But a plan to issue handheld computers to the “enumeratorsfor chivvying non-replying households had to be cancelled.


  • 其中引人注目的特色设计美军人工影响飓风计划(Project Cirrus)。这是美军1947年进行的一项实验通过“种削弱加勒比飓风。

    Among the dramatic plans featured is the us Army's Project Cirrus, an experiment in 1947 to weaken a Caribbean hurricane by "seeding" its clouds.


  • 人工饲养繁殖斑马其他灵长类动物的计划得以存活下来

    Captive breeding programmes for zebras and some primates survived.


  • MrWire计算提供给那些推迟生育计划或者人工堕胎但是最终避孕女性的开销。

    Mr Wire totted up the cost of supplying contraception to women who wished either to delay their childbearing years or to end them artificially but who were not using contraception.


  • 在这个实验室中,生物学家JoanLindberg饲养几千三角洲胡瓜鱼,这个人工繁育计划旨在形成一个可能的安全网,防止这种鱼类灭绝

    There, biologist Joan Lindberg is raising thousands of delta smelts in a captive-breeding program as a possible safety net against extinction.


  • 起来有点詹姆斯·邦德中的疯狂计划但是科学家们的确计划通过反射阳光方法地球人工降温

    It may sound like the crazed plan of a James Bond villain but scientists are working on a way to artificially cool the planet by reflecting sunlight away from the Earth.


  • 外科医生们计划2011年末首次将这种人工心脏植入人体

    Surgeons plan to perform the first implant in humans in late 2011.


  • 可以发现运行计划安排测试并且能够定义启用人工任务模拟器如图6

    You can discover, run and schedule tests, as well as being able to define and enable human task emulators, as shown in Figure 6.


  • 计划资源分配许多方面都是制作核心

    Scheduling and resource allocation are in many ways the heart of a producer's job.


  • 这种安排计划形式考虑特定分支需要工作假设的100%通过分支的级别

    This form of scheduling considers only the effort required for a given branch (or tier), and an individual's level of effort is assumed at 100 percent across that branch.


  • 由于缺乏动物识别记录评价计划,因而人工授精技术通常用于进口种质资源的杂交并非当地优良遗传资源。

    AI is usually used for crossbreeding with imported germplasm rather than for superior local genetics, due to the paucity of animal identification, recording and evaluation programmes.


  • 宽嘴 人工繁殖计划17只已孵化雏鸟中的只,该计划为了拯救濒临灭绝宽嘴鹬。

    One of 17 spoon-billed sandpiper chicks that have hatched in a captive breeding scheme to bring the bird back from the brink of extinction.


  • 人工培育计划中,饲鸟者把鸟蛋鹦鹉巢穴中移走实验室条件下孵化它们

    In artificial incubation programs, aviculturists remove eggs from the nests of parrots and incubate them under laboratory conditions.


  • 现在美国领导人计划通过大力发展人工智能自动控制武器保持这种军事优势

    Now, the nation's leaders plan on retaining that military advantage with a significant commitment to artificial intelligence and robotic weapons.


  • 方法90人工髋关节置换术患者设计实施系统康复治疗计划

    Method Make and design systemic rehabilitation plan for 90 cases of artificial hip joint substitution operation.


  • Godfrey组织计划佛罗里达州狭长地带的1,000个海龟巢穴或者说是100,000只蛋转移安全地带进行人工孵化。

    Godfrey said his organisation was working on plans to dig up about 1, 000 nests, or 100, 000 eggs, from nesting grounds in the Florida Panhandle and transfer them to hatcheries for safekeeping.


  • 中国空间计划,祝好运打赌他们已经做好人工月球着陆器,只不过顾忌声誉(而谨慎行事)。

    Good luck to China's space program, I bet they want to complete a manned moon landing. Prestige is a thing.


  • 设计广泛认定人工制造物品概念计划,它已成为提高生活质量根本媒介

    Been widely considered as the concept and plan of man-made products, design became the most fundamental medium in improving the live quality.


  • 下一步分析DNA区分两个不同物种寻找血统纯正的象龟。人工哺育计划可以随即开始

    The next step is to analyze each animal's DNA to separate the two species and find those with the least mixed ancestry. Then the breeding program can begin.


  • 另外结尾处可以附上下一步计划

    In addition, at the end of next step can also attach individual work plan.


  • 他们计划捕捉几只象,根据其携带平塔岛象龟罗里安象龟dna数量进行区分,遗传学接近原始物种的象龟进行人工哺育。

    Their plan was to capture and separate tortoises with high levels of Pinta and Floreana DNA, and then breed animals that are genetically closest to the original species.


  • 设计可以避免修订教学计划过程中反复人工计算誊写麻烦,对提高教学管理水平工作效率重要作用

    It can avoid repeat manual word account and copy out when we emend teaching plan. It is important to enhance level of teaching management and work efficiency.


  • 最后给出了基于人工智能企业铁路运输调度作业计划智能编制解决方案

    At last, the author presents the solution of automatic making scheduling plan of enterprise trail transportation by artificial intelligent.


  • 风险人工智能系统造成的风险,特别是灾难性有关人类存亡的风险,必须有针对性地计划努力减轻预见冲击

    Risks: Risks posed by AI systems, especially catastrophic or existential risks, must be subject to planning and mitigation efforts commensurate with their expected impact.


  • 风险人工智能系统造成的风险,特别是灾难性有关人类存亡的风险,必须有针对性地计划努力减轻预见冲击

    Risks: Risks posed by AI systems, especially catastrophic or existential risks, must be subject to planning and mitigation efforts commensurate with their expected impact.


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