• 我们理由相信会有更多的特质人工合成出来,并转化成新的东西

    We have reason to believe yet more can be synthesized and made into something new.


  • 磷脂的初期形态,一种重要抗凝固剂目前要获得该物质就不得不血液中提取不是人工合成

    This is a precursor to heparin, an important anti-clotting agent that has, at present, to be extracted from blood, rather than being synthesised.


  • 专家建议过敏症患者应该选择使用人工合成的而非羽绒枕芯,并给上抗敏感的枕套。

    The experts suggested that allergy sufferers should opt for synthetic pillows over feather ones and fit them with anti-allergen covers.


  • 这项研究成功是人工DNA合成移植领域里程碑式的突破。

    The research marks a technical milestone in the synthesis and implantation of artificial DNA.


  • 为了人工合成ETF提供者通常达成一项认为是银行交换累计回报交易

    To synthesise it, the ETF provider usually enters into a transaction known as a total return swap with a bank.


  • 小组建议至少较小的那佛像可以进行重建现存有的碎片再加上一种人工合成材料阻止其风化。

    His team suggests that at least the smaller Buddha might be partially rebuilt with existing fragments injected with a synthetic material designed to halt weathering.


  • 这样人工合成汗液可早日用于蚊虫研究,帮人类解开被蚊虫叮咬的秘密。

    Then synthetic human sweat could be used in mosquito studies, sparing human subjects from the misery of being bitten.


  • 如果没有合适藻类物种存在那么合成基因公司的研究人员几种藻类中选取理想特性实质上人工创造新品种藻类。

    And if no suitable species exists, then Synthetic Genomics's researchers will take the desirable characteristics from several and create what is, in effect, a new one.


  • 1897年,这种植物中的有效成分人工合成衍生物诞生了,于是阿司匹林变成世界上应用广泛药品

    By 1897 a synthetic derivative (acetyl salicylic acid) of the plant's active ingredient (salicin) was created. This allowed aspirin to become the most widely used medicine in the world.


  • 传统热狗使用的是一种叫硝酸钠人工合成添加剂天然机型的热狗则是用香芹香芹产品防腐。

    Conventional hot dogs use sodium nitrite, the synthetic version of the additive, while natural and organic versions use celery powder or celery juice to preserve their product.


  • 到了十九世纪末那种盛况随着一种全新材料兴起而衰落,就是赛璐珞第一人工合成塑料

    But in the late nineteenth century, that panoply of possibilities began to fall away with the arrival of a totally new kind of material - celluloid, the first man-made plastic.


  • 他们鉴定出四种不同含铅物质其中两种人工合成的,并非天然物质。

    They identified four different lead-based substances, two of which were man-made, not natural.


  • 健康饮食倡导者们很早就开始试图说服美国人远离那些含有很多人工合成、难以发音的精加工食品。

    Advocates for healthful eating have long tried to steer Americans away from highly processed foods that contain dozens of unnatural and unpronounceable ingredients.


  • 成果可能人工合成生物技术第一次成功大规模应用,用来破坏遍布工业设备上的生物

    His accomplishment could produce synthetic biology's first big commercial success by attacking the biofilms that infest industrial equipment.


  • 长期下来,简单自然食物比吃人工合成的食物让感觉更好,这一点不会再是个令吃惊的问题。

    In the long run, it really shouldn't have been that big a surprise to me that I feel best eating the simple foods that nature provides instead of man-made concoctions.


  • 保健医生检测你的甲状腺功能,看是否需要开一些人工合成的甲状腺激素给你,帮助减退的甲状腺。

    Your primary doctor can test your thyroid function, and if needed prescribe synthetic thyroid hormones to help your lagging gland.


  • 通过限制含有人工合成脂肪例如部分氢化其它脂肪食用尽可能地减少反式脂肪的摄入。

    Keep trans fatty acid consumption as low as possible by limiting foods that contain synthetic sources of trans fats, such as partially hydrogenated oils, and by limiting other solid fats.


  • 现在,几种天然防晒成分已经不到了,只用人工合成化学物质显然是没法达到足够的防晒指数的。

    Except that a couple of the originals have disappeared from sale, apparently unable to provide sufficient SPF without help from man-made chemicals.


  • 人工合成激素临床广泛应用:避孕控制糖尿病胰岛素水平补充甲减病人缺乏甲状腺激素、以及减轻更年期症状等

    Synthetic hormones are used clinically to prevent pregnancy, control insulin levels in diabetics, compensate for a deficient thyroid gland and alleviate menopausal symptoms.


  • 功能性成分相比,香精——通常人工合成化学合成香味,配方复杂——是消费者选择产品主要原因。 (译者注:一方面,没有香精,如何才能掩盖化学品剧烈的怪异气味呢?)

    Along with functionality, fragranceoften a melange of many artificial smells, combined in a proprietary formulais one of the main reasons we consumers will pick one product over another.


  • 对比起提炼人工合成糖类木糖醇一种低卡路里代替品,它减少食物中差不多40%的能量

    Possessing approximately 40% less food energy (calories), Xylitol is a low-calorie alternative to refined and artificial sugars.


  • 元素之后的元素,人工合成的。

    Elements beyond uranium, these are synthetic.


  • 事实上人工合成化学物质使皮肤变的干燥易过敏甚至导致皮肤提前衰老

    The truth is that synthetic ingredients or chemicals dry out the skin; hence, they cause irritation and other allergic reactions and even contribute to pre-mature aging.


  • 如果我们大气分离出CO2(通过电解得到)结合在一起,制造人工合成碳氢化合物燃料

    If the co 2 extracted from the atmosphere were combined with hydrogen (extracted from water using electrolysis), it could make synthetic hydrocarbon fuels.


  • 科学家一直尝试在实验室中重现植物的结构功能,最高的目标当然人工树叶能够真实树叶一样有效地利用阳光合成能量

    practical artificial leaf that can turn sunlight and water into energy as efficiently as the real thing has long been a Holy Grail of chemistry, and researchers at MIT may have finally done it.


  • 马西莫娃告诉记者他们已经最新分析中发现上百种抗体基因,并从中得到了一些人工合成,黄氧化物,植激素色素芳香的启发。

    The work has also shed light on the genetic basis of the synthesis of oil, flavonoids, antioxidants, hormones, pigments and aromas.


  • 几年,当禽流感引起人们极大恐慌时候匹兹堡大学研究员研制出人工合成对抗h5n1型禽流感的DAN疫苗。

    Several years ago, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh made an artificial DNA vaccine for the H5N1 bird flu virus that was greatly feared at the time.


  • 几年,当禽流感引起人们极大恐慌时候匹兹堡大学研究员研制出人工合成对抗h5n1型禽流感的DAN疫苗。

    Several years ago, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh made an artificial DNA vaccine for the H5N1 bird flu virus that was greatly feared at the time.


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