• 这个物体可能天然人工物体,它可以看得见摸得着,它可能是苹果,一个咖啡,或一支铅笔等等。

    An object is something natural or synthetic that can be seen or touched, ranging from an apple, to a coffee cup, to a pencil.


  • 建筑空间巧妙利用水体建筑人工物体自然巧妙地结合起来形成一个介于建筑自然之间过渡空间。

    Using water skillfully in architectural space, and it can combines a building as a man-made object with nature together, and forms transitional space between architectural space and natural space.


  • 没有什么永远存在的!”然而这个陈述中我们想到人工制造技术性物体产品它们使用过程受到自然磨损

    "Nothing lives for ever!" However, in this statement we think of artificially produced, technical objects, products which are subjected to natural wear and tear during use.


  • 争论认为尽管物体,不在普通专利法范围内,但它又确实是一种人工制品而不是简单产品筛选。

    It argues that although it is a living organism, which would normally be outside the scope of patent law, it is also a true artefact, not just the product of selective breeding.


  • 对于人工养殖珍珠而言,它们核心不是沙粒而是像小塑料玻璃之类物体珍珠养殖者把这些小东西塞牡蛎中,然后等上一年左右的时间。

    Cultured pearls don’t have at their core a grain of sand, but instead arelittle plastic or glass beads or something that pearl farmers stick into theoyster for a year or so.


  • 研究人员这项试验打开扇门可以人造dna完全替换细菌原有遗传物质制造人工物体

    The experiment could open the door to production of artificial organisms whose original genetic material is replaced entirely by man-made DNA, the researchers said.


  • 可以更好的物理层人工智能复杂游戏逻辑。或是屏幕上显示更多物体或者在电量较低时使用。这一切取决于

    Have better physics, AI or more complex gameplay logic. Put more objects on the screen. Or just enjoy lower battery usage. It's all up to you!


  • 之相比,科学家们通过基因组移植可以使细菌dna发生有意义遗传学改变可以从头开始设计人工物体

    In contrast, whole genome transplantation might allow scientists to make more significant genetic changes to bacterial DNA or design artificial organisms from scratch.


  • 而批判者认为这项试验使人们增加人工物体可能带来未知风险担忧并且这项试验管理松散。

    Critics said the experiment raises concerns about the unknown risks of artificial organisms and the emerging science is too loosely regulated.


  • 物体新陈代谢规律出发通过分析催化各类代谢调节模式关系建立人工代谢系统模型

    Artificial metabolic system model was built by analysis for relationship between enzymes and every regulation pattern from the view of biological metabolism law.


  • 人工神经网络模糊识别理论作为模拟物体信息处理系统

    The artificial neural network(ANN) and the fuzzy recognition(FR) are information process systems to simulate biological mechanism.


  • 基础上,模拟物体抗原识别免疫应答实际免疫行为,提出一种新的人工免疫算法。

    Then simulating the antigen identify of organism, immune response and other actual immune behavior, a new artificial immune algorithm is put forward.


  • 人工进化引入制造系统集体努力过程中,加快物体进化速度其中一个办法就是盆进化加入学习

    In the collective effort to introduce artificial evolution into manufactured systems, one way to accelerate the speed at which things evolve is to add learning to the soup.


  • Venter人工合成DNA完全替代物体基因组就可以避免使干扰细胞预期功能的“讨厌的”DNA失活。

    Venter said wholesale replacement of an organism's genome with synthetic DNA might avoid the need to disable undesirable genes that interfere with the cells' desired function.


  • 一方面,本发明涉及筛选编码不同人工嵌合蛋白质核酸文库鉴定改变细胞物体表型特性嵌合蛋白质

    In one aspect, a library of nucleic acids that encode different artificial, chimeric proteins is screened to identify a chimeric protein that alters a phenotypic trait of a cell or organism.


  • 机器作时与之发生碰撞操作对象可能运动或静止物体、环境、甚至是之协调操作的机器人。

    By introducing the concept of impulse potential energy, the generalized impulse-momentum equation is developed which describes the dynamics of a flexible robot with external impacts.


  • 机器作时与之发生碰撞操作对象可能运动或静止物体、环境、甚至是之协调操作的机器人。

    By introducing the concept of impulse potential energy, the generalized impulse-momentum equation is developed which describes the dynamics of a flexible robot with external impacts.


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