• 最后我们引进退伍军人事务部有合作关系“退伍军银行”。

    Finally, this week, we introduced the Veterans Job Bank in partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs.


  • 人工任务操作情况下可能数天更长时间

    In the case of a human task operation, this can be days, weeks, or longer.


  • 两个新的法律墨西哥城通过项法律即怀孕达到12允许紧急人工流产部分反弹。

    The two statesnew laws are part of a backlash against a measure passed in Mexico City allowing abortion on demand up to 12 weeks into pregnancy.


  • 上图是拍摄的远红外照片——人工添加了红色——展现了在再次出现黑暗地带强力活跃风暴系统

    Pictured above two weeks ago, far infrared images — depicted in false-color redshow a powerful storm system active above the returning dark belt.


  • 杭州环绕西湖而建。西湖湖面宽阔,绿色群山环抱,湖上年代久远的人工岛屿道。

    Hangzhou is based around the West Lake, a vast body of water surrounded by green hills and filled with historic man-made islets and causeways.


  • 目前,这位匿名男孩依然留在医院,医生需要监视气管上干细胞生长情况,气管有望完全生长成型,在此期间,气管被支撑在一个人工支架上,等成型后支架自溶掉。

    The boy, who has not been identified, will remain in hospital while the growth of the cells is monitored. It is expected that the windpipe will be fully formed within two weeks.


  • 见到如此酒馆花掉辛苦

    I see so many people work through the week only to spend all weekend in the pub spending the money they have worked so hard for.


  • 通过不同位置的物理力学性能的试验比较表明人工成孔挤灰土对桩土的挤密效果明显

    The compaction effect of artificially drilled lime-soil pile is not obvious comparing test results of soils between piles at different position.


  • 在行人工关节植入后感染出现的平均时间为312(1- 720),症状包括关节疼痛,关节肿胀以及发热

    Presentation was a median of 312 weeks (1-720 weeks) after prosthetic implantation, with symptoms of joint pain, joint swelling and fever.


  • 结论可用人工毛细管培养系统制备1性能好的培养猪肝细胞中空纤维型生物反应器

    Conclusion The hollow fiber bioreactor for culturing pig hepatocytes can. be prepared by artificial capillary cell culture system, which provides a certain liver-specific function in 1 week.


  • 目的探讨降钙素去势人工假体骨密度生物力学影响

    AIM: to investigate the influence of calcitonin on the bone mineral density (BMD) and biomechanics around the artificial prosthesis in ovariectomized rabbits.


  • 采用人工免疫聚类算法大楼的电梯交通进行了分析。

    By employing an artificial immune clustering algorithm, the elevator traffic flow in a certain building during one week was analyzed.


  • 目的了解拜阿蒙(BAM诱导人工通过引导骨组织再生治疗重度炎患牙的临床疗效

    Objective To observe clinic curative effect on treating serious periodontitis with BAM artificial bone by periodontal guided bone regeneration(PGBR) technique in one year.


  • 论述水井井渗透性降低原因,钻井方法洗液性能建立人工过滤、洗井等方面探讨了改善渗透性的措施

    Measures to improve perrne- ability reduction are discussed in terms of the drilling method, fluid properties, artificial infiltration layer, and well flushing, etc.


  • 为了保护城堡外墙很多城堡建造了护城河一些城堡利用河流作为护城河一部分,但大多数护城河人工修建的。

    To protect their outer walls, many castles were surrounded by a moat (a water-filled ditch). Some castles used rivers as part of their moat, but most moats were man-made.


  • 目的观察人工合成组织再生修复动物牙缺损组织学变化临床疗效

    Objective To study the histological change in rabbits and clinical effect by using artificial membrane to repair the periodontal defect bone tissue.


  • 中期引产妊娠12 -24人工办法中止妊娠叫做妊娠中期引产。

    In the middle of pregnancy induced labor refers to 12 to 24 weeks, with artificial way to end a pregnancy induced labor called gestation.


  • 当地下条件好时,人工挖孔通过合理简化将其嵌岩灌注桩物理模型简化端承桩,暂考虑上部桩阻力

    If the geology condition is better, the physical model of man_dug pile can be regarded as end_bearing pile by reasonable simplification without considering the friction resistance of the soil.


  • 术后24812分别行放射性核素显像监测两组人工骨对骨缺损修复能力

    The ability of bone defect repair was evaluated by using radionuclide bone imaging at 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks postoperatively.


  • 结论翻修有效控制人工关节置换术感染,翻修时机以间隔4 ~6为佳。

    CONCLUSION: Two stage revision arthroplasty can control infection of femoral head in rabbits efficiently, and the optimal timing is 4 to 6 weeks after debridement.


  • 第一孕期小于14使用电动手动真空抽吸实施人工流产以随机对照性的临床试验比较疼痛控制方法

    Randomized controlled trials comparing methods of pain control in first trimester surgical abortion at less than 14 weeks gestational age using electric or manual suction aspiration.


  • 术后4812人工材料进行切片染色、骨扫描等检查,观察人工骨血管化及骨代谢情况。

    The samples were take out for section-staining and bone scanning after 4, 8 and 12 weeks.


  • 上个富士康承诺工资上涨176美元公司目前更是经过三个月左右的试运行期后人工会陆陆续续上涨到294美元左右一个月。

    Last week, Foxconn said that salary would immediately rise to $176 a month. And now, the company says that after a three-month trial period, workers will be paid $294 a month.


  • 第30古德里奇太太进行人工剖腹产

    At 30 weeks, Mrs. Goodrich had an emergency caesarean.


  • 实验氢化可的松人工造成小鼠免疫功能低下口服免疫调节剂进行治疗3

    The effects of immunological modulator o mice with lower immunological function induced by hydro-cortisone were studied.


  • 实验氢化可的松人工造成小鼠免疫功能低下口服免疫调节剂进行治疗3

    The effects of immunological modulator o mice with lower immunological function induced by hydro-cortisone were studied.


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