• 水库淹没犹太墓地水库一个被遗弃木制墓碑上发现了依然健存的希伯莱文。

    On the edge of a reservoir that has flooded a Jewish cemetery, he finds surviving Hebrew text on an abandoned gravestone in the woods.


  • 太平洋岛屿至今为止发现古老墓地埋葬考古学家称之为拉皮塔古代居民的遗骸。

    It is the oldest cemetery ever found in the Pacific islands, and it harbors the remains of an ancient people archaeologists call the Lapita.


  • 当地这块松软岩石上凿了200多个洞穴。它们有着各种各样的用途,用作神圣墓地也用作食物储藏室

    Local people have also carved out over two hundred caves in the soft rock, and use them for everything from sacred burial places to food storage.


  • 墓地一直感怀,因而经常会看看:就像很多同龄那样,加缪作品曾经让我内心第一次感到触动。

    His grave has always moved me, and I have walked to it often: like many members of my generation, I cut my eyeteeth on his work.


  • 残疾丈夫非常担心独自墓地

    My husband who is disabled has been worried sick about me going to the cemetery by myself.


  • 澳大利亚一家墓地Centennial Park2007年进行研究发现:每火葬一个都会产生相当于释放160千克二氧化碳的物质。

    A study conducted in 2007 for Centennial Park, a cemetery in Australia, found cremations produce the equivalent of 160kg of CO2 per body.


  • 贾斯汀会用编辑软件改变音频速率均衡率,以期听到EVP就是超自然电子异响。有些这种声音来自墓地声音

    Justin said he USES editing programs to change the speed and equalization of the recordings to listen for EVP, or electronic voice phenomenon, which some say are voices from beyond the grave.


  • 独自黑暗墓地非常可怕的

    Being alone in a dark cemetery can be very scary.


  • 有些相信他们角斗士最后一次战斗掉了脑袋。在公元2世纪到3世纪,这些身强力壮的安葬约克受尊敬墓地之一

    Believed by some to be gladiators, losing their heads after their last fight, the heavily built men were buried in one of the most prestigious cemeteries of York during the 2nd and 3rd century A.D..


  • 并且他们也不能犹太墓地中,即使在服兵役死亡也不行。

    And they cannot generally be buried in Jewish cemeteries, even if they die in army service.


  • 赫里福德1349年瘟疫坑中采集骨殖牙齿,以及法国南部1348年的瘟疫墓地进行采集分析后,可以发现这一支瘟疫细菌的完整的传播路径

    The strain of bacterium analyzed from the bones and teeth of a Hereford plague pit dug in 1349 is identical to that from a plague pit of 1348 in southern France, suggesting a direct route of travel.


  • 科学家们发现,受到侵蚀的海岸线已经威胁到了生活阿拉斯加因纽特村庄其中还有年久的沿海墓地遗迹

    Scientists found that coastal erosion caused by retreating sea ice is damaging remains in an Inuit village in Alaska, including a fourth-century coastal cemetery.


  • 唱片《帕伯军士俱乐部》封套一张合成照片,画面上一大堆簇拥墓地周围。

    The cover on a new LP album called Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is a photomontage of a crowd gathered round a grave.


  • 西班牙突然发现成千或者上万的弗朗哥时期的遇难者散落乡间不知名墓地里。

    Suddenly Spaniards found that thousands, or tens of thousands, of Francoist victims lay in unmarked graves scattered around the countryside.


  • 知道当地如此喜欢佬司。纳厉,他们把他安葬在了他们的教堂墓地里。

    He knew that Lars Nelle had been so liked by the locals that they'd granted him the privilege of being buried in their cherished churchyard.


  • 两个年轻我们黑暗转悠,墓地可能在附近。

    The two men came with us, and we drove back and forth in the darkness where they thought the graves might lie.


  • 他们非常接近墓地,其中建议他们做他们业务墓石背后东西

    They were very near a graveyard and one of them suggested they do their business behind a headstone or something.


  • 卡特立即台阶沙土瓦砾清理干净第二中午时分,他们找到了一个入口,其上赫然盖皇室墓地封印

    Carter quickly ordered the steps to be cleared of sand and debris7 and by noon the next day they found a doorway, stamped with the seal of the royal necropolis8.


  • 其实著名伯纳德Barry,在它作为救援期间,共救助过50到100,它十分受喜爱,即使是去世后,们为了纪念它在Le Cimetièredes Chiens,法国狗狗墓地,建起一座纪念碑。

    The most famous alpine-rescue Saint Bernard was named Barry, and he’s credited with saving between fifty and 100 people during his tenure as a rescue dog.


  • 正直可信不会这样的一个夜晚里在墓地里游荡的,所以,理所当然,正在那里挖掘亨利·阿姆斯特朗三个是不会感到有所顾忌的

    It was not a night in which any credible witness was likely to be straying about a cemetery, so the three men who were there, digging into the grave of Henry Armstrong, felt reasonably secure.


  • 张异宾教授访问伦敦期间,专程去拜谒了研究一个墓地,这个我们两个国家思想重要连接纽带,这个就是卡尔·马克思

    When Professor Zhang Yibin visited London, he was moved to visit the grave of a man whose work he had studied and who is an important link between the thinking of our two countries - Karl Marx.


  • 真是小孩叔叔下面1000真是一个大物。他是干什么的?小孩:墓地守墓

    Child: My uncle has 1000 men under him. Man: He is really somebody. What does do? Child: a maintenance man in a cemetery.


  • 一个犹太墓地

    It is a Jewish cemetery.


  • 不住回头看着,往墓地走去。

    They glanced back repeatedly as they made their way out of the graveyard.


  • 真是一个——叔叔下面1000。——他真是一个大物。干什么的——墓地守墓

    He is really somebodyMy uncle has 1000 men under him. — he is really somebody. What does he do — a maintenance man in a cemetery.


  • 真是一个——叔叔下面1000。——他真是一个大物。干什么的——墓地守墓

    He is really somebodyMy uncle has 1000 men under him. — he is really somebody. What does he do — a maintenance man in a cemetery.


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