• 今年世界人口主题人人都重要”。

    The theme of this year's World Population Day is "Everyone counts".


  • 星期一世界人口联合国人口基金会表示,到10月份,世界人口可能70亿。

    Monday marks world population day, as the UN population Fund says the world's population may reach 7 billion by the end of October.


  • 这种孕产妇健康方面存在的巨大差异第20世界人口(711)发出不幸消息

    This wide discrepancy on maternal health is the unfortunate message on the 20th anniversary of World Population Day, July 11.


  • 今年世界人口(711)重申,人们有权有能力计划何时组建家庭决定生育时间生育数量

    This year's World Population Day, July 11, reaffirms the right and ability to plan when to start a family and determine freely and responsibly the number and timing of children.


  • 除了巴基斯坦孟加拉国,各国生活费用不到1美元人口数字已经减少

    The number of people living on less than $1 a day has fallen everywhere except in Pakistan and Bangladesh.


  • 2008年8月18全世界有五分之二人口上厕所,六分之一的人口用不上安全饮用水。

    August 18, 2008-two out of five people worldwide lack access to a toilet. One out of six does not have access to safe drinking water.


  • 2002年世界粮食重点确保向不断增长的世界人口提供可持续性的粮食资源中所发挥至关重要作用

    World food Day 2002 focused on the essential role water plays in ensuring sustainable food resources for a growing world population.


  • 3月22世界提醒我们世界上还有8亿8千4百万人口无法获得基本的清洁供应。

    World Water Day on 22 March is a reminder that 884 million people worldwide do not have access to the basic necessity of clean water.


  • 斯卡利说:“不凑巧,这次人口普查选在了4月23,而对于默里克市来说,很可能个寂静的夜晚”,“不幸的是,我们中的许多人当晚将不会待在自己的家中

    Unfortunately for Limerick people, quite a lot of us won't be at home that night.


  • 莫斯科人口(2010年1月1)10,562,099。

    The population of Moscow (as of 1 January 2010) is 10, 562, 099.


  • 2008年81—对全世界众多贫困人口而言,其生活模糊

    August 1, 2008-for too many of the world's poorest people, life is just a blur.


  • 你们驻扎的,一切摸了被杀的,并你们来的人口第三第七,都要洁净自己

    All of you who have killed anyone or touched anyone who was killed must stay outside the camp seven days. On the third and seventh days you must purify yourselves and your captives.


  • 2003年1月1大约5%人口加入该组织

    As of 1 January 2003 approximately 5% of the population are unaffiliated.


  • 这项突破性的协议反映国际社会癌症成为全世界人口主要死因之一感到关切

    The agreement reflects growing international concern over cancer as one of the leading causes of death worldwide.


  • OECD(经济合作发展组织)预计到2050年抚养比率(工作人口与退休人口的比率)至1.2,德国则降至1.6;相反,英国会在2.4,相当稳健

    The OECD expects Japan’s dependency ratio (of working-age to retirement-age citizens) to fall to 1.2 by 2050 and Germany’s to 1.6; Britain’s, by contrast, would be a relatively healthy 2.4.


  • 最后一点让尤为担忧——9月13人口普查局宣布贫困率已由2009年14.2%上升至2010年的15.1%。

    That last is a particular concern: on September 13th the Census Bureau announced that in 2010 the poverty rate was 15.1%, up from 14.2% in 2009.


  • 中国有史以来大规模的人口普查将于周一1的时候开始

    THE biggest census ever undertaken begins in China on Monday 1st.


  • 2009年8月26老挝户主家庭8%,人口却占全国贫困人口43%。

    August 26, 2009 -just 8 percent of households in Lao PDR are headed by women, but these families account for 43 percent of the country's poor.


  • 也使得法国人口总数2007年1月1达到了6340万,而2006年初统计人口总数为6290万。

    That brought France's population to 63.4 million people as of 1 January, up from 62.9 million a year earlier.


  • 美国一半人口一亿五千万人出生于19691月1之后。

    Some 150m Americans, half the population, have been born since January 1st 1969.


  • 二月巴西东北部将近五千万人口几乎整夜之后,巴西能源部长发表了上述谈话

    Brazil's energy minister was speaking on February 4th after nearly 50m people across eight states in the country's North-East had spent most of the night without power.


  • 报告南部拥有79万人口班图尔受灾严重,绝大多数房屋被毁

    Bantul District, south of Yogyakarta and with a population of about 790,000, is reported to be the worst hit with the majority of houses destroyed.


  • 奥尔兰教区人口在灾月2005年71有461600人,年后骤降210768人。

    Orleans Parish's population fell from 461, 600 on July 1, 2005, two months before the storm, to 210, 768 a year later.


  • 根据人口统计局人口计量仪测算,10月17前后,美国人口突破3亿,1967年时的2亿相比,更一层。

    On or around October 17th, according to the Census Bureau's population clock, the number of people in the country will hit 300m, up from 200m in 1967.


  • 2009年4月8-埃及卫生人口报告了3新的禽流感人间确诊病例。

    April 2009 - The Ministry of Health of Egypt has reported 3 new confirmed human cases of avian influenza.


  • 2010年6月23卢旺达是世界人口密度最大的内陆国之一,其农户正面临场艰苦的“战役”,如何土地获得最大收益。

    June 23, 2010-in Rwanda, one of the world's most densely populated landlocked countries, farmers face an uphill battle - literally - to get the best they can from the soil.


  • 人口统计局周二(8月29)发布数据显示最近一次经济衰退结束年后美国人家境开始回复

    Figures released by the Census Bureau on Tuesday August 29th show that several years after the end of the latest recession American households are starting to recover.


  • 对于人口大于三亿国家来说,运筹壮举为了四月人口普查人口普查局寄出分发一亿三千四百万份调查问卷

    For a country of more than 300m, this is an immense logistical feat: the census Bureau mailed out or hand-delivered about 134m questionnaires for census day on April 1st.


  • 对于人口大于三亿国家来说,运筹壮举为了四月人口普查人口普查局寄出分发一亿三千四百万份调查问卷

    For a country of more than 300m, this is an immense logistical feat: the census Bureau mailed out or hand-delivered about 134m questionnaires for census day on April 1st.


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