• 由于家庭层次过度拥挤住房以及地区层次朝圣传统市场造成大量人口流离失所,推动了脑膜炎奈瑟菌的传播

    The transmission of N. meningitidis is facilitated by overcrowded housing at family level and by large population displacements due to pilgrimages and traditional markets at regional level.


  • 其它城市,该市从高中毕业年轻人口较多生活大多数家庭保障的,而且费用可以负担得起

    Its young population is more likely to graduate high school than in other cities, and life for most families is safe and affordable.


  • 根据家庭研究人口统计学者社会学者说法,这种增长一个原因现在人们结婚完成学业之后才结婚。

    One reason for the increase, said demographers and sociologists who study families, is that people are marrying later in life, after they have completed their education.


  • 今年世界人口(711日)重申,人们有权有能力计划何时组建家庭决定生育时间生育数量

    This year's World Population Day, July 11, reaffirms the right and ability to plan when to start a family and determine freely and responsibly the number and timing of children.


  • 该项哈里斯互动开展调查所收集数据代表美国人口总体状况,考虑到了区域、年龄性别受教育程度家庭状况、收入种族等各方面的因素。

    The survey was carried out by Harris Interactive. Datawas weighted to be representative of the total US population based onregion, age, gender, education, household, income, and race


  • 牛津大学研究考察发达国家人口的结婚率同居把这些数据同男人女人看待家庭角色态度做了比较

    The Oxford University study examined marriage and cohabitation rates across the developed world and compared them to attitudes towards the roles of men and women at home.


  • 多数国家来说生活贫困线边缘的家庭在总人口中占了很大比例这些贫困脆弱人口需要保护的。

    Yet for many countries, with such a large share of households living precariously near the poverty line, it is the poor and vulnerable who need protection most.


  • 蒙德俄克拉荷马州人口并不多,“这些种族家庭孩子数量其它个人详细情况问题能够用来鉴别一名患者的身份。

    Oklahoma was a state with a small population, Mondino said, and "questions about race, number of children, other details can be used to identify a patient.


  • 我们希望其他城市效仿高阳市的做法,那样那些孩子家庭来说,所有基于人口自闭症儿童鉴定可以兼有干预服务了。

    We hope that others will follow Goyang City's example so that any population-based identification of children with ASD is accompanied by intervention services for those children and their families.


  • 美国加拿大欧洲国家澳大利亚新西兰国家更加关心的是移民政策配额问题不是家庭人口限制

    Countries such as the us, Canada, European countries, Australia and New Zealand are more concerned with immigration policy and quotas rather than family limitation.


  • 采用现有人口统计方法(包括一般增长平衡)评估人口普查获得家庭死亡数据完整性覆盖范围

    We used established demographic techniques, including the general growth balance method, to evaluate the completeness and coverage of the household death data obtained through population censuses.


  • 美国人口普查局发布一项关于收入贫困数据显示大多数美国家庭收入已经持续停滞了多年。

    New data on income and poverty released by the Census Bureau reveal a picture of sustained stagnation in incomes for most American households.


  • 导致恐惧型抛售就业人口大幅削减家庭囤积现金

    This led to panicky selling, sharp cuts in payrolls and hoarding of cash by households.


  • 样本家庭人口信息基础上,遍布不同种族性别

    The sample was weighted by race and gender, based on census information.


  • 强烈要求人口普查局扩展功能强调增长人口数,她认为这才有利于育婴其他巩固家庭关系的政策更广泛地使用

    She is urging census to expand its definition to highlight the growing Numbers, which she believes will encourage wider use of paternity leave and other family-friendly policies.


  • 人口出生率降低缘于选择不结婚母亲日本女性数量越来越多因为一旦结婚或生子,日本女性她们就不得不做家庭主妇,很难继续出来工作了。

    The fall is widely attributed to the growing number of women who eschew marriage and motherhood because expectations from society and lack of childcare facilities make it difficult to continue work.


  • 马卡其它地方,家庭行动项目不仅仅局限于将提供补助与不间断上学卫生所的检查联系在一起,它还包括其它方面的内容,因为贫困人口不仅仅

    There and elsewhere, Familias en Acción goes a step beyond linking payments to continued school enrollment and clinic visits, because the poor lack more than money.


  • 美国收入10%前5%人口家庭情况令我吃惊

    the thresholds for being in the top 10% and 5% of the American population.


  • 益阳这座具有36万人口华中城市,今春以来极其严重许多家庭企业3才能天电。

    In Yiyang, a town of 360,000 in south-central China, electricity shortages are so severe this spring that many homes and businesses receive power only one day in three.


  • 益阳这座具有36万人口华中城市,今春以来极其严重许多家庭企业3才能天电。

    In Yiyang, a town of 360, 000 in south-central China, electricity shortages are so severe this spring that many homes and businesses receive power only one day in three.


  • 但是直到三个人口众多,相对贫穷的国家—中国、印度印度尼西亚开始对他们各自国家的家庭财富情况进行评估之后,世界范围的财富评估才变得可以想象

    But it was not until three populous, poorer countries-china, India and indonesia-began surveying household wealth that a global reckoning became thinkable.


  • 调查发现巴南区农村体育人口数量受到家庭收入学历年龄影响

    Investigation found that the population of rural sports, Banan District, by month family income, education and age effects.


  • 自我报告的肺结核接触修正了原有人口统计资料情况,从而将家庭拥挤程度母亲教育水平较低包括在内。

    Self-reported TB contact modified the profile to include household crowding and low mother’s education.


  • 方法:这次大范围人口调研与全国健康保险档案家庭登记死亡证明相关联。

    Methods This population cohort study linked the National Health Insurance files, family registration, and death certificates.


  • 计划开展补充免疫活动(SIAs提供了重要人口统计学数据——首次边远村庄家庭中“发现儿童在“地图上标出”他们所在的地点以便于今后的保健服务

    Planning for SIAs provides key demographic data – “findingchildren in remote villages and households for the first time, and "mapping" their location for future health services.


  • 随着人口流动性与日俱增年轻人走出家门去追求更好教育工作机会这个趋势正在挑战中国以家庭为基础的传统

    With the growing mobility of the population, young people are leaving home to pursue better education and career opportunities. This trend is challenging family-based traditions.


  • 人口定居城市:在这里,原来社区多代同堂的家庭摒弃,取。

    Citizens live in cities where community and the extended family have been.


  • 人口定居城市:在这里,原来社区多代同堂的家庭摒弃,取。

    Citizens live in cities where community and the extended family have been.


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