• 原来,人体摄入辛辣食物后体温升高干扰睡眠

    The explanation is that spicy food can elevate body temperatures and thus disrupt sleep.


  • 蔬菜饮用水人体摄入硝酸盐主要来源

    Vegetable and drinking water contribute to the main source of nitrate in human.


  • 食品亚硝胺生成、含量人体摄入情况

    The chemistry , content in food and human ingestion of nitrosamine were analysed.


  • 这一情况可能改变人们能够降低人体摄入热量看法。

    So maybe cutting back on the salt is a good way to cut the calories.


  • 该类物质通过污染食品而被人体摄入影响健康重要途径

    The food polluted by the environmental hormone was intaked and became the important pathway of effecting health. So Some attentions should be paid on that th...


  • 是因为人体摄入一定量后,脂肪停止分解严重影响减肥

    This is because the human body a certain amount of sugar intake, the fat will stop decomposition, seriously affect the weight loss.


  • 残留食品中的抗菌药被人体摄入可能会人体肠道菌群产生影响。

    Antimicrobial drug residues in food from food-producing animals may pose a risk on human intestinal flora.


  • 这项研究并没有表明人工甜味剂是怎么扰乱人体摄入热量的规律。

    But she says that the study does suggest artificial sweeteners somehow disrupt the body's ability to regulate incoming calories.


  • 人体摄入 盐 份过多导致细胞存留大量水分引起眼睛红肿

    The human body takes in too much salt, will cause and retain a large number of moisture in cells, cause eyes redness.


  • 冬春季节市场主要菜类为主,此时人体摄入硝酸盐也高于其它季节。

    During winter and spring, when leaf Vegetables were prevalent in market, more nitrate was liable to be absorbed.


  • 肝脏肾脏净化毒素器官,它们已经可以高效过滤人体摄入大部分有害物质

    Unless you've been poisoned, you already have a superefficient system for filtering out most of the harmful substances you eat. It's made up of two toxin-bashing organs: the liver and the kidneys.


  • 肝脏和肾脏净化毒素两大器官,它们已经可以高效过滤人体摄入大部分有害物质

    Unless you've been poisoned, you already have a superefficient system for filtering out most of the harmful substances you eat.


  • 更为常见的一种毒性反应这种情况发生于人体摄入某种药物物质再接触阳光后。

    One, known as a photoallergic reaction, occurs when a certain medicine or substance is applied to the skin.


  • 糖分和碳水化合物热量高密度食物,也就意味着吃下去一口会让人体摄入大量卡路里,最终必然导致体重的增加。

    These foods have a high caloric density, meaning they pack a lot of calories per bite, which is almost a surefire way to gain weight.


  • 到目前为止六名儿童死于氰胺奶粉——人体摄入工业化学物三聚氰胺对肾脏造成伤害,另外还有三十万儿童食用这种奶粉而致病

    So far six children have died and nearly 300, 000 were sickened from drinking powdered milk that contained melamine, an industrial chemical that can cause kidney problems when consumed.


  • 三聚氰胺通常制造塑料化肥产品的原料,添加在食品可以增加产品氮量通过营养成份测试,但被人体摄入将导致肾结石和肾衰竭,尤其对婴幼儿健康造成严重影响。

    Melamine is commonly used in plastics and fertilizer, among other products. Its high nitrogen content can make foods appear to be protein-rich in standard nutrition tests.


  • 食源性疾病定义:食源性疾病一种疾病通常传染性有毒性质造成代理人说,进入人体通过摄入食物

    Definition of foodborne illness: foodborne illnesses are defined as diseases, usually either infectious or toxic in nature, caused by agents that enter the body through the ingestion of food.


  • 膳食中添加洋葱大蒜可以增加摄入提供微量矿物元素,它们维持人体血糖水平起着重要作用。

    Adding Onions and garlic to your meals can boost calcium intake, and provide chromium, a trace mineral important in maintaining blood sugar levels.


  • 采访表示目前有很多研究需要人体可能会通过提高食欲增加能量摄入,来弥补能量消耗的增加。

    In an interview, he said there is still much research to be done and that the body may compensate for the increase in energy expenditure by triggering a desire to eat more to boost energy intake.


  • 原理人体化合物摄入不足时,脂肪燃烧获得能量取代原来碳水化合物。

    How it Works: When the body takes in very few carbs, it gets its energy by burning fat instead of carbs.


  • 人体所有功能离不开它们我们必须摄入含有维生素食物因为人体自身不能产生这些元素。

    Vitamins are critical to all sorts of bodily functions, and we have to get them through diet because our bodies can't make them on their own.


  • 原因在于,在超过人体热量平衡之后,继续摄入果糖有害的,因此即使卡路里相同的情况下,如果消耗果糖不是葡萄糖,你就会受到副作用影响。

    And the reason is that fructose is toxic beyond its caloric equivalent, so if you consume it instead of glucose you get more of a negative effect even if the calories are the same.


  • 众所周知这些重金属摄入人体有害然而至今为止,没有吸入产生何种影响进行调查研究

    While consuming such heavy metals is widely known to be harmful to health, there is little research done so far about their impact when inhaled into the body.


  • 人体维生素D水平受多方面因素影响肤色黑白生活在那里,有多少时间处于户外牛奶摄入

    People’s vitamin D levels are influenced by whether they have light or dark skin, where they live, how much time they spend outdoors and by fish and milk consumption.


  • 事实上,要是一天三个苹果,就会摄入大量果胶,大量的果胶会导致人体胆固醇含量下降

    In fact, eating two to three apples per day results in decreased cholesterol levels due to the fruit's rich pectin content.


  • 摄入多种维生素尽量均衡些,每日摄入多种维生素保证获得适量人体所需维生素矿物质

    Take a Multivitamin: I try to eat a well balanced diet, but taking a multivitamin daily reassures me that I obtaining the proper amount of vitamins and minerals that I need.


  • - 90主要通过食物进入人体摄入锶- 90会导致骨癌(骨骼附近软组织癌症)和白血病。

    Strontium-90 mainly enters the body through food and water, and its ingestion has been linked to bone cancer, cancer of the soft tissue near the bone, and leukemia.


  • 事实上人体可摄取食物中大部分热量,消化它们需要消耗摄入总热量10%。

    In fact, the digestive process typically only accounts for around 10% of most caloric in-take.


  • 事实上人体可摄取食物中大部分热量,消化它们需要消耗摄入总热量10%。

    In fact, the digestive process typically only accounts for around 10% of most caloric in-take.


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