• 人们我们擅长他们做饭袜子

    Men say that we are only good for cooking their meals and mending their socks.


  • 知道为什么人们我们使用了10%智力吗?

    You know how they say we only use 10 percent of our brains?


  • 人类学家一切可能是因为人们愿意用对待家属态度来陌生人

    Anthropologists say all this was only possible because people were willing to treat total strangers in a manner once reserved for kin.


  • 研究者推测如果细微方面不同语言经历可能导致人们不同的看待世界的方式。

    The researchers speculate that experience with different languages might lead to people seeing the world differently, if only slightly.


  • 佩里先生人们通常盯着他们最大重要任务然后结果事情上浪费时间——比如网上冲浪以及电视

    Too often, Mr.Perry says, people focus on their biggest and most important duties, then waste time on unproductive things - like surfing the Web and watching television.


  • 如果身为某某首席官,人们你喜欢的,永远都会问题接受他人批评件不容易的事。

    If you're the chief anything, you always have a problem with people telling you what you want to hear. It's hard to get criticism.


  • 告诉更多背后事”,好探讨这些人们家中隐蔽角落谈论,比如家庭暴力。

    Tell me More goes "Behind Closed Doors" to explore issues that many people discuss only in the privacy of their homes. Domestic violence is just that kind of issue.


  • 夏普:“这辈子很多事情还是头一见到人们根据章鱼的选择来下赌注。”

    "I've seen a lot of things in my lifetime but this is the first time I've ever seen people making their picks based on what an octopus tells them," Sharpe said。


  • 不是,在这种情况下做事善良的人们较少热情

    I'm also not saying that the fine people who hire me under these circumstances get any less of my enthusiasm.


  • 但是我们正在努力推广英语这样人们不必‘新’式英语了。

    But we're trying to promote English so there aren't people who can only speak Singlish.


  • 这些简单姿态真正体现病人灵魂深处因为连接起了人们之间的联系,”,“谈谈关于这个感受就好,简单明了。”

    "These simple gestures really echo so deeply in the souls of the patient, because it makes that human connection," he says. "Just talk about how you feel about the person, simply and directly."


  • 人们来看瞧瞧是否需要“口水杯.他将一位询问年龄青年选民戏称为傻瓜”。”

    He says people only turn up to watch him to see if he needs a "drool cup". He amusingly called a young voter who asked about his age a "little jerk".


  • 《有感情大脑》一书作者神经科学家勒都克斯:"可以表现得恋爱中一样,即使它们真的有什么感情的话,人们无法证明这种感情的存在。"

    A whale may behave as if it's in love, but you can't prove what it's feeling, if anything,” says neuroscientist LeDoux, author of The Emotional Brain.


  • 儿子父亲看作偶然事件人们应该因此而畏惧海洋,他最终还会回到海里

    His son said he viewed his father's death as a random event that should not make people fear the water, and said he would eventually go back into the sea.


  • 如果身为某某首席官,人们你喜欢的,永远都会问题,”补充,“接受批评件不容易的事。”

    If you're the chief anything, you always have a problem with people telling you what you want to hear,” adds Varian. “It's hard to get criticism.


  • 提醒人们有机食物依然是一个“去就为零小头”,整个食品的3%。

    But he reminded the small crowd that the organic industry remains a "rounding error," roughly 3 percent, of the overall food and beverage business.


  • 如果感到奇怪,如果你觉得奇怪,人们为什么‘一副’眉毛,而不是’,那是因为眉毛条,请确保两条修饰到了,不要厚此薄彼。

    And in case you were wondering, they're called "eyebrows," not "eyebrow." Always make sure there are two of them before heading out, not just one.


  • :“人们越来越认识到,武力不能取得预期结果。”

    There is an increasing realization that the use of force alone cannot yield the desired results.


  • 这里输入译文但是那些或者更多时间去旅游人们他们计划个月旅程余下的旅程他们都会其发展,因此他们见识到了更多关于这个世界,还有可以了解更多的自己

    But most people who spent a year or more traveling said that they planned only the first three months, letting the rest of their trip unfold as they learned more about the world and themselves.


  • 卫生部继续建议人们16岁以下儿童,必要使用手机尽量长话短

    The Department of Health continue to advise that anyone under the age of 16 should use mobile phones only for essential purposes and keep all calls short.


  • 美国生活过:“知道在那里树上人们怎么做。”

    Having lived in America, he said, "I know what people do there when a cat gets stuck in a tree."


  • 人们一直告诉孩子一样的青少年现在都“Facebook保持相互间的联系

    I keep being told that teenagers such as my own children now keep in touch with each other "only by Facebook".


  • 男人人们一起夜晚,他们20个大多数都是薯片递过来或者还有啤酒么?”

    Men: Men on a boy's night out say about twenty words all night, most of which are "Pass the Doritos" or "got any more beer?"


  • 记得人们大喊大叫,”,“感到很震惊。”

    "Just a lot of screams and a lot of tears, " he says. "I was in shock."


  • Richards人们总在好啦直接让他们要么上白班要么晚班啦,但是这么做会影响工作量的。”

    "People have (said) things like, 'Well, why don't we just all work straight day shifts or straight night shifts?' but you end up then not distributing the workload," Richards said.


  • 动物管理局的负责人们上午十点多接到了一通电话,老是在叫

    Animal control officers received a call around 10 a.m. regarding a barking dog.


  • 有人人们出名是为了但是关注红们如何有点偏题

    Some say people want money from popularity, but focusing on how Internet stars make money is beside the point.


  • 有人人们出名是为了但是关注红们如何有点偏题

    Some say people want money from popularity, but focusing on how Internet stars make money is beside the point.


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