• 一般人们总是得到下来放松停止担忧然后退休佛罗里达这类建议。”

    "People are generally being given bad advice to slow down, take it easy, stop worrying, and retire to Florida," he says.


  • 为什么人们一般问题上,信任科学家但是他们部分公司具体问题除外?

    Why do people say that they trust scientists in general but part company with them on specific issues?


  • 睡眠瘫痪同时发生幻觉并非轻松事情;人们一般报告感觉到存在邪恶的事情,同时碾碎窒息感觉

    And these hallucinations, when they occur with sleepparalysis, are no picnic; people commonly report sensing an evilpresence, along with a feeling of being crushed or choked.


  • 卡斯特拉尼皮肤温度开始降低时人们感觉有点发抖不过除非核心体温下降一般不会发生严重颤抖

    People may experience a little shivering when they're skin temperatures starts to fall, but major shivering usually doesn't occur unless your core body temperatures drops, Castellani said.


  • 人们一般并不了解非洲丰富内涵。”Hefley

    "People generally are not very well informed about the richness of Africa," Hefley says.


  • 研究负责人埃斯泰因·斯图达尔博士(DrEysteinStordal:“一般西方社会人们朋友在一起的时候,喝酒喝酒更为社会所接受。”

    "Generally when people are with friends it is more acceptable in western societies to drink than not to drink, " said research leader Dr Eystein Stordal.


  • 霍姆斯:“认为人们希望避免建造大型营地这种营地时间后一般成为永久性暂时性的。”

    "I think there was a desire to avoid creating large camps, which have a tendency to become permanent over time rather than temporary," Holmes said.


  • 人们一般自己年龄保持诚实教授可能是因为他们可以宣称不知道自己的体重身高

    People were most honest about their age, something Professor Toma said is probably because they can claim ignorance about weight and height.


  • 不是人们一般概念中的有毒代谢物,”斯维恩她现在是罗切斯特医科大学生殖流行病学中心主任

    "It is not a metabolite usually thought of as toxic," said Swan, director of the Center for Reproductive Epidemiology at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry.


  • :“一般男性情商要低于女性传统上人们并不鼓励男性分享他们情感。”

    He said: 'As a generalisation, men are less emotionally intelligent than women and have not traditionally been encouraged to share their feelings.


  • 法国历史学家本杰明.斯托:“丧失阿尔及利亚领土对于法国而言就像截肢一般,提起这个人们依然议论纷纷;对于记忆中的战争什么样,也是各执一词。”

    “The loss of Algeria was experienced in France as a sort of amputation,” says Benjamin Stora, a French historian, “The subject is still burning, and the war of memories is fierce.


  • 拉尔森博士比如面对配偶离开人世人们感受到希望悲伤交织在一起的复杂情绪,那么一般他们就可以拿出更为健康的应对策略。

    And when people are able to feel mixed emotions, such as hope and sadness, they tend to have healthier coping strategies, such as when a spouse passes away, according to Dr. Larsen.


  • 如果地球现在受到一般相信节能一种生活方式人们的欢迎,“地球”并非一帆风顺

    If Earthships are now finding favor among people who wouldn't normally adhere to a conservation or alternative lifestyle ethos, they haven't had a smooth ride.


  • 不过随着时间过去人们酒店氛围变得轻松了而且,由于附近的餐馆为他们提供免费食物饮料,他们有时候感觉好像过节一般

    But as the days passed, guests said the atmosphere became relaxed and at times, festive with restaurants in the area offering free food and drinks.


  • 这些名字正如人们荷马,”意指一般引用。

    I'm using these names as we use the name "Homer," to mean the hypothetical people who said the things attributed to them.


  • 人们大学毕业生一般年薪2.6万英镑,实际不符。

    'People say that a graduate typically earns 26, 000, but this doesn't reflect the reality.


  • 一点也吃惊,”,“一般而言人们认为中风只有老年人中风,但是我们看见很多处于年龄段中风,有时甚至是更年轻的人。”

    "It doesn't surprise me at all," he said. "Overall, the perception is that only older people have strokes, but we see a lot of people who have strokes at that age, even younger sometimes."


  • 一般问题回答个性强烈性影响,通过人们认为他们应该以及回忆可能不会准确。”Steptoe

    Responses to general questions are influenced strongly by personality, by what people think they 'ought' to say and by recollections that might not be quite accurate, " Steptoe says.


  • 亚马逊公 司的首席执行长杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)谈及Kindle的设计理念时,打算研发一种设备可以人们长时间地保持阅读兴趣,而不只是一般浏览

    In creating the Kindle, Jeff Bezos, Amazon's chief executive, says he set out to develop technology that could encourage long-form reading, instead of just snippets.


  • 确定情况下,如果其他条件相同,人们喜欢有风险项目一般,不确定项目成本收益必须转换确定性等价

    In uncertain situations, individuals favor less risky projects, other things being the same. in general, the costs and benefits of uncertain projects must be converted to certainty equivalents.


  • 一般学校不想了解任何工作中的人们有关的情况,”先生

    "In general schools don't want to know anything to do with the world at work," says Mr Hayes.


  • 一般人们总是结婚成家的,不是单身一辈子

    In general, people tend to get married and have a family rather than remain single for life.


  • 一般人们总是结婚成家的,不是单身一辈子

    Generally speaking, people tend to get married and have a family rather than remain single for life.


  • 通常人们邮件用来发泄对方所有的话,他们一般不会寄出

    Usually people write this venting last email to someone and they say everything that they want to say to that person, and then they usually don't send it.


  • 一般人们系统地考虑两个方面。

    In general, only the first two are systematically considered.


  • 不论人们怎么男人一般都会越变越

    In spite of what some people say, the average man is getting worst.


  • 不论人们怎么男人一般都会越变越

    In spite of what some people say, the average man is getting worst.


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