• 虽然有些这些名称交替使用鼠海豚实际一个更大群体,其中包括鲸等动物

    Although some people use these names interchangeably, porpoises are actually a larger group that also includes animals like the orca and the beluga whale.


  • 然而,第三法国赢得还算公平交易或许可以帮助齐抵挡国内一些关于法国重返北约并没有带来多少好处指责

    That the French have won a fair deal on the third condition may, however, help to fend off charges that the country is gaining too little in return for rejoining NATO’s integrated command.


  • 只有类————会引起注意他们之间,象早已开拓地球居土地。

    Only two are of any note —the families Hominidae and Elephantidae—yet between them elephants and humans have colonized the habitable surface of the earth.


  • 般担忧同样昭示萨尔废除预审调查法官计划的不安,这一职务收集证据询问以及决定指控嫌疑具有广泛权利

    Such worries also explain the unease over Mr Sarkozy's plan to abolish investigating judges, who have sweeping powers to collect evidence, question witnesses and decide to send suspects for trial.


  • 普京卢斯尼签署了项能带来丰厚收益能源合作合同贝卢斯处理欧洲事务,更是成了普京的代言

    Putin has given the high-living Berlusconi "lavish gifts" and lucrative energy contracts, and Berlusconi "appears increasingly to be the mouthpiece of Putin" in Europe, according to one cable.


  • 板凳呆的时间长了,这也影响到了整体,所以韦德应该是现在最棒

    Kobe spends too much time on the bench, which hurts the Lakers, so Wade takes the top spot.


  • 发言拜瑞-斯内特用户删除一张照片时,在90天内删除公司服务器所有副本。

    The spokesman, Barry Schnitt, said that when a photograph was deleted by a user, it was removed from all of the company's servers within 90 days.


  • 卡曾巴赫咨询公司创始·坎纳指出,面对挑战,我们不应只把眼光局限在如何填补财务漏洞,还要努力开拓新的经营战略

    Niko Canner, co-founder of consultancy Katzenbach Partners, notes that the challenge is to look beyond the critical work of plugging financial holes to forge fresh strategies.


  • 1854年今天亨利戴维梭罗发表了情思精妙文理清晰的文章,叙述马萨诸塞州德城附近小木屋里基本独自一度过时间。

    Today in 1854, Henry David Thoreau released his nuanced and readable account of two years that he spent largely alone in a cabin near Concord, Massachusetts.


  • 利特“死床”指控成功绕过警方看护广而告之这些指控显然认为保护意味着拘禁克里姆林宫里的一些同样为此愤怒不已

    Likewise, some in the Kremlin were angry that Litvinenko's deathbed accusations managed to penetrate his police guard to be broadcast: they apparently assumed that protection meant arrest.


  • 打情骂俏球星·布莱恩特高尔夫球星老虎伍兹代言丢失了数以万计的钱财。

    Philandering cost Lakers star Kobe Bryant and golfer Tiger Woods millions in lost endorsements.


  • 美国脱口秀主持安迪·社交媒体发布一张自己生活照片。

    US talk show host Andy Cohen even post a photo of himself reading a Little Life on social media.


  • 想象大部分球迷来说毫无疑问世界最好篮球运动员

    Images To the majority of Laker fans, there is no question that Kobe Bryant is the best basketball player in the world.


  • 事实现在队的防守还是海绵一样仍旧没有帮助球队解决这个防守难题队的作用根本比不加内特对凯尔特的作用。

    The fact is the Lakers defense is still as soft as a marshmallow, and Kobe has not done anything to fix this problem. He has not been to Lakers compared to what Garnett has been to the Celtics.


  • 艘军舰公开露面船长名叫蕾恩•威尼斯特的女性,而实际的船长一位沉默、高贵的凯尔·多尔——西•瓦斯。

    While the captain of the vessel publicly appeared to be a human female named Layn Wynest, in actuality the captain was a quiet, regal Kel Dorin named Siqo Vass.


  • 加拿大新斯舍省西部村庄,位于芬迪狭长港湾阿卡迪亚开拓长篇诗作伊凡吉林(1847年)的地理背景

    A village of western Nova Scotia, Canada, on an arm of the Bay of Fundy. Settled by Acadians, it is the setting for Longfellow's poem Evangeline (1847).


  • 外貌来看,非洲长相接近灵长目颧骨前凸。

    By apperance, Africans are more close to the quadrumana, such like their high cheekbone, deep eye socket and pitched lips.


  • 事实如果这个得了48,而第一,得分低一点,是46分,还是让46分通过让48分的

    In fact, if that person has a 48 and the first person who had the weaker score has a 46, I could still pass the person with the 46, and fail the person with the 48.


  • 事实恩里迪尼,第一世界3d打印建筑冰雹国家

    In fact, Enrico Dini, the first man in the world to 3d print buildings, hails from the country.


  • 努尔如今的生活工作以及当地的航天发射中心,基本还是前苏联时代老样子。

    Life and work in Baikonur and its 10 cosmodrome are also pretty much what they were in the Soviet era.


  • 控卫增加詹姆斯弗朗西斯。大前锋增加了阿根廷

    They added point guards Mike James and Steve Francis, and power forward Luis Scola of Argentina, with that trio figuring to fit well in Adelman's up-tempo offense.


  • 般担忧同样昭示萨尔废除预审调查法官计划的不安,这一职务收集证据询问以及决定指控嫌疑具有广泛权利

    Such worries also explain the unease over Mr Sarkozy 's plan to abolish investigating judges, who have sweeping powers to collect evidence, question witnesses and decide to send suspects for trial.


  • 般担忧同样昭示萨尔废除预审调查法官计划的不安,这一职务收集证据询问以及决定指控嫌疑具有广泛权利

    Such worries also explain the unease over Mr Sarkozy 's plan to abolish investigating judges, who have sweeping powers to collect evidence, question witnesses and decide to send suspects for trial.


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