• 其中许多电影发现频道的“亲密陌生人”节目选用。

    Some of were featured in the Discovery channel documentry "Intimate Strangers."


  • 生活这样一个奇怪事实陌生人讲话总是比对亲密讲话礼貌

    It is a strange fact of life that we often talk to strangers more politely than we do those we are close to.


  • 比方说,个人面对陌生人就可能是个普通青年,亲密朋友面前会有点肆无忌惮,而一个人独处会多愁善感。

    For instance, a person might be ordinary when facing strangers, outgoing among close friends and sentimental when alone.


  • 不过老实说宁愿把慈善免费给予家人朋友使大家更亲密而不是给予陌生人

    But to be honest, I'd rather be charitable with my family and friends and make them partners for free versus partnering with a stranger.


  • 情人节这天置身各种商业活动中不同的是,无论是否拥有一位亲密的爱人,以下16种方法你与陌生人联系一起。

    Rather than get caught up in all the commercialism surrounding Valentine's Day, here are 16 ways to feel connected to others — whether you are in a romantic relationship or not.


  • 如今即使熙熙攘攘现代社会,在一起吃饭亲密家庭成员朋友(甚至陌生人之间)都可以提供给生活种厚重温暖意味深远的愉悦

    And today, even in the midst of our modern hustle-and-bustle, the intimacy families and friends (and even strangers) can find at the table can provide life with deep warmth and profound pleasure.


  • 作者娴熟手法描述了命运牵引的陌生人之间产生共鸣理解,作者对于高桥玛丽逐渐加深的亲密叙述也是飘忽不定。

    The author describes adeptly the empathy and understanding that can occur between strangers bound by fate, and his account of the growing intimacy between Takahashi and Mari is moving.


  • 臣民建立了密切关系下,产生的图像自发亲密优质经常陌生人画像失踪

    Thanks to the close relationships he established with his subjects, the resulting images are spontaneous and intimate, a quality often missing in portraits of strangers.


  • 研究表明阿片类物质可能作为种非常重要的化学物质帮助人类大脑区别陌生人以及关系亲密诸如朋友家人恋人

    The findings suggest that opioids might be the critical chemicals that enables human brains to distinguish between strangers and people who are closer to us, such as friends, families and lovers.


  • 参与者确实感觉比实验前更亲密了,随后项研究同样使用了阿伦快速交友模式以此陌生人之间迅速地建立信任,消除隔阂。

    The participants did feel closer after doing it, and several subsequent studies have also used Aron's fast friends protocol as a way to quickly create trust and intimacy between strangers.


  • 人们日常最大错误陌生人客气亲密人太苛刻

    The biggest mistake we have made in our daily life is to be too polite to strangers but too strict to close friends.


  • 应当具备笑脸迎能力,无论是自己关系亲密人,还是对陌生人或者一般相识的人。

    The ability to treat those who are close to you with the same courteous attention that you extend to strangers and casual acquaintances.


  • 人们日常所犯的最大错误陌生人客气亲密的人太苛刻。

    The biggest mistake we make in our daily lives is that we are often overly polite to strangers while overly mean to family.


  • 陌生人闯入一对夫妇房子丈夫关系手上整个周末一个缓慢游戏女人,一个游戏的威胁,恐惧服从亲密

    A stranger breaks into the house of a couple, ties up the husband and, having a whole weekend at his hand, plays a slow game with the woman, a game of threats, fear, obedience - and intimacy.


  • 陌生人闯入一对夫妇房子丈夫关系手上整个周末一个缓慢游戏女人,一个游戏的威胁,恐惧服从亲密

    A stranger breaks into the house of a couple, ties up the husband and, having a whole weekend at his hand, plays a slow game with the woman, a game of threats, fear, obedience - and intimacy.


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