• 来自浙江金华企业家宋文明(音)好的教育不是孩子享受特权尤其是男孩子

    'Good education doesn't mean letting your child enjoy privileges, especially our boys, ' said Song Wenming, an entrepreneur in Jinhua, East China's Zhejiang province.


  • 可以些安排,这样就可以享受开车往返学校特权而且只能开小型货车不是运动型轿车)。

    I could set something up so that she could exercise the privilege of driving only between home and school, and only in the minivan (not the sport sedan).


  • 大多数孩子进入唱诗班管弦乐队艺术工作室戏剧机会很少,而他们特权同龄人却能享受这些机会,完全错误的,也是不公平的。

    It is simply wrong and unfair that most children have a fraction of the access to choirs, orchestras, art studios and drama that their more privileged peers enjoy.


  • 全部享受归于几个人,全部贫乏归于其余的人,就是说,归于人民特权例外垄断封建制劳动中产生

    All enjoyments for some, all privations for the rest, that is to say, for the people; privilege, exception, monopoly, feudalism, born from toil itself.


  • 1656年,成立斯德哥尔摩银行,打算发行纸质货币这是一家享受皇家特权私有银行,作为回报,银行皇室提供折扣。

    In 1656 he had founded the Stockholm Banco, a private company that intended to issue paper money, enjoying royal privileges in return for a royal cut.


  • 这种联系文化上的,公众眼里国会议员银行家如今旗鼓相当,都是脱离真实世界享受巨大特权把这一切视为理所应当精英。

    The link is cultural. In the public eye, MPs and bankers now look equivalent as elites, detached from the real world, enjoying massive privileges and thinking of them as entitlements.


  • 这样安全性无论来自”何种连接类型应用程序通用ID拥有享受特权时高使安全得多。

    This way, security is much tighter than it would be if the application's generic ID had privileges that could be exercised regardless of the "come from" connection type.


  • 作为PG P企业会员,企业员工入住期间享受一系列优惠特权提供许多个性化服务

    As a part of PGP (corporate member), during your corporate staff's stay, you will enjoy a series of privileges and be provided with a great personalized service.


  • 这些穷国得到了百分之九十七进口产品享受免税特权贫穷国家出口产品征收大多数关税除外这些占了百分之三),看起来相当

    Granting them concessions like duty-free access on 97 percent of their products sounded greatexcept most of the tariffs levied on poor country exports are aimed at that 3 percent.


  • 那些Twitter选择时刻关注嘎嘎事务粉丝,他们可以享受了解出行习惯一些场合照片特权

    Those choosing to keep abreast of Gaga's affairs on Twitter are treated to insights into her touring habits and occasional pictures.


  • 持平大多数人为人口问题苦恼找出方法避免人口过多邪恶但不放弃他们正在享受特权

    It is fair to say that most people who anguish over the population problem are trying to find a way to avoid the evils of overpopulation without relinquishing any of the privileges they now enjoy.


  • 车为油站构建了定制忠诚度计划,比如,加油站的汽车加油10以上,你就可以享受10%至15%的折扣作为您的等级特权

    After fueling up your car more than 10 times at one gas station, you will be offered a 10 to 15 percent discount as part of a gasoline loyalty program.


  • 中国早已进入了全球相对平稳25我们一直享受段时期的和平,同时我们也付出了很大的代价——我们观念特权以及行为发生了很大的改变。

    They may very well have begun in Chinathese 25 years of comparative global peace which we have been enjoying and for which we have all paid so much in changed perceptions, priorities, and actions.


  • 他们依法享有不纳身丁不服差役、犯罪时可得到减免享受一定社会救济特权

    They had some privileges in law, such as being free of poll tax and corvee, being lessen, even being absolved. if they broke the law, they would enjoy some social relieves.


  • 今天观赏印加庙宇巨大的佛像法国城堡澳大利亚袋鼠只是少数幸运者特权了,每年有千百万可以得到这种享受

    It is not reserved to a lucky few, nowadays, to admire Inca temples, giant Buddhas, French castles, and Australian kangaroos. Millions of people do each year.


  • 持有者购买额外奖励,从12月13日星期一联赛半决赛第一回合开始,可以得到享受购买联赛杯半决赛门票特权

    There is also an extra incentive to buy with season ticket holders able to exclusively buy tickets for the Carling Cup semi-final first leg until Monday 13 December.


  • 组织每一会员国之领土内享受于达成宗旨必需特权豁免

    The Organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members such legal capacity as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions and the fulfilment of its purposes.


  • 组织每一会员国之领土内享受于达成宗旨必需特权豁免

    The Organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members such legal capacity as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions and the fulfilment of its purposes.


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