• 理解因为这件事情引发家人朋友对我产生愤怒失望情绪对于已经对他们造成伤害我将不会任何借口地承担责任。

    I understand and deserve the feelings of anger and disappointment among my friends and family. There are no excuses and I take full responsibility for the hurt I have caused.


  • 痱子由于汗腺在热天里不能清理我们身体产生大量汗液所造成

    Heat rashes are caused by sweat glands not being able to clear the large amounts of sweat we produce in the heat.


  • 如果这些地方希望减少燃煤气候造成影响他们必须要么减少量,要么想出办法隔绝产生二氧化碳

    If these places wish to reduced the impact that burning coal makes on the climate, they must either burn less coal or develop ways of sequestering the carbon dioxide so produced.


  • 研究人类活动产生温室气体所造成当前全球可能使北极暖化程度高于

    Current global warming from greenhouse gases generated by human activities could warm the arctic to levels above the melting point of ice, the study said.


  • 一项研究显示,常常斥骂下属的经理造成压力雇员另一半产生重大影响

    Stress caused by an abusive manager has a major impact on an employee's partner, a study has found.


  • 海湾漏油造成其它隐患还包括飘浮水面石油燃烧时以及大量化学融解产生微粒

    Other threats from the Gulf oil spill include particulate matter generated by burning oil floating on the surface and from the large amount of chemical dispersants used.


  • 官方表示,如果火山持续喷发,产生烟云将会对航空业造成进一步影响。

    Officials are concerned, however, that if the eruption continues, the smoke could further disrupt aviation.


  • 单个核武器高空引爆产生电磁脉冲对一千英里以外军事系统造成威胁

    The electromagnetic pulse generated by the detonation of a single nuclear weapon at high altitudes can be a threat to military systems located as much as a thousand miles away.


  • 到底什么造成这种渴望显而易见的:潜意识对于某种现实中缺乏的截然相反东西产生的补偿需要-这种缺乏的东西就是真实。

    It is obvious what has made this desire so intense: the subconscious need to compensate for the absence of the opposite pole-truth.


  • 不过其他一些活动倒有可能危害这些艺术品,例如某些博物馆产生的无意义损害以及那些激动人心展览造成破坏

    A lot of harm can potentially be done, however, by news stories that pointlessly undermine museums and sabotage exciting exhibitions.


  • 毫无疑问,放弃这个动作本身简单仅仅的事,目标就可在脑后,但是放弃所造成的后果会在未来对的行为产生负面的影响。

    Of course, the act itself of giving up is really easy. With just a few words, your goal is behind you.


  • 当代大学生心理产生问题主要由于家庭教育影响,社会环境挑战以及高校教育工作的疏漏造成的。

    Today's college students' mental problems are mainly caused by family education, together with the new challenges of the social environment and the oversight of higher education work.


  • 为了造成这种结果,一个办法沿翼展重新分配空气动力负载或是设法利用机尾水平稳定产生的涡流。

    One does this by redistributing the aerodynamic load along the wingspan or by incorporating the vortices coming off the horizontal stabilizer.


  • 血液能够循环无阻,心脏必须产生足够压力克服管道越来越小所造成阻力。

    For blood to circulate, the heart must generate enough force to overcome the resistance it meets as the passageways become smaller and smaller.


  • 品格证据规则核心在于避免品格证据在刑事审判产生偏见案件事实的客观发现所造成消极影响从而提高审判的准确性

    The function of character evidence rules is to avoid those negative impacts that produced by the prejudice in the criminal progress, and to improve the accuracy of trial.


  • 内外股分离缆线材料所造成压力操作了弹性极限后,易位或者不稳定的情况就会产生,进而造成永久变形

    When this separation strains the cable material beyond its elastic limit, instability or birdcaging occurs in the form of the permanent deformation.


  • 这些由于风机停机维修产生高额成本不仅影响风机生产率导致额外成本,对发电成本和项目本身会造成影响。

    The high cost of wind-turbine downtime due to repair not only affects the productivity of the turbine, but also results in unplanned costs which affect the cost of energy and project viability.


  • 发现材料电弧烧损主要触点断开闭合过程中产生电弧其它放电现象热效应所造成的。

    And also, the electric arc erosion of contact materials is engendered by heat effect of arc and other discharge phenomenon during the open and close of electric contact materials.


  • 抽水所造成地下水漏斗区范围内不仅产生垂直形变,而且影响的不同部位,形在压缩拉伸的水平形变

    Around the pumping Wells and within the limit of a funnel-shaped ground water surface, not only vertical movement, but also horizontal compression and dilatation can be observed.


  • 本文介绍了控制阀选型步骤提出了控制阀产生闪蒸空化噪音现象造成影响解决措施

    This paper introduces measure of selecting of control valve, and putting forward influence and settlement measure of control valve producing phenomenon of flashing, cavitations, noise.


  • 最后得出结论——振动注水产生脉动压力不会套管水泥地层造成损坏

    Finally, the conclusion is that the pulse pressure caused by vibrated water injection can not damage to casing pipe, cement sheath and formation.


  • 英语教学中迁移指学习者在第二语言学习过程中,由于某种共同因素造成知识、旧技能知识、新技能产生抑制作用

    Negative transference is the restrained function for the second language learners caused by some common factors of the old knowledge on the new knowledge and techniques.


  • 针对煤矿生产对周围环境破坏所造成污染分析了污染产生原因、种类危害性,提出了预防和治理污染的方法。

    Based on present situation of environment pollution from the coal mine, the paper analyzes the cause, kinds and harmfulness of the pollution and puts forward some countermeasures.


  • 文化冲击由于我们失去熟悉迹象社会交往产生焦虑造成的。

    Cultural shock is caused by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols or social contact.


  • 现象由薄膜金属超微粒子费米能级附近电子飞秒激光脉冲激发产生平衡电子经历瞬态弛豫造成

    The optical relaxation is a process in which nonequilibrium electrons, excited by laser pulses and originating from near Fermi level in Cu ultrafine particles, return to the equilibrium state.


  • 随着畜牧业生产规模扩大集约化程度的提高,畜禽养殖场产生的恶臭所造成危害已经引起人们的普遍关注

    With the development of production scale and intension of animal husbandry industry, more and more people are concerning the damage of malodor contamination from livestock and poultry farms.


  • 机器些小的破坏或许房屋倒塌产生的瓦砾造成的。

    Such minor damage as was suffered by the machine was probably due to falling debris from the house.


  • 机器些小的破坏或许房屋倒塌产生的瓦砾造成的。

    Such minor damage as was suffered by the machine was probably due to falling debris from the house.


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