• 埃丽诺展示很多重要实例人们可以在没有警察的情况下遵守产权规则

    Elinor showed that there are lots of important cases where people follow rules about ownership without police officers.


  • 双重产权规则冲突导致目前我国经济宏观控制能力弱化根源。

    The conflict between dual types of proprietorship leads to the weakness of China's macroeontrolling capacity.


  • 但是侦测外国公司帮助自己的公司实际上无视知识产权规则,而这些规则科技进步的基石。

    But spying on foreign firms to help your own is merely another way of ignoring the intellectual property rules that underlie technological prosperity.


  • 传统经济学理论认为保护个人权利两种替代的方式要么产权规则的保护要么责任规则的保护。

    According to the traditional theory in law and economics, there are two alternative mechanisms to protect personal entitlements, ie. either by property rule or by liability rule.


  • 文档产权保持规则仍停留于纸质文档。

    Rules for document retention presume paper records.


  • 3d印制技术不仅资本工作分配意义非凡,而且对知识产权规则带来影响。

    The technology will have implications not just for the distribution of capital and jobs, but also for intellectual-property (IP) rules.


  • 根据新的婚姻规则如果夫妇之间没有争夺子女抚养权的争吵,那么,他们几分钟内就可以离婚

    Under the new rules, if couples are not fighting over property rights or child custody, they can get their divorce in minutes.


  • 新闻注册系统使用知识产权许可规则相关一般分类法格式

    The News Registry will use a common taxonomy and format around intellectual property rights and licensing rules.


  • 知识产权认为仲裁委员会运作方式应通过采用法庭使用民事诉讼规则中的案件管理技术变得法庭化。

    The IPO said that the operation of the Tribunal would be altered to make it more like courts by adopting case management techniques from the courts' civil procedure rules (CPRs).


  • 由于没有单独立法知识产权案件适用一般民事诉讼证据规则面临许多无法解决的矛盾障碍。

    Since there is no special governing law in this respect, intellectual property right cases are facing some substantial problems when applying general rules of evidence to them.


  • 是因为产权社会经济运行基础性规则产权安排企业绩效至关重要。

    The reason is that property rights are basic rules for a society, and their arrangements are of great significance to enterprises' performance.


  • 表示这些规则普遍适用于所有知识产权

    He stated that these rules would apply across the board to all intellectual property rights.


  • 中国已经建立符合国际规则的知识产权法律法规体系参加了几乎所有保护知识产权国际组织

    So far, China has built an IPR legal system, compatible with international rules, and joined almost all the international organizations of IPR protection.


  • 中国遵照知识产权协议遵守作为真诚敏锐测试WTO规则

    China's compliance with an intellectual property accord is seen as a keen test of its sincerity in abiding by WTO rules.


  • 知识产权相关法律健全上中国已经达到了目前公认国际规则所要求标准

    China has already reached the standard required by recognized international rules in the effort to complete its laws related to intellectual property rights.


  • 我国出版体制改革逻辑起点是以产权制度为基础出版市场规则制度

    The logical starting point of Chinas reform of publishing system is the rules and regulations of publishing market on the basis of property right system.


  • 可能出现建造准则产权文件中的限制规则,对建筑大小安置材料设计或者地点进行控制

    Limiting rules which may appear in building codes or in title documents which control the size, placement, materials, design or location of new construction.


  • 目前国际私法中的侵犯知识产权行为法律选择规则主要着眼于侵权行为重要联系原则。

    In current private international law choice of law rules mainly refers to locus delicti or the doctrine of the most significant relationship.


  • 要素禀赋网络效应可乐定理、“知识产权可取得”等新的市场规则体现新的价值规律商品交换关东

    New elements endowment, network effect, Cola principle and "the availability of intellectual right" are the new market regulations, which reflect the new law of values and goods-exchanging relation.


  • 这项新的规则迫使索尼英特尔这样公司官方指定中国伙伴合作,把他们的知识产权推向了盗版的边缘。

    This new rule will force companies such as Sony and Intel to work with officially designated Chinese partners, exposing their intellectual property to the risk of piracy.


  • 专利规则挪威工业产权颁布,自1980年1月1日起开始实施。

    These Regulations are enacted by Norwegian Industrial Property Office, and date of Entry into force is January 1, 1980.


  • 电力市场产权制度建设2方面内容产权重组市场交易中的产权界定规则

    The construction of perfect property institution contains 2 aspect contents, which are property right restructuring and creation of property right limited rules in market transaction.


  • WTO实际上一系列游戏规则构成的,其中知识产权保护是其重要的内容

    The protection of knowledge assets is one of the utmost contents of WTO that is an organization composed of a series of game tenets.


  • 本文认为制度是以产权契约国家内核的降低交易费用规则一系列规则可以最终实现资源最优配置

    We think that the institutions are a series of rules which are brought out by contract and used to define the property among people. These rules can be used to realize the resource optimal allocation.


  • 因此,本文认为诚信产权权利游戏规则及充分博弈信息保证下的产物,唯有此种激励才是有效的激励。

    The article assumes that the honesty comes from the property right and sufficient game information, and only these can be regarded as efficiency inspiring.


  • 商标法实施规则挪威工业产权局颁布,自1961年3月3起开始实施。

    These Regulations are enacted by Norwegian Industrial Property Office, and date of Entry into force is March 3, 1961.


  • 开源软件出现不是对传统知识产权颠覆否定,而是基础上利用其原有规则所作出对开源软件的保护。

    But the emergence of open source software is not the subversion and denial of the traditional intellectual property. In fact, it makes use of the traditional intellectual property to protect itself.


  • 我国现已成为WTO成员国,因此知识产权保护方面必须遵照TRIPS协议要求按照国际规则办事

    Since China had become a member country of WTO, in the protection of intellectual property, China has to follow the requirements of the TRIPS and conduct according to the international regulations.


  • 目前中国已经建立符合国际规则知识产权法律法规体系参加几乎所有保护知识产权国际组织

    So far, China has established a legal system of IPR consistent with international rules and acceded to almost all the international organizations on IPR protection.


  • 目前中国已经建立符合国际规则知识产权法律法规体系参加几乎所有保护知识产权国际组织

    So far, China has established a legal system of IPR consistent with international rules and acceded to almost all the international organizations on IPR protection.


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