• 课堂过程研究称之为课堂交际研究有着诸多形式

    Classroom process research, also called the study of communication in the classroom has taken different forms.


  • 文化跨文化交际研究核心文化的核心是价值观念。

    Culture is the core of intercultural communication research, and values are the core of culture.


  • 主要内容如下一部分涉及文化交际研究的理论基础

    Main contents can be summarized as thus: the first part involves the intercultural communication theoretical foundation.


  • 跨文化交际研究中国英语教学界正产生越来越重要影响

    Intercultural communication research is exerting more and more important influence upon the EFL teaching in China.


  • 探索文化能力构建因此成为跨文化交际研究主要的领域之一

    Therefore, the research on the theoretical construction of intercultural competence and related issues has become one of the key areas of intercultural communication studies.


  • 本文结合跨文化交际研究中的文化维度理论简要分析英汉姓名文化上的异同

    With the cultural Dimensions Theory in the inter-cultural communication study, this paper briefly analyzes the differences and similarities between English and Chinese names in culture.


  • 最后本文指出了笔者研究局限性以及未来跨国公司跨文化商务交际研究展望。

    The thesis finally points out the limitations of the study and explores its implications for future research on the cross-cultural analysis of business communication in multinationals.


  • 文化交际研究基本理念认为,不同文化背景人们相互交往一个非常复杂过程

    The basic concept is that cross-cultural communication is a very complicated process for people from different cultural backgrounds to interact.


  • 目前文化交际研究主要是侧重文化差异、文化障碍,以及如何克服这些障碍促进交际顺利进行。

    The current research in intercultural communication paid too much attention to the differences and barriers among cultures. Few scholars have focused on this aspect.


  • 解决问题包括:病理言语学、机器翻译国家语言政策规划、语言交际研究诸多方面以及其他研究等。

    The problems it attempts to solve include speech pathology , machine translation, national language planning policy, various facets of communication research, and many others.


  • 本文试图借鉴西方修辞学理论结合PAC理论,探讨受众分析文化有效交际问题,拓展跨文化交际研究范围

    The paper tries to combine western rhetoric theory and PAC theory to explore audience analysis and effective cross-cultural communication thus to enlarge the scope of cross-cultural research.


  • 亲属称谓语作为称谓语系统基本组成要素不但反映语言性别关系而且文化交际研究发挥积极作用

    Kinship term, a basic component of address system, not only reflects the relationship between gender and language, but also plays an important role in intercultural communication.


  • 从两种理论不同研究角度入手,可以发现两者话语含意推导基础、话语交际研究焦点以及关于语境问题方面存在的差异。

    This paper illustrates their differences in the respects of the basis of inference, the focus of research and the problems about context.


  • 研究表明准确判断一个是否善于交际我们至少需要分钟最好是分钟。

    To accurately tell whether someone is sociable, studies show, we need at least a minute, preferably five.


  • 但是更为有趣的该项研究进一步这个理论给予支持我们交际源于手势

    But perhaps even more interesting is that this study provides further support to the theory that our communication originated with gestures.


  • 之前的研究结论认为狼类对于人类交际线索感兴趣,例如即便人类用手指指向食物,它们也不会顺着手指的方向做出反应。

    Previous studies have concluded that wolves are not interested in human social cues and will not, for example, follow a pointing finger, even if that finger would lead them to food.


  • 期末考试小组项目案例研究走访公司、招聘活动无数交际机会

    There are finals, group projects, case studies, company visits, recruitment events and countless networking opportunities.


  • 刊登于《交际调查杂志项最近研究指出大概过半大学生处于异地恋爱关系中,“从某种程度上说可能已上升75%的比例”。

    One recent study, in the journal Communication Research, finds that as many as half of college students are in long-distance relationships, "and up to 75% will be at some point."


  • pau坐落法国西南部巴斯克村帕勒尼的尽头,Total全球研究中心发源地以及与它的全球管理紧密相连交际枢纽

    NESTLED at the foot of the Pyrenees near the Basque country in southwestern France, the town of Pau is home to Total's global research center and a communication hub linking its global operations.


  • 列克星敦肯塔基大学交际学专家劳拉.斯塔福(Laura Stafford)研究说明,“异地恋现在流行,而且会越来越普遍”。

    "Long-distance dating relationships are prevalent, perhaps increasingly so," says the study by communication professor Laura Stafford of the University of Kentucky-Lexington.


  • 这份研究在过去跟踪超过300,000个人,得到的结论影响健康长寿因素良好支持交际网络的地位与是否抽烟的地位等价。

    The study tracked more than 300, 000 people over seven years and concluded that having a good support network is as influential a factor in your long-term health as whether or not you're a smoker.


  • 最后研究公司赞助项目很多组织个人提供在内部交际机会

    Finally, investigate your company's sponsored programs; many organizations provide opportunities for individuals to network within the company.


  • 研究报告心理科学期刊上发表。研究人员指出,善于交际活泼踏实勤奋、有责任心更加快乐。

    People who are sociable, active, stable, hardworking and conscientious tend to be happier, the researchers reported in the journal Psychological Science.


  • 问题,即使是简单社会交际,也存在如此变数以至于每一参与者经历不是完全相同,所以研究结果并不是那么准确。

    The problem is that so many variables exist in the simplest social interaction that the experience of each participant is never exactly the same.


  • 全身心聚焦他们研究,不善于交际导致了他们的成功

    Focusing on their research with all energy, weaken in communication, lead to the success.


  • Jared Taglialatela,一位叶克斯国家灵长类动物研究中心研究员,:“他们表现出了与人类相似各种复杂交际认知能力,他们有感觉,想法,有目标。”

    "They have been shown to have all kinds of complex communication and cognitive powers that are similar to humans, " said Clayton State University primate researcher Jared Taglialatela.


  • 牛津大学一项研究发现虽然人们Facebook拥有数以千计好友不能在现实生活扩大他们的交际

    Facebook might give us the ability to have thousands of friends but it does nothing to expand how many we keep in real life, an Oxford University study has found.


  • 很多研究证明广泛社会交际那些没有的人更少生病

    Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don't.


  • 很多研究证明广泛社会交际那些没有的人更少生病

    Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don't.


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