• 农村不仅犯罪率而且交通事故

    There is not only less crime in the countryside, but also fewer traffic accidents.


  • 所在位置看起来离市区有点远,很安静交通便利而且离海滩很近。

    It looks to be in quite a good location, a bit out of town and quiet but with good transport, and quite near a beach.


  • 问题在于了,维护不善而且这里交通其他地方都要拥挤

    The problem is that the road is too narrow and badly maintained while the traffic here is heavier than anywhere else.


  • 20世纪40年代空中交通管制中心能够而且确实利用第二世界大战中新研制雷达改进无线电通讯但是这个系统还处于初级阶段

    In the 1940s, ATC centres could and did take advantage of the newly developed radar and improved radio communication brought about by the Second World War, but the system remained rudimentary.


  • 不仅有助于解决交通问题,而且有助于更充分地利用城市空间。

    It not only helps solve the traffic problems, but also will help to make more use of space in cities.


  • 他去买自行车时,他发现几乎没有自行车,这让他开始思考:如果缺少自行车与新冠肺炎有关,而且如果骑他自行车的人真的需要交通工具去上班呢?

    When he went bike shopping, he found few available, which got him thinking: What if the lack of bikes was Covid-19 related, and what if the person who'd taken his bike really needed transportation to get to work?


  • 而且传说中,担心交通安全村民只需懒猴新建道路的路面下,就可以永保条路没有车祸

    And legend has it that villagers anxious about traffic safety need only bury a loris beneath a new road to keep it free from accidents.


  • 不仅违反交通规章而且可以认为使用威胁方法危害公共安全

    This is beyond a traffic offence, and can be defined as endangering public security by dangerous methods.


  • 女儿小学自行车募款比赛中,孩子们得到了赞助而且他们还在交通环岛出围成一募款

    At a fundraising bike Derby at her daughter's elementary school, the kids got sponsors, and they zipped around a traffic circle doing laps to raise money.


  • 除此之外,交通状态非常差,几乎是飞过去而且我忘带了马靴

    On top of that, traffic was horrendous, I almost ran out of gas AND I forgot my riding boots.


  • 而且与其假设大家都会海洋交通惯例,像是先行,不如说混合著虚张声势无能行为

    And rather than assuming that everyone will adhere to the maritime traffic code, which determines who has right of way, it can incorporate ACTS of bravado and incompetence.


  • 好的交通系统能使城市更干净有效率而且便利

    Good transportation systems make a city cleaner, more efficient and more convenient.


  • 房子偏远,缺乏充分的公共交通而且往往建成时不通水电没有学校

    The new houses are too far out, with no adequate public transport, and they are sometimes built before water, electricity or schools get there.


  • 没有几个人表示异议提供生活品质具有吸引力,而且它具备良好交通衔接

    Few would dispute that it offers an attractive quality of life, and it has good transport links.


  • 这儿而且告诉了,交通阻塞。

    I just got here and I told you traffic was terrible.


  • 他们的学校医院常常处在恐怖的状态,而且这个国家仅有极少公共交通工具大多数黑人却没有自己汽车

    Their schools and hospitals are often in a dire state.And, in a country where there is little public transport, most blacks do not own a car.


  • 它们正在迅速取代传统自行车摩托车而且许多情况下延缓了交通工具汽车转变

    They are replacing traditional bikes and motorcycles at a rapid clip and, in many cases, allowing people to put off the switch to cars.


  • 年前提出塞车收费伦敦中心区已经减少交通流量15%提高速度22%,而且没有经济带来什么损害

    The congestion charge he introduced two years ago has reduced traffic by 15% and increased speeds by 22% in central London without much damage to business.


  • 任何水乡一样,大部分商店交通工具是而且事实上船上也有小商贩卖东西看到图片下方了吗?

    As you can see, just as in any canal city, most visits to shops took place on boatsand in fact there are vendors who sell from boats, as we see below.


  • 我们头盔安全带而且遵守交通法规

    We had bike helmets and seat belts, and we were obeying the traffic rules.


  • 如果马路干净了,而且不会交通危险,你可以马路上跑步不过要小心有地方

    Run on the street if it's been plowed, provided that it's safe from traffic, and watch out for areas that could have black ice.


  • 女性交通支出男性高出50%,因为她们必须乘坐带顶棚的车辆而且很多女性不起费用。

    Transportationcosts women 50 percent more than men because they must ride in covered vehiclesand many cannot afford to pay.


  • 而且最快的,因为不用永远穿过交通

    And it's going to be quickest because you're not forever waiting to turn across the traffic.


  • 飞机失事阿拉斯加普通了,这里空间距离遥远,而且小型飞机惯用交通工具

    PLANE crashes are all too common in Alaska, a state where the distances are gigantic and small puddle-jumpers are a routine form of transport.


  • 另一个原因,受感染者似乎反应能力低下而且容易卷入交通事故中。

    Another is that those infected seem to have poor reaction times and are more likely to be involved in road accidents.


  • 其实政策层面对预防交通事故很简单的,而且颇见成效,比如限速规定骑乘轮车的人员必须戴上头盔、改善道路设计以及增加驾驶考试次数等等。

    Yet the policy prescriptions are simple and proven: enforced speed limits, helmet laws for those on two wheels, good road design and more driving tests.


  • 公布的设计方案中,自由塔远离交通主干道,而且建筑物的整体构造也得到加强。

    Under new plans it is further from the road and has a strengthened structure.


  • 英国一项最新调查表明,英国父母因担心孩子的安全问题,不孩子在外过夜,不让年龄不满15岁的子女单独乘坐公共交通工具而且带孩子到公园玩时会老鹰一样紧紧地盯他们

    Banning children as old as 15 from using public transport on their own and watching over their kids like hawks at the local park, according to a new British study.


  • 英国一项最新调查表明,英国父母因担心孩子的安全问题,不孩子在外过夜,不让年龄不满15岁的子女单独乘坐公共交通工具而且带孩子到公园玩时会老鹰一样紧紧地盯他们

    Banning children as old as 15 from using public transport on their own and watching over their kids like hawks at the local park, according to a new British study.


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