• 属于交易团队已经融入了交易现场。我知道入司培训很快就要结束了。

    I hadn't made the team but I was clearly on the field. I knew, however, that spring training would soon come to an end.


  • 但是杜洪得知,银行一些竞争对手已经开始进行抵押风险信用衍生品交易所以他们团队决定接受这项工作

    But Duhon knew that some of the bank's rivals were starting to conduct credit derivatives deals with mortgage risk, so the team decided to take it on.


  • 同时他们迅速地融入我们业务交易团队导向的文化中来。

    As such, they are quickly integrated into both the transactions of our businesses and our team-oriented culture.


  • 克雷团队意识到,进行商品交易大型企业确保产品的生产过程符合地球环保需求重要环节之一

    Clay and his team realized that the large corporations trading commodities are one of the crucial links to ensuring products are made within the resource limits of the planet.


  • 更新数据可以包括添加非结构化注释、将服务请求指派团队成员或者银行交易归为某种预算类别

    Updating data could include adding unstructured comments, assigning a service request to a team member, or tagging banking transactions to a budget category.


  • 马科·波洛斯先生一个非正式的团队开始深入调查时候,发现数以亿计资金流入麦道夫的手里,这些钱却没有市场交易过的痕迹

    As Mr Markopolos and a small, informal team began to dig, it became clear that billions of dollars were being channelled to Mr Madoff, yet there was no trace of his transactions in the market.


  • 尽管这次交易让威望迪合并公司中占有54%的股权,但却是由动视的管理团队运营

    Although the deal gave Vivendi a 54% stake in the merged firm, Activision's management team was kept in place to run it.


  • 但是这些交易也有缺点尤其是产品停产团队成员离开时。

    But they have their downsides too, especially when the startup products are shut down and team members are left out of the deal.


  • 现在一个特殊销售团队已经上路交易了,下午通过手机传送命令便携式电脑

    Now a specialized sales team has been walking accounts, sending orders in the afternoon by cell phone to laptop computers.


  • 赫尔段出现在YouTube上的视频骄傲的宣称,通过这项交易,“两个王者到了一起”,团队们为这样的豪言壮语畅怀大笑。

    With this deal, "two Kings have gotten together," boasted Mr Hurley in a video clip on YouTube, with his team in stitches over the grandiose language.


  • 比如德国金融部门一个团队执行MiFID正在起草股票交易证券法规修改

    In Germany, for instance, a team at the finance ministry is working on draft amendments to the stock exchange and securities laws to implement MiFID.


  • 拥戴现有管理团队的股东们倾向于与德意志银行合并那些对此不怎么在意的股东们倾向于被纳斯达克/洲际交易收购

    Shareholders that like the current management team would be more inclined to vote for the Deutsche Bourse deal, while those who are more lukewarm on it would lean toward the Nasdaq/ICE deal.


  • 一支数学天才科学家组成精英团队他们中的大多数人并不外部世界),那里构想神秘莫测的交易战略,将其勾勒在白色书写板上,然后借助超级计算机设定交易模型

    There, esoteric trading strategies are imagined, sketched on whiteboards and modeled on supercomputers by an elite corps of math wizards and scientists, most of them unknown to the outside world.


  • 现在法律团队这个标准适用新的海外交易

    Now, his legal team said, this standard will only apply to new foreign deals.


  • 半夜时分,JP摩根的高级交易马特•赞姆斯(Matt Zames)团队检查贝尔斯登的帐簿

    Around midnight, Matt Zames, a senior J.P. Morgan trader, arrived with a team to look over Bear Stearns's books.


  • 负责大宗商品交易BlytheMasters7月一个电话会议团队讨论Bhima交易其他事情,而自营交易部门正是报告的。

    The proprietary trading desk reports to commodities head Blythe Masters, who discussed Bhima's trade and other matters in a July conference call with her team.


  • 比如说,我们测评Warren个人工作效率时,可能会觉得一个很不错的的股市交易可是如果我们让他团队里工作却只关注团队表现的话,Warren可能只会把一半潜力发挥出来工作。

    For example, Warren might be a great stock trader when he is being assessed on his work in isolation, but he may work at only half of his potential when the focus is on the team's performance.


  • Claçado举的例子中证券交易经纪人开发的系统三个部分——数据采集用户交互事务其中一个部分由不同团队处理。

    In Claçado’s example, a system for stock exchange for traders has three parts - data gathering, user interaction and transactions - with a different team working on each of them.


  • 交易个统一的价格联盟,75美分到77美分之间卡洛斯桑切斯纽约国际注册资产管理师团队副研究员

    Orange juice is trading in a narrow technical range between 75 cents and 77 cents, said Carlos Sanchez, an associate director of research at CPM Group in New York.


  • 浩华的国际服务团队协助世界各地公司通过跨国交易减低税项加强财政管理业务增长

    Our international service teams help companies across the globe structure cross-border transactions to lower taxes, strengthen financial controls, and manage growth.


  • 企业契约理论研究公司治理结构理论渊源,主要包括交易费用理论、团队生产理论和委托代理理论。

    The contractual theory of the firm is the theory origin of studying corporate governance, mainly including the trade expenses theory, the group production theory and the principal-agent theory.


  • 然而研究团队发现交易王的风险高达100%,他们告诉德鲁崔

    However, the research team had determined the guys in the cave were off by a factor of 100 percent, and they told Dellutri.


  • 你们团队当时在做什么交易

    What kind of trading were you person-ally doing?


  • 不是交易麦蒂”拥护者中的员,如果这样填补这个团队需要那么很不幸我们必须这样

    I'm not one of the "trade TMac" folks, but if that's what needs to happen to fill multiple needs on this team, then unfortunately, that's what we need to do.


  • 在此之前威尔领导着诺顿罗氏澳大利亚代表处负责交易股本市场团队

    Prior to his move, Wilton was the head of the transactions and equity capital markets group for Norton Rose Australia.


  • 我们经常劝告做好基本功课审慎评估各项交易耐心一些,最好团队中国来,因为一个成本产品制造中心

    We say things like do your homework and due diligence very carefully, be patient, send your best team to China because it's a low cost center of production.


  • 交易成本理论团队生产理论分别交易成本与生产成本角度论证企业存在

    The theory of transaction cost and team production have demonstrate the existence of firm respectively in terms of production cost and transaction cost.


  • 交易成本理论团队生产理论分别交易成本与生产成本角度论证企业存在

    The theory of transaction cost and team production have demonstrate the existence of firm respectively in terms of production cost and transaction cost.


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