• 因为针对每一个封包标头IP地址进行转换,所以会带来一些交换路径延迟

    Switching path delays are introduced because of the translation of each IP address within the packet headers.


  • 平台采用分布式消息路径选择算法生成消息交换路径树,便于XML消息引擎生成一个队列和路由策略。

    The M-Commerce platform USES a message path finding algorithm to create a message queue in XML message engine for routing.


  • 为了保证MPLS网络可靠性,MPLS快速路由技术借助MPLS流量工程能力,为主标签交换路径(lsp)提供快速保护倒换能力

    In order to ensure the reliability of MPLS network, MPLS fast Reroute (FRR) based on traffic engineering with the ability to provide fast protection and switching LSP capacity.


  • MPLS网络不可避免地存在着形成标记交换路径LSP环路可能ATM技术特点又使MPLS网络环路控制机制应用受到一些限制。

    There is an inevitable possibility of an LSP forming loops in MPLS networks, and the application of MPLS's loop control mechanisms is restricted by the ATM technological traits.


  • 故意拔掉主机交换之间根 FC电缆,从而中断其中访问路径

    I purposely interrupt one of the access paths by pulling off an FC cable between the host and switch.


  • 推荐路径惟一更改交换扩展架构包含一个1.0子目录因为想要目录结构名称空间名称形成镜像

    The only change I made to the recommended path was to include a 1.0 subdirectory for the exchange and extensions schemas, because I wanted the directory structure to mirror the namespace name.


  • 1中的代码显示了第111执行交换陈述应用准确路径

    The code fragment in Figure 1 shows the exact path the application took when executing the switch statement on line 111.


  • 然后,故意拔掉主机交换之间根 FC电缆中断其中访问路径

    Then I purposely interrupt one of the access paths by pulling off an FC cable between the host and switch.


  • 对于转发消息路径反向消息路径来说,消息交换规则是相同

    The rules for the exchange of messages remain the same for both forward and reverse message paths.


  • 然后,故意拔掉主机交换之间根FC电缆中断其中访问路径

    Then I purposely interrupt one of the access paths by pulling off an FC cable between the host and switch.


  • 设备首先使用一个信令交换过程建立到ATM目的地路径

    Devices first use a signaling process to establish a path with an ATM destination.


  • 局部交换包括了交换逻辑和决定拨号路径

    The local exchange contains switching logic and determines where to route a call.


  • 如果项目存在时,将会沿著快速交换路径来传递。

    The remaining packets will go through the fast-switched path if a cache entry exists.


  • 文简单介绍路由器体系结构以及数据交换路径方法

    This paper talks about the router's architecture and the path of switching data through network.


  • 本文基于模糊数学规划系统优化观点研究了分组交换网络分组路径选择问题

    The problem of route selection of the packets in networks is studied based on the viewpoint of fuzzy mathematical programming and system optimization in this paper.


  • 由于内部要素交换一定组织权威进行的,市场交换比较具有不同实现路径

    Since the exchange of internal elements is made under the authority of certain organization, it has a different path of realization compared with market exchange mechanism.


  • 通过引入随机交换PMX算子使微粒群优化算法能够求解车辆路径问题这类离散组合优化问题。

    PSO can solve a discrete combination optimization such as VRP by using random exchange sequence and PMX operator.


  • 网站提供关于通过协作努力创造一个生物路径数据交换格式信息

    The BioPAX web site provides information about a collaborative effort to create a data exchange format for biological pathways.


  • 通过建立交换元和交换集对算法操作算子进行改进,满足钻削路径优化问题整数编码需要

    And the operators are improved by establishing the Order Exchange Unit and Order Exchange List to satisfy the need of integer coding in drilling path optimization.


  • 路径循环问题影响多协议标签交换MPLS网络质量主要因素之一但是目前基于异步传输模式(ATM)的MPLS却缺乏有效环路检测措施。

    Routing loop is one of the most crucial problems that can affect the capability of the MPLS network, but there hasn't an effect method to detect the loop at the ATM-based MPLS network.


  • 自动交换光网络(ason)控制协议采用通用多协议标签交换(GMPLS)控制协议族,路由部分主要开放式最短路径优先(OSPF)协议。

    Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) is used as the control protocol for ASON, of which the routing part is mainly governed by the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol.


  • 通过引入随机交换PMX算子使微粒群优化算法能够求解车辆路径问题这类离散组合优化问题。

    A PSO can solve a discrete combination optimization such as VRP by using random exchange sequence and PMX operator.


  • STP为了防止循环通过允许网络交换港口之间只有一个路径

    STP was created to prevent bridge loops by allowing only one path between network switches or ports.


  • 核心思想使用标签建立数据光网络中的传送路径免除沿路径复杂路由处理从而提高数据交换速率

    The core technology of OLS is using the optical label to establish the transmission path for the data, so we can avoid the complex route management and improve the data transmission rate.


  • 算法考虑了公次数、换乘选择以及出行总成本对求解最优路径的综合影响。

    Transfer times, transfer point choice and the travel cost are taken into consideration in the new algorithm.


  • 设计先进交换现有技术相结合可能容量交换实现提供快捷路径

    This design combines the advanced optical switching with present technologies, it is possible to offer a short-cut to realize tremendous capacity optical switching.


  • 通过多种现有算法的分析,利用矩阵性质,本文提出了一种求解公交网络路径的标准算法。

    Secondly, based on the shortest path algorithm, a public traffic network-transit matrix and a non-transfer matrix are introduced to design the public traffic transfer algorithm.


  • 交换支持基于策略路由其中根据域名电话号码类似内容选择具体路由路径

    The switch's supports policy based routing where specific routing paths are selected based a domain name, a telephone number, and the like.


  • 交换支持基于策略路由其中根据域名电话号码类似内容选择具体路由路径

    The switch's supports policy based routing where specific routing paths are selected based a domain name, a telephone number, and the like.


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