• 母亲发给段视频它取景印度加拉亚邦生活

    My mom sent me this clip of the living Bridges of Meghalaya, asking if I'd seen them in my travels in India.


  • 印度通讯社报道,印度东北部梅加拉亚邦13日凌晨发生5.6地震,目前尚无人员伤亡报告

    A 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit the northeastern Indian state of Meghalaya early Saturday, but no casualties have been reported, the Indo-Asian News Service reported.


  • 湖州生物工程有限公司是一家业内有着良好口碑的生物工程公司主要生产辅助血压、辅助降血脂产品

    Huzhou and bond biological engineering co., LTD is a biotechnology company with good reputation in the industry, the main production assistant auxiliary fall blood pressure, fall hematic fat products.


  • 这个印度遥远的东北部加拉亚邦(Meghalaya)的贾因蒂山区,矿工仅仅危险湿木梯到达地下深处

    The Jaintia hills, located in India's far North East state of Meghalaya, miners descend to great depths on slippery, rickety wooden ladders.


  • 事实上梅加拉亚邦婚姻母系婚姻,采用母系传承制,在这制度之下,姓名资产财富通过母亲传给女儿不是通过父亲传给儿子

    In fact, in Meghalaya, marriages are matriarchal with a matrilineal system where property, names and wealth passes from mother to daughter rather than father to son.


  • 另一个例子古吉拉特北部莫德赫拉苏里宫,它旁边是比玛一世国王1026年纪念太阳神苏里建造太阳

    Another example is the Surya Kund in Modhera, northern Gujarat, next to the Sun Temple, built by King Bhima I in 1026 to honour the sun god Surya.


  • 社。印度古哈瓦蒂讯】调查火车神秘失踪幼会神父,印度阿萨姆铁路警察组织一个调查小组

    Railway police in Assam have set up a team to probe the mysterious disappearance of a Salesian priest from a train four days ago.


  • 某些地区比如相对富裕哈里旁遮普比较贫困新娘已经成为普遍现象。

    In some parts of the country, like in the relatively wealthy states of Haryana and Punjab, families have been known to buy brides from poorer states.


  • 新南威尔士昆士兰橄榄球维多利澳大利塔斯马尼西澳大利和北领地则是澳式足球根据地。

    New South Wales and Queensland are the rugby states; Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia and the Northern Territory are strongholds of Australian rules football.


  • 做为一个买来的孟加拉老婆,戏称普洛,哈里外来女性的蔑称,被人们避开

    Bengali forced into marriage, she was jeered at as a paro, a term for female outsider in Haryana, and shunned.


  • 男子名叫鲁,肚子剧痛而住进了位于印度中央博帕尔附近一家医院里。

    The man, identified as Ryalu, was admitted to a hospital near Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, after complaining of severe stomach pains.


  • 毕竟一个声音提示足以告诉我们奇·或者奥·刚才在哪

    Because a sound cue is perfectly sufficient to tell us where Archie Bunker or Al Bundy has just been.


  • 泰米尔纳德女演员拉姆•贾拉·莉莎承诺免费大米其它商品来鼓惑选民投票

    In Tamil Nadu Jayaram Jayalalitha, a former actress, wowed voters with promises of free rice and other goodies.


  • 研究的对象是2005年至2006年印度哈里招募的不满18个月儿童,其中的4336名儿童构成干预前小组,另外的5213名儿童构成了干预后小组。

    The study involved children aged less than 18 months recruited from Haryana, India, in 2005–2006: 4336 in a pre-intervention cohort and 5213 in a post-intervention cohort.


  • 哈里的一个小村庄,如果有男性在场祖母们则蒙面而一言不发

    In villages in Haryana, grandmothers sit veiled and silent while men are present.


  • 张种有毒橙色戈代娃裸鳃照片印度尼西巴布拉贾群岛拍摄的。

    This toxic orange Godiva nudibranch was photographed in the Raja Ampat islands, Papua, Indonesia.


  • 实兑若开(以前阿拉干)首府,罗辛族人绝望地过着贫穷的生活

    In Sittwe, the capital of Rakhine (formerly Arakan), Rohingyas lead desperately poor lives.


  • 上个月,梅莱斯提到了1984年闹灾荒时,迪公司(BandAid)曾埃塞俄比参与救灾,而灾荒很可能欧洲污染才如此严重。

    Last month he suggested that the famine of 1984, which stirred Band Aid to come to Ethiopia's help, may have been worsened by the pollution in Europe.


  • 浦项公司我们土地想要我们的,”75岁Makar Kandi说道,奥里萨丁其拥有亩地,靠种植槟榔供养一家口人。

    "Posco wants our land, it wants our water," said Makar Kandi, 75, who supports a family of eight with a one-acre plot on which he grows betel leaves in Orissa's Dhinkia village.


  • 图19 2010年131日,印度北部哈里Badshapur,当其他人着驴子走过街道时,拉基斯坦部落女孩着相机表情动作。

    Pic.19 A Rajasthani nomad girl reacts to the camera as others walk along with their donkeys on a street at Badshapur In the northern Indian state of Haryana January 31, 2010. (REUTERS/Adnan Abidi)


  • 安德·拉餐馆(Andhra Pradesh)的印度比尔·尼菜相当有名:印度香米加上香料,上等羊肉鸡肉蔬菜或者鸡蛋

    Andhra Pradesh is also famous for its biryani: basmati rice cooked with spices and a choice of mutton, chicken, vegetables or egg.


  • 拍摄815日的照片显示一个澳大利男性当日悉尼海滩克勒自然母亲迎面对抗——与滔天巨浪对阵。

    Photo taken on August 15 shows an Australian man stood head-on with Mother Nature as she threw giant whitewater waves over Ben Buckler headland North Bondi Beach in Sydney on the same day.


  • Sakina家所处哈里最恐怖,1000个男孩只有830个女孩

    Haryana, Sakina's home, remains the direst of all, with only 830 girls per 1, 000 boys.


  • Sakina家所处哈里最恐怖,1000个男孩只有830个女孩

    Haryana, Sakina's home, remains the direst of all, with only 830 girls per 1,000 boys.


  • 泡沫污染河流流经水坝地方尤为严重正如9月2在皮拉波拉的热苏斯拍摄到的照片一样。

    The Tietê River's foamy pollution is especially intense in areas where the river passes through dams, such as in Pirapora do Bom Jesus, pictured on September 2.


  • 不足为奇:早1967年老戈自己是戴高乐任命的,同样地雅克·希拉克(Jacques Chirac)在2005年支持了纳辛贝·埃德马(Gnassingbé Eyadéma)将军儿子

    No wonder: Bongo senior was himself installed by de Gaulle back in 1967. Jacques Chirac similarly backed the son of Togo's Gen. Gnassingbé Eyadéma in 2005.


  • 十月下旬写信给北方瓦蒂(Mayawati),管理部门已经22项来自部门监督员要求置之不理,他们要求马瓦蒂调查贪污事件。

    In late October he sent an open letter to its chief minister, Mayawati, saying her administration had ignored 22 demands from monitors in his ministry that she look into graft.


  • 十月下旬写信给北方瓦蒂(Mayawati),管理部门已经22项来自部门监督员要求置之不理,他们要求马瓦蒂调查贪污事件。

    In late October he sent an open letter to its chief minister, Mayawati, saying her administration had ignored 22 demands from monitors in his ministry that she look into graft.


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