• 伊利·迪斯希腊奥运会柔道冠军担任北京奥运会开幕式希腊代表团的旗手。

    Ilias Iliades, Greek Olympic judo champion, will carry the Greek flag at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Games.


  • 此外,谷歌全球销售规划技术总裁戈·吉奥吉·迪斯加盟groupon担任首席运营官

    Meanwhile, Groupon hired Margo Geogiadis, Google's VP of global sales planning and technology, to serve as COO. (Chicago Business).


  • 瑞典埃塞俄比大使奥德·兰德很多富于战地采访经验记者志愿出庭作证,其中有两已经飞往亚迪斯贝巴准备出庭。

    Sweden's ambassador to Ethiopia, Jens Odlander, says many journalists with experience in combat zones have offered to testify, and two have flown in for the trial.


  • 莫迪尼1909年宣布要搬帕尔纳斯去。

    Modigliani announced his move to Montparnasse in 1909.


  • 爱的教育》是由来自意大利的埃迪蒙托·德·米契斯所著,它是意大利男孩埃里克写的一本日记。

    Heart, written by Edmondo De Amicis from Italy, is a diary of an Italian boy Eric.


  • 我们猜测他们大概斯坎——一种文雅人,仅仅希望每个人各种相同数量东西

    We assume they are more or less Scandinaviana gentle people who just want everyone to have the same amount of everything.


  • 布雷迪·斯罗新西兰总督布雷迪·斯罗捐赠。1931年起,新西兰澳大利每年都争夺此奖杯。

    The Bledisloe Cup was donated by Lord Bledisloe, Governor of New Zealand, in 1931 and was to be contested annually by the two countries.


  • 几年哥伦比大学地震学家梅雷迪思·奈特尔斯位同事提出惊人的发现他们确认了一地震

    Several years ago Meredith Nettles, a seismologist from Colombia University, and two colleagues made a remarkable discovery: they identified a new kind of earthquake.


  • 两个最近文件伦敦经济学院迪米特里诺斯保罗伍利撰写)支持威廉姆斯的意见。

    Support for Mr Williams's case comes from two new papers* by DimitriVayanos and Paul Woolley at the London School of Economics.


  • 这种动物饲养埃斯孔迪附近占地36公顷(90英亩)圣地动物园野生动物公园中。

    The animals were held in an enclosure of 36 hectares (90 acres) at the San Diego Zoo's Wild animal Park near Escondido.


  • 布鲁金斯学会克利夫·盖迪说,“假如西伯利阿拉斯加以及加拿大北部的一些地方相比那里一样有自然资源,但是没有过多的人口。”

    "If you compare Siberia with Alaska and parts of Northern Canada, where there are also natural resources, you can see it's vastly overpopulated," says Clifford Gaddy of the Brookings Institution.


  • 除了助教汤尼·当斯还有现役的劳伦,坎贝尔卡奴,理查德·休斯拉萨纳·迪以及热罗姆·托马斯出现了“庞培军团”的名册他们前枪手球员

    As well as assistant manager Tony Adams, there are currently Lauren, Sol Campbell, Kanu, Richard Hughes, Lassana Diarra and Jerome Thomas on the books at Pompey, all of them ex-Arsenal players.


  • 喜欢两个社会项目:1993- 2010达西·迪利(美国人)发起朱莉项目斯尼森(丹麦人)发起维多利项目。

    I also liked the two social projects, the Julie project 1993-2010, by Darcy Padilla (the United States) and the Name of Victoria by Mads Nissen (Denmark).


  • 为了满足述人愿望,腓尼基人开通了白银建立了德斯(迪斯)座城市

    To satisfy the appetite of the Assyrians they created the silver routes and established a number of cities such as Gades (Cadiz).


  • 例如,纳兹•梅夫塔哈莉迪•巴纽艾洛斯加州正式登记结婚,养育有三个年幼子女

    For example, Naz Meftah and Lydia Banuelos were legally married in California and are parents to three young children.


  • 居住在约翰内斯堡西北9英里外迪普·斯罗特镇尼·查基斯则表示憎恨外国人的理由这些人偷走了南非漂亮女人

    Tiyani Tsakisi of Diepsloot, which is located 9 miles northwest of Johannesburg, says he hates foreigners for stealing South Africa's beautiful girls and women.


  • 这家慈善机构拥有许多名人的情书包括达尔文丘吉尔维多利时代的首相本杰明·迪斯雷利这些情书摆放机构全国各地的分支。

    The charity owns love letters by figures including Darwin, Churchill and Victorian-era prime minister Benjamin Disraeli, which it holds at its properties across the country.


  • 原班人马:麦克·梅尔斯·莱克,卡梅隆·茨·奥娜,艾迪·墨菲-驴子以及安东尼奥·班德拉斯-穿靴子的猫。

    The regular gang: Mike Myers as Shrek, Cameron Diaz as Fiona, Eddie Murphy as Donkey, and Antonio Banderas as Puss in Boots.


  • 希望25拉斯-迪24岁的费尔南多-加戈,27岁的荷兰人范德法特身上犯同样错误

    You don't want to make the same mistake again with the likes of Lassana Diarra , 25, Fernando Gago , 24, and 27-year-old Dutchman Rafael van der Vaart .


  • 那会完美的陌生人事实上极其远的远房亲戚因为那个为人知的斯坎迪母亲。

    Perfect strangers who are, in essence, my extremely distant relatives, through that unknown Scandinavian ur-mother.


  • 穿过佛罗拉大街,便看到乔舒·普林斯·拉莫斯及雷姆·库哈斯共同设计的成银色立方体状的查尔斯·威利剧院

    Across the street is the Dee and Charles Wyly Theatre, a silver cube designed by Joshua Prince-Ramus and Rem Koolhaas.


  • 如果教练依然拒绝改变阵型把他们同时派上场的话,马蒂斯·费尔南得斯乔治·巴尔迪维就要继续球队组织者的位置而竞争

    Matias Fernandez and Jorge Valdivia are still competing for the playmaker position, as the coach refuses to change the shape and pick both.


  • 汤姆·克鲁斯卡梅隆·茨。

    Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz.


  • 皇家马德里:伊瓜因,本,范尼斯奈德......这些仅仅板凳球员们(尽管皇马卖掉罗本斯奈德)。

    Real Madrid: Higuaín, Robben, Van Nistelrooy, Sneijder, Diarraand that's just the players on the bench. (Although Madrid would like to get rid of Sneijder and Robben still).


  • 虽然比赛进行最后阶段时,意大利进行了反扑,先是迪纳塔莱扳回城,夸利雷拉斯又伤停补时阶段打入一球,但斯洛伐克最终还是经受住了考验。

    The team was able to withstand a late run by Italy, including goals from Antonio Di Natale and Fabio Quagliarella, who scored in stoppage time .


  • 勇敢者站了出来:名麻醉师费利佩·奥尔迪斯克里斯蒂娜·索托护士罗德里格·阿雷东多以及医生·索托。

    Four brave people came forward: Two anesthesiologists, Felipe Ortiz, Cristina Soto, the nurse Rodrigo Arredondo and Dr Lidia Soto.


  • 上个月,梅莱斯提到了1984年闹灾荒时,邦迪公司(BandAid)曾埃塞俄比参与救灾,而灾荒很可能欧洲污染才如此严重。

    Last month he suggested that the famine of 1984, which stirred Band Aid to come to Ethiopia's help, may have been worsened by the pollution in Europe.


  • 上个月,梅莱斯提到了1984年闹灾荒时,邦迪公司(BandAid)曾埃塞俄比参与救灾,而灾荒很可能欧洲污染才如此严重。

    Last month he suggested that the famine of 1984, which stirred Band Aid to come to Ethiopia's help, may have been worsened by the pollution in Europe.


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