• 详细信息: 可以在伯明翰都柏林乘坐瑞安航空公司(0871 246 0000, ryanair.com)的航班飞往里茨可以在盖特威克布里托尔乘坐易捷航空公司(easyjet.com)的航班飞往那里。

    Details: fly to Biarritz wth Ryanair (0871 246 0000, ryanair.com), from Stansted, Birmingham and Dublin; or with EasyJet (easyjet.com)


  • 中国日本澳大利,与我们交谈苹果粉丝们似乎都出若无其事,乔布辞去CEO之后,他们公司未来很有信心

    Apple fans are putting on a brave face, those we spoke to in China, Japan and Australia are mostly confident about the future of the company, after Jobs resigned as CEO.


  • 税收方面澳大利矿产公司必和必、力特拉塔公司敲定协议这样的作用。

    So, too, will the deal on tax that she struck with BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Xstrata, Australia's three biggest mining companies.


  • 伯兹.克拉妮马萨诸塞州牛顿一位单身母亲也是本案反对公司原告之一,她来说,目前基因检测专利制度最大障碍费用问题。

    For Lisbeth Ceriani, a single mother from Newton, Mass., and a plaintiff in the case against Myriad, the biggest obstacle that gene patents present is one of cost.


  • NTSB称,西北航空公司188航班空客A320飞机圣地飞往明尼阿波利,于当地时间下午7时与航管失去无线电联络当时飞机的飞行高度为37 000英尺

    The NTSB said Northwest flight 188, an Airbus A320, was flying from San Diego to Minneapolis and lost radio contact with controllers just before 7 pm local time when it was at 37, 000 feet.


  • 英国南非米勒酿酒公司据说是四海啤酒澳大利富仕达啤酒和土耳其最大啤酒厂商埃弗啤酒潜在收购者——尽管可能发现自己喜力竞争

    SABMiller has been talked of as a potential buyer for Molson Coors, Australia’s Fosters, Efes, Turkey’s largest brewerthough it might find itself in competition with Heineken.


  • 合同的生产一体化罗普·格鲁曼公司圣地工厂进行。

    Production and integration will be performed at Northrop Grumman facilities in San Diego.


  • 31岁丹尼尔·安德烈·圣地加利福尼州伯克利市一名电脑专家。他因涉嫌策划2003年加州公司炸弹爆炸事件而通缉

    Daniel Andreas San Diego, a 31-year-old computer specialist from Berkeley, Calif., is wanted for the 2003 bombings of two corporate offices in California.


  • 接下来跳槽到了一个丹麦/葡萄牙公司。 这家公司因为拉杰岛(速尔群岛)的一些工程百慕大空军基地而获奖。

    Next, I moved to a Danish/Portuguese company, which had been awarded projects on the Lajes (Azores) and Bermuda air bases.


  • 上海最大食品公司-光明食品集团试图收购澳大利原糖生产商西公司(CSR),西公司是澳大利历史久的原糖生产企业之一

    Shanghai's biggest food company, Bright Food Group, is trying to buy the sugar business of CSR, one of Australia's oldest firms.


  • 其他公司加拿大阿拉澳大利潜力股”地带进行勘探。

    Other companies are surveying potential sites in Canada, Alaska, and Australia.


  • 维尔考虑跟随其他跨国公司的脚步,将公司转移工资水平更低的缅甸孟加拉国或是越南相反的我们回来了,回到乔治

    Scovill considered following other foreign multinationals to lower-wage Myanmar, Bangladesh or Vietnam, but decided instead to come home to Georgia.


  • 澳大利图书销售公司戴莫克日前公布了2010年度读者喜欢101本书评选结果,蒂芬妮·梅尔光之城》系列小说名列榜首,紧随其后的是J·K·罗琳的《哈利·波特》系列。

    Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight" series ranked first in Australian bookseller Dymocks' Top 101 best books list for 2010, and J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" series came 2nd.


  • 总部圣路易世界最大私人煤炭企业皮博迪能源公司(Peabody Energy),澳大利麦克阿瑟煤炭公司(Macarthur Coal)提出新的收购报价

    Peabody Energy, based in St Louis and the world’s biggest private-sector coal company, launched a new offer for Australia’s Macarthur Coal.


  • 埃塞俄比亚的公司技术同外界的连同性比其邻国肯尼落后很多年梅莱先生聪明。

    Enterprise, skills, and connectivity are years behind neighbouring Kenya. But Mr Meles is shrewd.


  • 澳大利莱纳矿产公司(Lynas)试图启用其建马来西全球最大稀土精炼厂遭到了马来西当地顽固监管机构迎头阻挠。

    Lynas, an Australian firm, attempted to open the world's largest rare earth refinery in Malaysia but ran headlong into stubborn regulators.


  • 施瓦茨也是进退两难:如果急匆匆离开发布会,必然得罪一些大客户,包括艾格以及哥伦比广播公司(CBSCorp.)的CEO利•穆维(LeslieMoonves)。

    But Mr. Schwartz was in a box: If he left the conference too hastily, it would betray panic to important, powerful clients such as Mr. Iger and CBS Corp. CEO Leslie Moonves.


  • 今年五月份,哥伦比传媒公司CEO莱利·莫维说过CBS新闻时代华纳公司旗下的CNN已经讨论关于合作事宜,他们之间的合作原因的。

    CBS News and Time Warner Inc.’s CNN have talked about partnerships and there are reasons for the companies to work together, CBS Corp. Chief Executive Officer Leslie Moonves said in May.


  • 今年五月份,哥伦比传媒公司CEO莱利·莫维说过CBS新闻时代华纳公司旗下的CNN已经讨论关于合作事宜,他们之间的合作原因的。

    CBS News and Time Warner Inc. ’s CNN have talked about partnerships and there are reasons for the companies to work together, CBS Corp. Chief Executive Officer Leslie Moonves said in May.


  • SABMiller公司一直谈到作为MolsonCoors澳大利土耳其最大的啤酒生产埃费这样的潜在买家商,尽管可能会发现自己喜力竞争

    SABMiller has been talked of as a potential buyer for Molson Coors, Australia's Fosters, Efes, Turkey's largest brewer-though it might find itself in competition with Heineken.


  • 接受英国广播公司(BBC)的采访时,GGF首席执行官·潘迪(HansPandeya坚持表示,这项交易8月27日完成,并且在完成收购之后,通过用户收费以及版权持有人付费,使海盗网站变成一项合法业务

    In an interview with the BBC, GGF chief Hans Pandeya insisted the deal will go through on 27 August to buy the site and turn it into a legal business, by charging users and paying copyright holders.


  • 接受英国广播公司(BBC)的采访时,GGF首席执行官·潘迪(HansPandeya坚持表示,这项交易8月27日完成,并且在完成收购之后,通过用户收费以及版权持有人付费,使海盗网站变成一项合法业务

    In an interview with the BBC, GGF chief Hans Pandeya insisted the deal will go through on 27 August to buy the site and turn it into a legal business, by charging users and paying copyright holders.


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