• 印度尼西亚世界规范市场之一,是少数认可世界卫生组织烟草控制条约亚洲国家之一。

    Indonesia, one of the world's least regulated markets, is one of few Asian countries not to have ratified the world Health Organisation's treaty on tobacco control.


  • 新加坡位于亚洲东南部,是马来西亚印度尼西亚之间一个岛国

    Singapore is located in southeastern Asia, an island country between Malaysia and Indonesia.


  • 印度尼西亚菲律宾其他亚洲国家国内所发行主权,其收益率美金计价国债多了。

    Yields on sovereign debt issued within Indonesia, the Philippines and other Asian countries are significantly higher than yields on dollar-based bonds.


  • 2004年摧残亚洲的海啸袭击印度尼西亚亚齐省海浪摧毁了苏门答腊西北海岸附近城镇植被

    Thetsunamis that devastated Asia in December 2004 hit Aceh, Indonesia, where waves destroyed towns and vegetation near the northwestern coastof Sumatra.


  • 所有这些亚洲运营公司都是独资企业,当前管制想要复制其在马来西亚泰国印度尼西亚中国的辉煌,虽然不是不可能,但相当困难

    All of these Asian operations are wholly owned, a position that under current regulations would be difficult if not impossible to replicate in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and China.


  • 亚洲金融危机期间泰国孕妇贫血患病率增加22%,印度尼西亚以下儿童平均体重也有所减轻

    During the Asian Crisis, there was a 22 percent increase in anemia among pregnant women in Thailand. In Indonesia, the average weight of children under three years old declined.


  • 亚洲公司成为印度尼西亚最大煤炭出口地区,这主要得益于优势的地理位置,煤炭资源优良

    Asian firms will benefit most. Indonesia is now the biggest source of imports to China because of its proximity to the country and the high quality of its coal (see article).


  • 6月28日,美国公司Elevance宣布亚洲农业综合集团巨头丰益国际合资印度尼西亚建立世界最大的生物提炼厂,并于2011年前完工。

    And on June 28th Elevance, an American firm, announced a joint venture with Wilmar International, an Asian agribusiness giant, to build the world's largest chemicals biorefinery in Indonesia by 2011.


  • 2004年在苏门答腊岛的里氏9.3地震引发亚洲海啸造成168000印度尼西亚死亡

    The 2004 Asian tsunami — triggered by a 9.3-magnitude quake off Sumatra — killed at least 168, 000 people in Indonesia alone.


  • KopiLuwak咖啡:产印度尼西亚这种咖啡经过亚洲棕榈麝香猫(猫般大小哺乳动物)消化以后的咖啡豆加工的。

    Kopi Luwak coffee, Indonesia. This coffee is made from beans that have been digested by the Asian Palm Civet (a cat sized mammal).


  • 新词“亚洲铁三角”(Chindonesia这一合成词是由中国印度印度尼西亚三国的英语名称合并而成的,反映出了世界贸易中心转移

    The addition of "Chindonesia", a portmanteau word which blends China, India and Indonesia, reflects the shifting focus of world trade.


  • 食品价格上升整个亚洲问题通货膨胀已经蔓延印度尼西亚(辣椒),印度(洋葱),韩国(白菜目前因为口蹄疫问题而价格飙升牛肉)。

    Rising food prices are a pan-Asian issue: inflation has recently surged in Indonesia (chilies), India (Onions), and South Korea (cabbage and now beef as a result of foot-and-mouth disease).


  • 对于那些科技公司——要探索亚洲其余完全公开却知只社交网络市场——印度尼西亚群岛保准是个有用的测试市场

    The archipelago could prove a useful test market for tech firms seeking to enter the wide-open and barely understood social-networking markets of the rest of Asia.


  • 以前也亚洲很多,不过去是泰国新加坡马来西亚印度尼西亚

    I have, however, spent a great deal of time in Asia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.


  • 其实亚洲许多国家地区已经通过了“姨妈”制度。印度尼西亚女性每月享有姨妈假。

    Other countries and regions in Asia already offer days off. Indonesian women are entitled to take two days a month of menstrual leave.


  • 亚洲开发银行这个星期印度尼西亚巴厘岛举行年会会议要讨论的主要问题全球经济危机亚洲影响

    The Asian Development Bank is holding its annual meeting in Bali, Indonesia, this week with the global economic crisis's effect on Asia at the top of the agenda.


  • 偏食广泛道路月球半影阴影其中包括亚洲大部分地区,印度尼西亚太平洋

    A partial eclipse is seen within the much broader path of the Moon's penumbral shadow, which includes most of eastern Asia, Indonesia, and the Pacific Ocean.


  • 必须加上亚洲南部东部沿海许多岛屿重要一些岛屿现在属于日本印度尼西亚菲律宾

    To these must be added the islands off its southern and eastern coasts, the most important of which are now contained within Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines.


  • 来自印度尼西亚观众每周收看这个节目了解商业信息,而另一位中国经营者亚洲经营者》节目中CEO们的故事令他倍受鼓舞

    One viewer from Indonesia said he watches the show every week to learn about business. Another says he has been inspired by some of the CEOs he has seen on Managing China and Managing Asia.


  • 尽管印度尼西亚受到亲人般的欢迎支持印度申请联合国安理会永久席位而在德里颇受款待,却没实现自己亚洲之行的主要目标

    Though welcomed in Indonesia as if he were a native son, and garlanded in Delhi for backing India's bid for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, he failed to achieve his main goals.


  • 使命结束亚洲国家狗肉交易包括中国越南印度尼西亚此次营救行动是其中的一部分。

    This rescue operation is part of a larger mission to end the dog meat trade in Asian nations, including China, Vietnam and Indonesia.


  • 位于南海文莱印度尼西亚东南部亚洲半岛上。

    It lies on the Southeastern Asian peninsula bordering Indonesia, Brunei, and the South China Sea.


  • 别处空间主要代理来自亚洲国家当代艺术家包括中国日本韩国印度印度尼西亚的艺术家。

    Beyond art Space continuously represents a roster of contemporary artists hailing from five different Asian countries, including China, India, Indonesia, Korea and Japan.


  • 别处空间主要代理来自亚洲国家当代艺术家包括中国日本韩国印度印度尼西亚的艺术家。

    Beyond art Space continuously represents a roster of contemporary artists hailing from five different Asian countries, including China, India, Indonesia, Korea and Japan.


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