• 泰国已经成为亚洲旅游胜地

    Thailand has become the tourist mecca of Asia.


  • 中国完全改变亚洲旅游市场

    People are awed by the statistics and China completely skews the Asia travel market.


  • 许多亚洲旅游市场旅游人数减少

    Many Asia tourism markets continue to see dramatic declines in traveler Numbers.


  • 喜欢告诉我们亚洲旅游的新奇经历。

    He is given to telling fantastic stories about his travels in Asia?


  • 东方亚洲旅游时,手帕留在家中,选择一次性纸巾吧!

    If traveling through Eastern and Asian countries, leave the hankies at home and opt for disposable tissues instead.


  • 旅游外汇收入世界第七位,奠定了中国作为亚洲旅游大国的地位。

    In the world's seventh largest tourist foreign exchange income, established China as Asian tourism superpower.


  • 因为大部分主要旅游市场旅游人数锐减亚洲旅游短期前景仍不乐观。

    The immediate outlook for Asia's tourism industry remains bleak as most major markets report sharp falls in visitor arrivals.


  • 同年,学院更太平洋亚洲旅游协会颁授教育培训金奖确认学院课程内容质量

    In the same year, IFT received from the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) the Gold Award in "Education and Training", which acknowledged the content and the quality of IFT's programmes.


  • 维维安朋友埃玛来到了亚洲旅游她们计划新加坡然后转机马来西亚最后泰国。 。

    Vivien nand her friend Emma come to travel in Asia. They plan to come to Singapore first, and then transfer to malaysia. The last stop will be Thailand.


  • 根据07年统计数据,千分之27中国游客会在亚洲旅游只有千分之3的中国游客会亚洲之外旅游

    In 2007, 27 out of 1,000 Chinese visited Asian destinations, while only three out of 1,000 visited destinations outside Asia.


  • 亚洲旅游联盟份声明中称,预计其将加大销售宣传的力度,同时媒体和整体旅游设立特别考察团之旅。

    TAG said in a statement that it expected to have increase in sales and promotions and hold special FAM trips for the media and travel industry at large.


  • 旅游中国早些时候还属于奢侈消费就是二十年的时间,中国旅游实现旅游资源大国亚洲旅游大国的历史性跨越。

    Tour used to be regarded as luxurious consumption. Tourism in China, however, has realized the transition from the tourist resource country to tourist power in Asia within the past two decades.


  • 新航已经拥有一家胜安航空的执飞短程航线,提供所有服务,主要飞往亚洲旅游的子公司。新航同时握有亚洲廉航航的股权

    SIA already has a short-haul, full-service unit called SilkAir, which travels to tourist destinations in Asia and has a stake in Asian budget carrier Tiger Airways.


  • 现在可以其他职业旅行筹划一样,通过阅读《亚洲旅游新闻双周刊获取旅游信息,不仅帮你节约时间精力,还能帮你省钱!

    Now you can join other professional travel Planners who read travel News Asia every fortnight for travel tips that help save not just time and effort, but money too!


  • 旅游网络名为亚洲旅游联盟(Toura siaGroup),由泰国不丹柬埔寨印度印尼马来西亚马尔代夫尼泊尔菲律宾斯里兰卡越南组成

    The tourism network, tour Asia Group, comprises of Thailand, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.


  • 露西典型西方大学生一直都很喜欢亚洲文化所以打算亚洲旅游第一就是日本。在准备去日本之前,她和一位来自日本的同学迈克探讨了一下日本文化。

    Lucy is a stereotype western college student. She likes Asian cultures very much. So she would like to travel to Asia and her first stop is Japan. Before her.


  • 东亚旅游美国常常亚洲文化习俗美国文化习俗的差异感到惊讶和困惑。

    American visitors to Eastern Asia are often surprised and puzzled by how Asian cultures and customs differ from those in the United States.


  • 这种亚洲或许还有世界其他一些地区旅游的模式都有些转变了。”比克森先生说到

    The paradigm of travel in Asia and maybe in other parts of the world has kind of shifted,” Mr. Bickson said.


  • 乐天亚洲最大在线旅游公司,同时是全球最大电子商务公司之一

    Rakuten - is the largest online travel company in Asia and one of the largest ecommerce companies in the world.


  • 泰国的观光非常有名,它亚洲重要旅游国家并且一直是这样。

    Thailand is renowned for its tourism - it's one of the major tourism players in Asia and always has been.


  • 区域更多旅游有助于消解部分疑虑文化同样发挥着作用亚洲许多年轻人听着日本流行音乐、看着日本漫画长大;而日本人则同样热衷于韩国女子乐队电视剧。

    More tourism within the region may help ease some of the misgivings. Culture also plays a role: many young people in Asia were brought up on Japan’s J-pop music scene and manga comics.


  • 美国欧洲市场上充斥着大宗并购随着在线旅游第三个十年的到来,笔者认为亚洲企业将崛起,成为被收购的目标和潜在买家。

    The first two decades of online travel were filled with merge and acquisition activity within and between the US and Europe.


  • 南亚40%受访代理商表示未来个月亚洲短途度假地”成为强劲的旅游市场

    40 per cent of agents polled in South Asia said "short getaways in the region" would be the strongest performing travel segment over the next three months.


  • 安迪布斯亚洲旅行》的一位柬埔寨专家他认为9月柬埔寨旅游绝佳时间

    Andy Booth of ABOUTAsia Travel, a Cambodia specialist, says September is a canny time to tour the country.


  • 通过举办每年一度亚洲国际旅游交易会我们新加坡准备了场地满足日益增长亚洲市场需求

    By launching ITB Asia, an annual event, in Singapore we have prepared the ground in order to meet the needs of the growing Asian market.


  • 通过举办每年一度亚洲国际旅游交易会我们新加坡准备了场地满足日益增长亚洲市场需求

    By launching ITB Asia, an annual event, in Singapore we have prepared the ground in order to meet the needs of the growing Asian market.


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