• 当初日子一去不返:那时人们将亚洲迅速增长,解读为美国欧洲强劲需求反映

    Gone are the days when rapid Asian growth was taken to reflect strong US or European demand.


  • 根据知名猎头公司谢菲尔德·霍尔斯(Sheffield Haworth)的统计数据,2010年金融公司亚洲外部招聘,其中31%的是英国美国转移过来而此前,这一数据仅为8%。

    According to Sheffield Haworth, a recruiting firm, 31% of financial firms' external hires in Asia in 2010 transferred from Britain or America, compared with 8% the year before.


  • 然而,刺激经济的财政政策亚洲美国欧洲更有效,因为亚洲家庭不承担巨额债务。所以税收减免现金补助可能用于支出而不是储蓄

    with huge debts, so tax cuts or cash handouts are more likely to be spent than saved.


  • 大多数情况下亚裔美国人采集结果会落欧洲人欧裔美国亚洲的结果之间

    In most cases, the data collected from Asian-American subjects fell in between the results from Europeans or European Americans and Asians.


  • 那些被困美国亚洲的英国人可能尝试搭乘飞往南欧的超额订位航班然后再陆路折回北方坐等一切恢复正常。

    Those stuck in the Americas or Asia could try to get an over-booked flight to southern Europe and then strike north over land or just sit it out.


  • 首次出访即访问亚洲希拉里打破美国国务卿长期以来上台后首访欧洲中东传统

    By visiting Asia on her maiden trip, Clinton has broken with a long tradition among new secretaries of state of first visiting Europe or the Middle East.


  • 多个迹象表明,日本也许愿意更多更多的力,很多专家认为美国保卫不仅日本,还有美国自己亚洲利益

    There are signs that Japan might be willing to pay or do more, but many experts contend that American troops are defending not only Japan but also America's own interests in Asia.


  • 举例来说,麦肯锡预计2012年亚洲市场对于金融服务的需求超过欧盟美国

    For example, McKinsey predicts that by 2012 the Asian market for financial services could be larger than that of the EU or US.


  • 可能是因为康师傅许多产品里含有鸡肉牛肉亚洲美国进口鸡肉牛肉非常

    I'm guessing possibly that many of their products contain chicken or beef, and import of chicken or beef into the United States from Asia is very hard if not impossible.


  • 相比非洲美国人、亚洲美洲印第安人阿拉斯加土著人白色人种酗酒可能性大。

    White people were more likely than African-Americans, Asians, Native Americans, or Alaska Natives to be drinkers.


  • 去年组织建议医生们能够扩充病患名单观察更多骨质疏松症患者,如加入拉丁人、非裔美国人、亚洲其它妇女患者。

    Last year, the group suggested that doctors expand their list of persons to watch for osteoporosis. The additions included Latina, African American, Asian and other women.


  • 亚洲男性面部的胡髭长并不西方人却长得因此美国的男性每天时间去整理他们

    Whereas many Asian men have little facial hair, westerners have a lot. As a result, most American men spend some time each day shaving or grooming their facial hair.


  • 除了研究授课活动同时美国欧洲亚洲一些顶级学术机构里担任客座教授兼职教授。

    Besides lecturing and research, he also holds several 'Visiting or Adjunct Professor' positions in the United States, Europe and Asia at leading academic institutions.


  • 另外大部分亚洲出口产品都直接间接得输入美国

    Further, the majority of exports by Asian countries go directly or indirectly to the U.


  • 这个动态表明中国国内需求(不是对于美国欧洲出口)引导着亚洲出口复苏商品价格

    This dynamic suggests that Chinese domestic demand (and not re-exports to the U. s. or Europe) is driving Asia's export recovery and, likely, commodity prices.


  • 假如未来非洲国家能够重现二战后亚洲经济奇迹,2014美国中国投资规模影响很小

    And if African countries are able to recreate the Asian miracle of the post-war years, the size of American or Chinese investments in 2014 will matter very little.


  • 和喜欢时尚18151914——九十九——没有单一战争欧洲亚洲的一个真正威胁我们未来美国其他民族的未来构成

    And in like fashion, from 1815 to 1914 — ninety-nine yearsno single war in Europe or in Asia constituted a real threat against our future or against the future of any other American nation.


  • 一些亚洲国家里,人们茶叶作为货币美国印第安人使用坚果其它东西作为货币。

    In some parts of Asia, people used tea as money. And in America, Indians used nuts and other things.


  • 只要亚洲市场发现进口美国产品实行抽检

    This sampling and testing is done when these ingredients or products are imported into the United States or found during visits to Asian markets.


  • 美国亚洲角度来看丹麦的确是个环保楷模

    Viewed from the United States or Asia, Denmark is an environmental role model.


  • 美国环保署声称,鱼野生动物人类毒性等级是「」等级,建议用来消除亚洲鲤鱼的用量也不会鸟类哺乳动物造成毒害

    The EPA calls the toxicity of rotenone to wildlife and humans "low" and says no poisoning of birds or mammals would result from concentrations recommended for wiping out Asian carp.


  • 美国环保署声称,鱼野生动物人类毒性等级是「」等级,建议用来消除亚洲鲤鱼的用量也不会鸟类哺乳动物造成毒害

    The EPA calls the toxicity of rotenone to wildlife and humans "low" and says no poisoning of birds or mammals would result from concentrations recommended for wiping out Asian carp.


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