• 各个城市监测点情况来看,猪后臀尖肉和猪五花肉价格涨幅超过5%的城市数量均7个。

    Reported from the price monitoring centres in many cities both hounch and streaky pork made their increase over 5% in as many as 7 cities.


  • 石油或者五花肉计算能力现在也是宗可买卖商品

    LIKE oil or pork bellies, computing capacity is now a tradable commodity.


  • 五花肉猪后臀尖价格上涨0.1%,分别8.30、9.21元,截至18,两个猪肉品种全国均价连续上涨10

    The price of streaky and hounch pork been rising consecutively in the past 10 days up to July 18 arose by 0.1% to 8.30 and 9.21 Yuan per Jin (half kilogramme) respectively.


  • 我们脖子,一块肥肉一块五花肉

    We take a piece of neck, a piece of fat and a piece consisting both of meat and fat.


  • 本文研究几种抗氧化剂真空包装辐照五花肉脂肪氧化影响

    The effects of antioxidants on lipid oxidation of vacuum packaged irradiated cooked streaky pork were studied.


  • 蕃茄酱汁炖煮五花肉腊肠, 是老伊这个肉食主义者最爱。

    Tomato sauce stewed the pork and sausages, it's the meat eater Ivano's favorite.


  • 香米软糖醋五花肉椒盐土豆,荠菜豆腐羹,苹果

    Rice, Sweet and sour streaky pork, Spiced salt potato, Thick bean curd soup with green vegetable, Apple.


  • 腌笃鲜汇集了时令美食,有嫩嫩的竹笋五花肉块、猪肉切片、冻豆腐高档黄酒放在一个陶罐炖上个小时。

    Seasonal delicacies, such as young bamboo shoots, chunks of pork belly, cured porkslices, firm tofu sheets and premium yellow rice wine, are put together in one clay pot for hours of simmering.


  • 腌笃鲜汇集了时令美食,有嫩嫩的竹笋五花肉猪肉切片冻豆腐高档黄酒放在一个陶罐个小时。

    Seasonal delicacies, such as young bamboo shoots, chunks of pork belly, cured pork slices, firm tofu sheets and premium yellow rice wine, are put together in one clay pot for hours of simmering.


  • 推荐五花肉、烤牛排、大酱汤、石锅拌饭等。

    The recommended dishes are roast pork, roast beef stick, thick soya bean soup, and Bibimbap.


  • 搅拌五花肉最后提前腌制好。

    Stir them by hands. Cure the pork one day early.


  • 五花肉净,3厘米见方开水汆一下备用

    Wash the pork, cut into 3 cm square block, with some back-up water Cuan.


  • 比较喜欢这里五花肉

    I prefer to eat here baked wild-pigs, very sweet.


  • 五花肉先用水煮熟出,用净布擦去肉皮水分,抹上一酱油使肉皮着色

    Boil the pig belly, drain the water and fat oil up, coat soy sauce on it to change the colour.


  • 东坡一般取用五花肉为原料,但是昨晚宾客们吃到的牛排肉,最好汁炖煮后,低温煮出细腻口感。

    This dish is usually made from pork belly, but last night the guests had a beefsteak instead. The meat is braised in the best soy sauce, and slow cooked to tender perfection.


  • 丸子一般个头较大清炖狮子头红烧四喜丸子等,要用五花肉

    Stew, cooked meatballs are generally larger, such as stewed lion head, braised braised pork balls in Gravy Sauce, use pig pork.


  • 竹笋、大块五花肉腌制猪肉紧实豆腐皮上等黄酒时令美味一并放入小时而成。

    Seasonal delicacies, such as young bamboo shoots, chunks of pork belly, cured pork slices, firm tofu sheets and premium yellow rice wine, are put together in one clay pot for hours of simmering.


  • 重新加热少许清油,加入辣椒花椒,加入五花肉栗子、舞菇和白果一起翻炒均匀。

    Heat up some oil in new pot. Add in dried chilli, Sichuan pepper and stir-fry until fragrant. Add in pork belly, chestnuts, maitake mushroom and Japanese ginkgo. Toss well.


  • 度假村主营本土其中主打特色柴火狗肉、千张五花肉等等辅以粤等菜系

    Village Main local vegetables, firewood has one of the main characteristics of dog meat, Beans and chain fish, pork and Leather , Supported by Hunan, Sichuan, Guangdong cuisine.


  • 加入色拉油7~8分热时,把五花肉肉皮朝下炸金黄色捞出,待0.7公分厚8公分长的肉片。

    Preheat the pan with salad oil till 70% done, fry the pig belly till the skin into golden, cool off and slice into 0.7cm by 8cm.


  • 五花肉颜色变得黑红时,加入冰糖倒入开水材料表面即可。

    The pork has become black and red color, add onion, ginger, rock sugar, pour boiling water over the material surface can not.


  • 猪肉一般五花肉16平方厘米方块烹饪。

    The pork is cut to around 16 square centimeters in dimensions, consisting of half fat and half lean meat.


  • 若是 野山猪的三层肉(五花肉更是人间一大美味

    It will be especially delicious if the meat of wild-pigs is used.


  • 不到中国国家统计局(NBS)汇编中国50个城市五花肉平均价格——截至4月15日的创下每公斤32.12人民币的高点。

    Even that was short of the average price for pork belly meat in 50 Chinese cities compiled by the National Bureau of Statistics, which had hit a record Rmb32.12 as of the week of April 15.


  • 五花肉粒。加入酱油,老抽,糖,盐,白酒适量。(建议:白酒能使五花肉更好吃)。

    Cut the streaky pork in cubes. Put light soy sauce, Dark soy sauce, salt, and white wine in the pork. (Tip: white wine can make the pork more delicious).


  • 五花肉粒。加入酱油,老抽,糖,盐,白酒适量。(建议:白酒能使五花肉更好吃)。

    Cut the streaky pork in cubes. Put light soy sauce, Dark soy sauce, salt, and white wine in the pork. (Tip: white wine can make the pork more delicious).


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