• 前言: 本文论述了当前形势煤矿安全工作实现提高重要性,安全管理工作坚持”。

    The importance for realizing ' five improvement' is expounded under the current situation of collierys safety work . ' Five three' should be adhered to in the course of safety management .


  • 成立能源工业技术开发组织已经启动了一个为期年的项目,旨在提高机器人安全标准

    A new agency, the Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, has launched a five-year project to improve safety standards for the machines.


  • 每天六个小时几乎每天菲尔普斯都泡游泳池尝试提高成绩

    Five or six hours a day, almost everyday Michael Phelps was in a swimming pool trying to improve his times.


  • 美国国家地理协会于上周二公布调查结果此协会启动了一个五年计划,旨在提高美国年轻人的地理知识水平

    National geographic released the survey on last Tuesday in launching a five-year campaign to improve geographic literacy among young people in the United States.


  • 五个小时后志愿者迷宫午睡了的志愿者显示出提高迹象

    After five hours the volunteers had another go at the maze; this time, those who napped showed signs of improvement.


  • 对众多关于记忆的文字进行筛选,在看来提高记忆力关键浓缩五个方面

    Having now sifted through a wide range of writings on the topic, it seems to me that improving your memory boils down to five key areas.


  • 19992009年间只有五个中等家庭收入有所增长而且其中四个家庭收入提高物价上涨的带动

    From 1999 to 2009 median household income rose in only five states, and in four of these the gains were driven by soaring commodity prices.


  • 托莱多竞选是站平民的立场上的,保证创造二百五十万个就业机会工人们提高工资同时降低税收

    Toledo campaigned largely on a populist platform. He has pledged to create 2.5 million jobs, raise salaries for public workers and lower taxes.


  • 每天早晨三个小时化妆,仔细修饰五官轮廓,比如自己提高一些。

    She would spend three and a half hours in the makeup chair each morning, applying subtle touches, like extending the arch of her eyebrows.


  • 星期五晚上,弗兰克·怀特开始电视上播放一个广告,指责提高汽车牌照费,告诉人们不要忘了这件事。

    On Friday night, when it was too late for me to counter on television, Frank White began running a TV AD attacking me for raising the car-tag fee and telling people not to forget it.


  • 此外五个因素帮助了解如何提高信用额度获得资金

    Moreover, these five factors will help you understand how to improve your credit in order to obtain finance.


  • 理解记住五个偏见帮助做出将会提高快乐程度决定

    Understanding and remembering these five biases will help you make decisions that will increase your happiness.


  • 不利方面:虽然地方官员制定未来增加1万个工作职位的计划但波特兰提高生活质量方面做促进职位增长要好。

    The downside: While regional officials have laid plans to add 10, 000 jobs in the next five years, Portland has done better at promoting its quality of life than fostering job growth.


  • 如果提高决断力,下面五个策略可能会对你有所帮助

    If you would like to improve your decision making, here are five strategies that might help you do just that.


  • 中国人行8个月内第五提高利率一年期的存贷款利率提高了零点二五个百分点。

    The People’s Bank of China raised interest rates for the fifth time in eight months, increasing both the one-year lending and deposit rates by a quarter of a percentage point.


  • 请求国会提高最低工资那年起,五个已经出台了提高当地最低工资法律规定

    In the year since I asked this Congress to raise the minimum wage, five states have passed laws to raise theirs.


  • 收入年中大概提高10数量级。

    My income went up by roughly a factor of 10 over a period of about 5 years.


  • 第四世代起执行这个选择方案,经过第四、第五第六世代三个世代选择,使90公斤左右育肥猪的瘦肉率从55.46%提高56.71%。

    Percentage of lean meat of finishers with the weight of 90 kg or so raises from 55.46 to 56.71% through selection for the fourth fifth and sixth generation.


  • 新形势下努力提高五年制高职烹饪专业德育课实效性一个值得探讨话题

    How to improve moral education efficacy of five-year cuisine specialty is a topic worthy of discussing.


  • 文章从“五个艺术”方面探讨关于提高文献检索教学质量问题。

    This paper discusses the use of "Five Arts" to improve the quality in the classroom teaching of document retrieval.


  • 本文五个方面论述了如何提高高校图书馆文献信息利用率

    This paper discussed how to improve the utilization of literature information in university libraries from five aspects.


  • 五个方面分析了现有中等职业教育教材局限性指出应从实际需要出发,提高教材的应用性与实用性。

    This article analyses the limitation of Medicinal Chemistry textbook used at vocational schools from five aspects, meanwhile it proposes the applicability should be improved according to the reality.


  • 赫泽周五表示:“有四分之三欧洲人相信提高能源利用率能够创造工作机会这一情况欧盟决策者们来说是个强烈的信号。”

    Hedegaard said on Friday: "The fact that more than three out of four Europeans see improving energy efficiency as a way to create jobs is a strong signal to Europe's decision makers."


  • 聪明先生遗留下来的,提高新生儿其他五个孩子他本人农村农场东区华盛顿州

    Mr. Smart was left to raise the newborn and his other five children by himself on a rural farm in eastern Washington state.


  • 第五提高自我保护不要相信陌生人的话,而不是一个陌生人指定位置

    Fifth, improve self-protection, do not believe the words of a stranger, not with a stranger to its designated location.


  • 第五提高自我保护不要相信陌生人的话,而不是一个陌生人指定位置

    Fifth, improve self-protection, do not believe the words of a stranger, not with a stranger to its designated location.


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