• 那样唯一集中金属DNA影响

    The only book of its kind to focus on the effects of metals on DNA.


  • 动物研究中,持续反复暴露金属致癌物关联

    In animal studies cancer has only been associated with metal carcinogens involving continual or repeated exposure.


  • 阳极数量大小取决金属类型以及需要保护的表面面积

    The number and size of anodes is determined by the type of material and the surface area being protected.


  • 企业致力金属复合材料产品研究开发规模化生产

    Metal composite materials business is committed to new product research, development, and large-scale production.


  • 高力公司成立1970年,致力金属热处理金属产品制造

    Founded in 1970, Kaori specializes in metal heat treatment processing and the manufacture of metal products.


  • 相较金属热塑材料什么材料具有更高热膨胀系数(CTE) ?

    In contrast with metal and thermoplastic material, which has a higher coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE).


  • IC芯片倒装焊接金属线焊接或粘贴连接安装金属基片介质涂层表面

    An IC chip is mounted by flip chip or wire bonding or adhesive connection on the face of the metal substrate which has the dielectric coating thereon.


  • 实用新型一种新型结构主要金属涂覆于金属内骨内、外的塑料层组成

    The utility model relates to a new greenhouse rod structure which is mainly composed of a metal inner bone and plastic layers coated in and on the metal inner bone.


  • 汕头市金平区大盛化工厂一家专注金属效果颜料研发生产提供应用技术服务的企业

    Dasheng is a metallic effect pigments to focus on research and development, production and applied technology to businesses.


  • 具有金属内衬复合材料容器承载能力很大程度取决于金属内衬的弹性变形范围稳定性

    The load-bearing capability of composite vessels with metallic liner depends on the elastic distortion range of the metallic liner and its stability.


  • 相对恒定开路电压显示电解质经受住了冲击,此受益金属支撑体良好导热延展性

    The relatively constant values of open circuit voltage suggest the electrolyte layer withstands thermal shock due to high thermal conductivity and excellent ductibility of the metal substrate.


  • 良好的条件下运用数千压力金属焊接处导致破坏完成却没有留下任何痕迹

    Can apply thousands of pounds tension to metal stock or welds in excellent condition, causing breakage, yet NO TOOL MARKS are left on the finish.


  • 上述组分混合制成涂料有机物构成,金属底材上涂层化学品特性是耐高温化学品腐蚀

    Since the coating made from the mixed components consists of organic substances, when being coated on a metal substrate, the coating can resist the corrosion of chemical under high temperature.


  • 考虑到倒塌环境中存在很多狭小空间,相比金属硬性材料制成搜救机器人,软体结构机器人优势

    Considering the special environment with a lot of small space, soft robot may have advantages over the robots which were composed of the metal and hard materials.


  • 实施例中种被缓解CF R P部件表面放电方法包括:首先应用绝缘底层涂料金属部件。

    In one embodiment, a method for mitigating electrical surface discharges from a CFRP component includes first applying an insulating primer to a metallic component.


  • 金属餐盒耐用性有益消费者

    The durability of metal meal containers benefited consumers.


  • 来自云层电子流与粒子流相遇,而这些正粒子流通常来自高而结构金属旗杆

    The stream of positive particles that meets the surge of electrons from the cloud often arises from a tall pointed structure such as a metal flagpole or a tower.


  • 最后一个金属午餐饭盒制作1985年。

    The last metal lunch box was made in 1985.


  • 皮埃尔·居里主要致力放射物理研究时,玛丽·居里却在努力提取金属

    While Pierre Curie devoted himself chiefly to the physical study of the new radiations, Marie Curie struggled to obtain pure radium in the metallic state.


  • 许多超富集植物发现热带地区亚热带地区,在那里,高浓度金属元素积累可以为植物提供保护对抗以植物为的昆虫和细菌病原体。

    Many are found in tropical and subtropical areas of the world, where the accumulation of high concentrations of metals may afford some protection against plant-eating insects and microbial pathogens.


  • 像是一个死亡金属乐的乐迷同时痴迷养蜂!

    It's like being a death metal fan who is also passionate about beekeeping.


  • 比如时候一度着迷喷枪效果的字母看上去像是闪亮的金属

    For example, when I was ten I used to be very impressed by airbrushed lettering that looked like shiny metal.


  • 约有67%尸体被剥掉了皮肉,最有可能使用金属刀具2010年发现这些残骸研究者如是说。

    Nearly 67 percent of the bodies' had been defleshed, most likely with a metal knife, say the researchers, who found the remains in 2010.


  • 截止深圳股市下午3收盘时,铜陵有色金属集团控股公司股价上涨2.4%,报收16.20

    Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group Co. rose 2.4 percent to close at 16.20 yuan at the 3 p.m. close in Shenzhen.


  • 但是如果打算越南,你可能会将会使用塑料韩国餐馆则倾向金属

    But if you're in the mood for Vietnamese food, you'll probably be dining with the plastic variety, while Korean restaurants tend to go with metal.


  • 博士集合了电气化学方面工程师,组成一个研究组,开始合力着眼那些室温之下很软金属金属合金

    Dr Dickey put together a team of electrical and chemical engineers and, together, they started looking at metals and metal alloys that are soft at room temperature.


  • 一些(不是全部)将近期食品金属价格的飙涨归咎商品过度投机行为。

    Immoderate speculation in commodities is blamed by some people (not all) for the recent sharp spikes in food and metal prices.


  • 满足新发现得金属安静工作了。

    Satisfied by this newfound mental silence, I got to work.


  • 如果小球松散泥土做成,的分量就小一些;如果是石头一些;如果用的金属材料,那么它重,其重量取决所用金属的质量。

    If made of loose earth, it will weigh little; if stones are taken with it, it will weigh more; while, if metals were put in, it would, according to the kind of metal you take, weigh still more.


  • 如果小球松散泥土做成,的分量就小一些;如果是石头一些;如果用的金属材料,那么它重,其重量取决所用金属的质量。

    If made of loose earth, it will weigh little; if stones are taken with it, it will weigh more; while, if metals were put in, it would, according to the kind of metal you take, weigh still more.


- 来自原声例句

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