• 类似桌面弹球游戏一个反弹效果

    Pinball game is similar to the desktop of a rebound effect.


  • 其结果是反馈和用户体验十分类似桌面应用程序

    This provides feedback similar to a desktop-based application.


  • Web 2.0一个重要方面就是用户体验更加类似于桌面应用程序的用户体验。

    One of the most important aspects of Web 2.0 is that a user's experience is more like that of a desktop application than a Web site.


  • 无论是电子表格,还是薪水电子邮件应用程序现在浏览器中再现类似桌面体验

    Everything from spreadsheets to payroll apps to E-mail applications are replicating the desktop experience in the browser.


  • 无论是电子表格,还是薪水册电子邮件应用程序现在浏览器中再现类似桌面体验

    Everything from spreadsheets to payroll and E-mail applications are replicating the desktop experience in the browser.


  • 实幕设计实验透过实物及方体于桌面显示屏移动制造人造影子

    Augmented shadow is a design experiment creating an artificial shadow effect through the use of tangible objects and blocks on a displayable tabletop interface.


  • Gadget本质上等效桌面搜索,它所有本地文档搜索指定任何字符串实例。

    This gadget is essentially equivalent to a desktop search tool that searches for the occurrences of any string you specify in all of your local documents.


  • 结果就是类似桌面应用程序动态快速响应、高交互性体验但是背后拥有互联网全部强大力量

    The result is a dynamic, responsive, highly-interactive experience like a desktop application, but with all the power of the Internet behind it.


  • 结合使用基异步消息传递系统Ajax的异步本性将用户提供更加实时、更加类似桌面应用程序体验

    The asynchronous nature of Ajax combined with an asynchronous-based messaging system provides a more real-time, desktop application feel for your users.


  • 这个示例应用程序一个简单邮件客户机它利用jQuery用户这样感觉:该电子邮件客户机非常类似于桌面应用程序。

    This demo app is a simple mail client, utilizing jQuery to give users the feeling of working with an E-mail client that is actually a desktop application.


  • 具有交互性Web应用程序,试图创建RIA用户这样的感觉:他们处理电子邮件所用的这个Web应用程序非常类似桌面应用程序。

    It is a Web application with interactivity attempting to create an RIA and give users the impression of working with a desktop application for their E-mail.


  • 通过API函数直接实时读取IP地址计算机数据把该数据生成图像作为桌面墙纸,从而实现IP地址计算机名实时显示于桌面的目的。

    Through reading the real-time data of the IP addresses and the computer name by API function and generating images as the wallpaper of the desktop, the IP address and the computers n.


  • 类似笔记本电脑连接投影仪之上一个远程会议通常使用某些特定桌面共享软件

    In the place of hooking your laptop up to a projector, a remote meeting will typically use some kind of desktop sharing software.


  • 其他许多传感器不同可以同样工作笔记桌面电脑。

    And unlike many other sensors, it works equally well on laptops and desktops.


  • 状态通常用户动作所触发(注册登录),并且出现内容之上就像桌面应用中的一个窗口

    Modal Windows are always triggered by a user action (e.g. signing up or logging in) and appear on top of the main content, like a window in a regular desktop application.


  • 有些组织能力特别好,钟情文件夹那么桌面搜索也许他们完全多余的。

    Some people are highly organized, love folders, and desktop search might be completely superfluous to them.


  • 类似的异议倾向板子当成一个桌面使用;在嵌入式虚拟走得更远之前人们必须习惯将桌子上的垫子标签当成是计算机屏幕的一个附属物品来使用。

    Similar objections apply to using a board as a desktop; people will have to get used to using pads and tabs on a desk as an adjunct to computer screens before taking embodied virtuality even further.


  • 自己动作平静下来:你必须离开桌面机会专注肢体的活动。

    The act of making yourself a drink can be calming: it gets you away from your desk, and it gives you a chance to concentrate on something physical.


  • 这种差别源头,来自苹果公司的历史传统,苹果公司一贯非常重视桌面出版和平设计

    The difference originates from Apple's legacy in desktop publishing and graphic design.


  • 是的就是AJAX一切不是桌面视觉效果这样的形式安全的,因为输出源是Web

    Yes, it would appear that AJAX can do it all and that no desktop visual effect or gesture is safe from being outsourced to the Web.


  • doubleT wistbeta桌面程序,运行MacWindows操作系统下免费下载

    DoubleTwist beta, a desktop application that's available as a free download for Mac or Windows.


  • 微软的核心收入来自WindowsOffice,但是桌面软件销售前景不容乐观

    Microsoft’s core revenue is derived from Windows and Office, and the future doesn’t look to be very bright for desktop software sales.


  • 作为个执华丽视觉宴享电脑Geek,很自然喜欢各种炫目壁纸装饰桌面

    free desktop wallpapersAs a computer geek who loves to feast his eyes with beautiful images, it’s only natural that I also love to customize my desktop background with stunning wallpapers.


  • 这个版本主要专注新的已有HTML项目添加丰富运动设计,而且是可以出色运行桌面移动设备的(它可以创建出适应各种尺寸的屏幕平滑补间和过渡);

    This version of Edge focuses primarily on adding rich motion design to new or existing HTML projects, that runs beautifully on devices and desktops.


  • 为了促成完全版本未来桌面出现服务交换策略许可数据的广泛接受标准一个必要的启动技术。

    For the full vision of the future desktop to emerge a universally accepted standard for exchanging policy and permission data will be a necessary enabling technology.


  • IBM使用"消费交付模型"优化产品主要服务业务领域软件开发测试虚拟桌面

    IBM used a "cloud consumption and delivery model" to optimize its offerings to serve two primary business areas: development and test and virtualized desktops.


  • 归功他们开发虚拟桌面个人电脑开始取代大型计算机。它不但占领了各个公司,还进入美国各个家庭

    Thanks to the virtual desktop they developed, the PC quickly replaced the mainframe as the center of corporate computing and began showing up in homes across America.


  • 部分存在许多不同移动电话操作系统的原因,目前尚未出现类似针对桌面个人电脑一样大规模攻击

    There has not been a massive attack yet like those targeting desktop PCs, and that's partly because there are so many different mobile phone operating systems.


  • 非常沉迷希望拥有有这种功能桌面应用程序

    I am addicted and I want this feature on a desktop app.


  • 使用类似本文介绍桌面支持代理一线工人时便员工办公桌之间移动办公。

    When a desktop farm like the one described here supports agents or front-line workers, it becomes easier for employees to move work among their desks.


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