• 但是你们看到的,人们并非真的热衷这里

    But as far as you can see, people are not really excited to come here.


  • 认识的时候,甚至根本不屑认识他的时候基督已经地上,解决了罪问题

    Before you even knew Him, or cared to know Him, Christ had already come to earth to take care of your sin problem!


  • 飞行器所在流下游一垂直速度截面进行积分计算得到升力诱导阻力激波阻力总阻力。

    By doing integral computation on the wake surface that is down from the aircraft and vertical to the velocity of far field, it can get the lift, induced drag, wave drag and the total drag.


  • 代售方式服装施益无家可归

    She sold clothes on consignment to benefit homeless people.


  • 全都北卡罗纳州名男子承认了合谋纵火

    Seven men, all from North Carolina, admitted conspiracy to commit arson.


  • 必须12月16日一次,争夺1/4决赛位置

    The sides must battle again for a quarter-final place on December 16.


  • 化妆伪造褐色皮肤让皮肤暴露强烈太阳光线安全。

    It's safer to fake a tan with make-up rather than subject your complexion to the harsh rays of the sun.


  • 我们现在倾向文字传递理解的信息

    We are now inclined to text to relay difflcult information.


  • 取决你想用它做什么。

    It depends on what you want to use it for.


  • 在未2030年里我们致力建立联盟发展安全能源供应

    We're to be focusing on building alliances to develop secure energy supplies for the next 20 to 30 years.


  • 它们表明凭借最终有损健康外表定义

    They suggest beauty should not be defined by looks that end up impinging on health.


  • 复旦大学先生看参观世博会外国人宽容欣赏的态度接受睡衣时尚

    In the eyes of Fudan University's Mr. Yu, foreign visitors to the Expo will accept the pajama fashion with tolerance and appreciation


  • 中国肝胆外科之父”吴孟超,近80年专注拯救人们的生命。

    Wu Mengchao, the "Father of Chinese Hepatobiliary Surgery", focused on saving people's lives for nearly eighty years.


  • 会惊讶有多少时间做你真正想做的事情。

    You'll be surprised at how much time you'll have to do what you really want to do.


  • 当下有很多中等身材年轻女孩倾向通过减肥让自己更好她们说这样能够帮助提升自信心

    Nowadays, many young girls of medium build tend to lose weight to look more beautiful, which for them can help improve their confidence.


  • 孩子们倾向依靠有关学校朋友保持学校工作联系

    Children tend to rely on concerned school friends to keep in touch with school work.


  • 可能需要时间原谅取决她。

    It may take time for her to be able to forgive you, but that's up to her.


  • 移民归化局应该关注服务依赖国家边境安全保护自己免受恐怖袭击数百万普通美国人。

    The INS should pay more attention to serving the millions of ordinary Americans who rely on the nation's border security to protect them from terrorist attacks.


  • 大约三分之二这个总产收入支付工人作为工资薪水剩下三分之一资本货物所有者作为补偿

    Approximately two-thirds of the income derived from this total output is paid out to workers as wages and salaries, the remaining third serving as compensation to the owners of the capital goods.


  • 自得梅因的退休木匠2005年去世,他生前帮助33个孩子上了大学。

    A retired carpenter from Des Moines has helped send 33 kids to college since his death in 2005.


  • 太阳神公司试图通过吸引专注研究开发创新技术公司扩大经济基础

    Helios is attempting to expand its economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies.


  • 这些使用精确词语表示数量而是使用类似a few”some” 的词语。

    Instead of using words for precise quantities, these people rely exclusively on terms similar to "a few" or "some."


  • 过去十年格林一家一直致力皮包贸易

    Trading leather handbags is the business to which the Greens have been devoted over the past decade.


  • 最终1996年离开斯坦福大学的讲座教授职位,圣达菲研究所专注复杂性理论经济

    He ultimately left an endowed chair at Stanford in 1996 to focus on complexity theory and the economy at the Santa Fe Institute.


  • 一种死亡是悲剧——不管死因什么——但是我们并没有与我们共存地球其它生物更大权利利用地球上的一切。

    Every death is a tragedyregardless of the cause—but we have no greater claim to use this earth than any of the other creatures that we share it with.


  • 没有人当地人了解北极,就是为什么当地人满足不发表任何看法,只外界专家告诉他们发生了什么

    Nobody knows the Arctic as well as the locals, which is why they are not content simply to stand back and let outside experts tell them what's happening.


  • 柯尔特开始痴迷轮船的舵轮尤其是通过使用离合器进行交替旋转或者锁定特定位置方式

    Colt became fascinated with the ship's wheel, particularly the way it could alternately spin or be locked in a fixed position through the use of a clutch.


  • 高耸整个拉斯维加斯擎天柱直闯卢克索拉斯维加斯旅馆赌场保护全人类

    Towering above all of Las Vegas, Optimus Prime is crashing through the Luxor Las Vegas Hotel and Casino, protecting all of mankind.


  • 这些变化必须得到国会整体批准否决,这样一,狭隘利益游说团体很难立法者屈从他们的意愿。

    The changes would have to be approved or rejected as a whole by Congress, making it hard for narrow-interest lobbies to bend lawmakers to their will.


  • 自然原因了解甚少把所希望不希望发生的事情归因超自然魔法力量寻找方法赢得这些力量的青睐

    Having little understanding of natural causes, it attributes both desirable and undesirable occurrences to supernatural or magical forces, and it searches for means to win the favor of these forces.


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