• 试图定义问题什么,问题那些帮助应对们疾病的关系意味着什么发现这些标签已经精神健康或者精神损害

    Mental health, or mental distress, is cluttered up with labels, as we try to define what the issues are and what they mean for us and our relationships with those who help us to deal with them.


  • 中国。自从1996年引进中国以来,市场成功有赖员工的共同努力,有赖于我们的企业文化充份发挥团队精神的结果。

    In China, ZADAXIN Introduced in China since 1996, Success in the market depends on the support of our staff, rely on our enterprise culture and the maximum utilization of the team spirit.


  • 通过这些步骤精神得以升华觉醒努力这些信条传达他人应用生活中的一切事物

    Having a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to others, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.


  • 许多精神导师指出感觉伤害形成强大的束缚

    Many spiritual teachers point out that we form a strong bond to the people we feel injured us.


  • 于我这个新朋友,富裕冒险精神,随着越来越长的旅途,他对如何节省开销有更多见解,美国旅行,他的经验是:借宿居民家要比酒店或者招待所划算。

    By taking the roads less traveled, he wasable to do more than save money. He got to experience America the way he wantedto: in the homes of people who live here, rather than at resorts and hotels.


  • 詹金斯说,“精神状况好些了,有助身体状况的改善。”

    Says Jenkins, "my mental outlook is better, which helps my physical being."


  • 哲学博士精神学家、西奈山医疗中心戒毒康复的主任哈里斯·斯传提纳认为,唠叨不起作用原因在精神感应。

    The reason it doesn't work has to do with our psychological wiring, says Harris Stratyner, Ph.D, a psychologist and the director of addiction recovery services at the Mount Sinai Medical Center.


  • (这些箴言抑或诗句)以某种方式与正念精神疗法联系一起继之一点探究小解其如何与生活息息相关这些引述的箴言和诗句,总能沉吾更深的禅境。

    Every Monday, I cite a quote or a poem that is related to mindfulness and psychotherapy and then explore it a bit and how it is relevant to our lives.


  • 欧洲人权公约精神融入人权法案,也有助于我判断法律是否有违公约的内容。

    Incorporating the European Convention on Human Rights into domestic law in the Human Rights Act pushed power sideways, to judges who are required to assess whether laws violate its provisions.


  • 希望不仅仅一部自传,而更是一部精神信仰宣言,寻找幸福完满的记录。

    More than an autobiography, this book is a testament of my spiritual beliefs, an account of the steps I have taken to arrive at the place of happiness and completeness where I now find myself.


  • 这个组织网站段采访录像,她说道,“过去4来说犹如生活精神病院。”

    The group’s website has a video of her saying “For the last four years it seemed to me that I live in a madhouse.”


  • 羡慕她们成功时,她们身上找到一种精神人格魅力有助成长

    While I admire their success, I find in them a spirit and a personality which help me to grow.


  • 们而言,对精神意识研究将永远是生物学前沿

    For us, the study of the mind and consciousness defines the frontier of biology.


  • 一切取决自己的选择,是寻找这种内心的精神力量,还是困难边缘不再前进

    It all comes to a choice whether we look for the spirit within or just stand on the edge and balk.


  • 大多时候跟着直觉是有好处的,因为来自精神现实之间的同步反应。

    It's good to go by intuitions most The Times because it's the response provided due to the synchronism between our mental and physical being.


  • 人生强者,要足够拼搏精神幸福

    We want to be a strong life, want to have enough spirit, happiness just belong to us!


  • 这个新颖且花样百出治疗方法隐约了解精神治疗关系具有无穷的并发症,并有助理论的基础探讨它们

    The new, highly differentiated methods allow us an unsuspected glimpse into the endless complications of psychic relationships and have gone a long way to putting them on a theoretical basis.


  • 月亮照耀下获得思考反射过程图像一种精神活动

    In the moon's shining, we have an image of the reflective process of our thinking, which is an activity of the human spirit.


  • 自言自语非但不代表精神失常,而且恰恰相反,它有助规划事情管控自己各种活动情绪甚至还创作一段自己经历故事

    Far from being a sign of insanity, self-talk allows us to plan what we are going to do, manage our activities, regulate our emotions and even create a narrative of our experience.


  • 事情发生一瞬间安全感冲破了,平时们对世界种种看法之间保护的精神盔甲剥离了

    In that moment, our sense of invulnerability is pierced, and the self-protective mental armor that normally stands between us and our perceptions of the world is torn away.


  • 事情发生一瞬间安全感冲破了,平时们对世界种种看法之间保护的精神盔甲剥离了

    In that moment, our sense of invulnerability is pierced, and the self-protective mental armor that normally stands between us and our perceptions of the world is torn away.


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