• 他们不仅仅屈从权利甘露野心同时外界敌人们将自己希望寄托他们个人身上,”这么自己曾经提拔起来个人。

    Not only had they succumbed to “the nectar of powerand ambition, but also “the enemy outside built up their hopes with them, ” Fidel said of the two men, whom he had promoted.


  • 那么为什么男性倾向数学呢?而且,为什么在兹奖这个数学界诺贝100多年的历史中,没有一个女性得主?

    And why, in over 100 years of the existence of the Fields Medal, maths 'Nobel Prize, have none of the winners have ever been a woman?


  • 威利斯·科诺·致力美国推广爵士乐

    Willis Conover also worked to spread jazz in the United States.


  • 行政官员诸如负责监督公司市场行销·席勒;致力设计英国人乔纳森·伊夫,都是密切合作多年组织中的一部分

    Executives such as Phil Schiller, who oversees the company's marketing, and Jonathan ive, a Briton whose domain is design, are part of a team that has worked closely together for many years.


  • 欧德宁给了非常简短预览,关一款即将推出的来自英特它的子公司迈克混合软件安全技术

    Otellini gave a very brief preview of a forthcoming hybrid software-silicon security technology to come from Intel and its McAfee subsidiary.


  • 洛杉矶湖人队丝毫没有体现教练淡定风范杰克逊时代糟糕在周日结束

    The Phil Jackson era ended miserably Sunday, with the Los Angeles Lakers showing none of the poise so characteristic of their coach.


  • 年轻心理学家沙任职普林斯顿大学年迈的心理学家特维斯基共同完成论文

    Shafir is a young psychologist at Princeton who teamed up with the old psychologist Tversky and wrote this paper.


  • 卡扎200910月访问乌克兰时候巴林斯卡娅基辅护士学校毕业,家乡巴格·诺亚地区工作年。

    By the time Gadhafi visited Ukraine in October 2009, Balinskaya had graduated from nursing school in Kiev and been working in the area of her native Mogilnoye for three years.


  • 林格盛名作品描述青年人成长麦田守望者》。 这部小说叛逆少年顿•考尔菲德(HoldenCaulfield)为主角,1951年问世,正逢冷战让人焦虑年代。

    Salinger is best known for his coming-of-age novel 'The Catcher in the Rye' about rebellious teenager Holden Caulfield, which came out in 1951 during the time of anxious, Cold War conformity.


  • 威利斯·科诺·1920年出生纽约州布法罗父亲名军人他们经常搬家

    Willis Conover was born in Buffalo, New York, in nineteen twenty. Because his father was in the military, his family moved around a great deal.


  • 马里奥·查内斯·阿马斯·卡斯特罗之2月24日去世享年80岁。

    Mario Chanes DE Armas, prisoner of Fidel Castro, died on February 24th, aged 80.


  • 他们不仅仅屈从权利甘露野心同时外界敌人们将自己希望寄托他们个人身上,”这么自己曾经提拔起来个人。

    Not only had they succumbed to "the nectar of power" and ambition, but also "the enemy outside built up their hopes with them," Fidel said of the two men, whom he had promoted.


  • 过去阿利克斯弗格森爵士来说艰难一年,自己认为艰难的内维再见

    The past year has not been short of difficult moments for Sir Alex Ferguson but by his own admission one of the hardest was saying goodbye to Phil Neville.


  • 统治利比亚40多年穆阿卡扎昨天杀死之前躲藏家乡肮脏下水道

    Muammar Qaddafi, the ruler of Libya for more than 40 years, was killed yesterday after hiding in a filthy drainage in his hometown city of Sirte.


  • 同时突然青睐科里坦顿势必减少萨沙的上场时间,因此是可以作为交易筹码的。

    Also, with Phil's sudden interest in playing Crit, this will severely cut down on Sasha's PT which makes him expendable.


  • 舍甫琴柯1999年来到俱乐部何塞·阿配合之后现在米兰第三个创记录的前锋。

    Shevchenko, who arrived at the club in 1999, is now the joint third all-time hitman for the Rossoneri after he matched Jose Altafini's tally.


  • 东线战场上顽强的表现,曼刚刚一月获得钻石银橡叶配骑士铁十字勋章,他第25此殊荣之人。

    A tough Eastern Front veteran, Manteuffel had just been awarded the diamonds to his Knight's Cross in January, the 25th man to be so honored.


  • 展览来自卡特琳琅满目的档案馆中,由牛津大学格里协会保管,今年这个协会在庆祝自己的75周年诞辰

    The displays are from Carter's rich archive, kept at Oxford University's Griffith Institute, which celebrates its 75th birthday this year.


  • 史蒂夫·克拉克是朋友州长时,检察长一次他带上自己身患癌症不久人世妹妹维斯表演

    Steve Clark, a friend of mine who served as attorney general when I was governor, once took his little sister, who was dying of cancer, to see Elvis perform in Memphis.


  • 强化大豆异黄酮中,赋予开预防骨质疏松等功能。

    Kefir can prevent osteoporosis when fortified isoflavone and calcium. Kefir was made by soy milk also.


  • 相位修正结构具有类似抛物柱面聚焦特点

    One dimensional Fresnel zone phase correcting plate has its focusing characteristics similar to that of the paraboloid cylinder.


  • 相比之下,普斯则热衷分析波动情况从而提出使之降低的方法。

    Mr Phelps, by contrast, has been more anxious to explain its fluctuations, and to recommend measures to lower it.


  • 本文设计了类似尔菲法的专家调查识别投标商风险控制能力评价指标,构造了指标结构系统。

    The paper designs an expert inquiry similar to Delphi method, and identifies and classifies the indexes in tender evaluation based on the ability of tender to control engineering risk.


  • 贝托先是混迹家小俱乐部里,随后2003年时转会到了格·伦斯俱乐部,先后效力过几只是球队知道真实年龄

    Carlos Alberto played for several small clubs before joining Figueirense in 2003. He said that none of the clubs he played for knew about his age.


  • 一些技术非常厉害,另一些做的不过是建起一家网站来空谈自己梦想——他们是推销商,类似斯·巴纳姆的人,”福斯

    "There are some people who are very sharp technically, and some who can't put up more than a website about what their dreams are-the promoters and the P. T. Barnums," Searfoss says.


  • 一些技术非常厉害,另一些做的不过是建起一家网站来空谈自己梦想——他们是推销商,类似斯·巴纳姆的人,”福斯

    "There are some people who are very sharp technically, and some who can't put up more than a website about what their dreams are-the promoters and the P. T. Barnums," Searfoss says.


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