• 本文采用二维模型模拟固陶瓷烧结后期晶粒气孔耦合生长演化过程

    The topological evolution of coupled pore and grain growth during final stage sintering based on a 2-d continuum diffusion-interface field model is studied.


  • 采用模型有限差分方法模拟了冷纯金属熔体的生长,计算区域正方形均匀网格

    Dendrite growth has been simulated with the phase field method and finite difference schemes on a two dimensional rectangular domain with a uniform square mesh.


  • 流化床试验装置上,由大颗粒物料组成鼓泡流态化进行试验研究

    On the equipment of two dimensional fluidized bed, we were primarily engaged in experimental research on coarse particle dense bubbling fluidized bed.


  • 使用FLUENT软件通过湍流模型离散模型对风机内部二维二维粒子运动轨迹进行模拟。

    Using the turbulence model and discrete phase model of FLUENT, the flow field and the track of the ash in the centrifugal blower was simulated.


  • 本文把不完全乔利斯基——共轭斜量解法用于求解模型压力方程

    An incomplete Cholesky-conjugate gradient method is used to solve the pressure equation of two phase bi-dimension model.


  • 建立一个适用于复杂地形冰雹模式。模式弹性静力采用地形跟随坐标包含参数物理过程参数化。

    A hail cloud model that is two dimensional elastic non hydrostatic, USES a terrain following coordinate system and includes double parameters for ice phase microphysics, has been developed.


  • 用脉冲示踪二维循环流化床液体停留时间分布(rtd)进行了测定

    Pulse tracer method was used to measure the residence time distribution (RTD) in Two-dimensional Three-phase circulating fluidized bed.


  • 控制方程为欧拉坐标系中的轴对称n - S方程,求解方法隐式LU -SGS方法。

    Gas governing equations are two dimensional axisymmetric N-S equations in Eulerian coordinates, which were solved by implicit LU-SGS method.


  • 最后,在前面模拟基础上,建立了三维气湍流流动数值模拟的数学模型,并用此模型对气粒两气粒两矩形射流进行数值研究

    At last, three-dimensional mathematical model of gas-particle two phase turbulence was established, and it was adopted to study the gas-particle two phase rectangular jet as well.


  • 然后,用平面来对简化模型特性进行定性分析,给出了参数变化二维简化模型中的电压值变化之间的关系。

    Secondly, the phase planes were introduced to find qualitatively the threshold of dynamical behavior, and the influences of parameters change on saddle point were discussed.


  • 首度二维溶致型层状液晶系统中,发现之间存在“六角方向性”的新状态。

    An intermediate surface hexatic phase between the liquid and the crystalline phases has been found for the first time in a lyotropic lamellar liquid-crystal system.


  • 汉语只有表达“态”时间结构所谓语言蕴含的时间因素不是语言表达的时间;

    There is only two-dimension time structure of the tense and the aspect in Chinese language, the so-called phase is the time implied in a language, not expressed in a language.


  • 应用计算流体力学软件FLUENT固体火箭发动机喷管内二维粘性湍流进行数值模拟

    A fully coupled two-phase viscid nozzle flow of SRM is numerically simulated with FLUENT software.


  • 根据现代关于界面研究可知,晶界界多具有周期结构

    According to the recent studies on interfaces in crystals, it is evident that most grain boundaries and phase boundaries have two dimensional periodic structures.


  • 方法观察完整分析初始强化形式二维图像CDFI关系

    Methods The whole manifestation phases were observed to analyze the early enhancement forms and the relationship of the images with B-mode image and CDFI.


  • 胜利油区广泛采用多层油藏模拟模型开展了并行化研究,提出采用按层粒度并行区域分解并行两种方法实现软件的并行化。

    The two methods of coarse granularity parallel by layers and domain decomposition parallel are put forward and used to realize the software parallelization.


  • 采用模型有限差分方法,模拟了过冷金属熔体生长,计算区域为二维正方形均匀网格。

    The dendrite growth of pure metal in undercooled melts was simulated by using phase field model(PFM) and finite difference schemes.


  • 通过90电路敏检波电路实现了对探头信号进行提取。

    The sensor's signal is decomposed to two signals by circuit of 90 degree move-phase and two circuits of phase-sensitive detecting rectification.


  • 研究了液浸渍化学气法致密工艺二维炭炭2DC C)复合材料力学性能影响尤其是对层间剪切强度ILSS)的影响。

    Influence of CVD and LIC densification processes on mechanical properties, especially interlaminate shear strength(ILSS) of carbon cloth reinforced 2D C/C composites is studied.


  • 方法观察完整确定时间分析初始强化形式以及形式二维图像CDFI关系

    Methods Whole phase manifestation was observed to determine the time-window and to analyse the early enhancement forms and the relationship between enhanced image and B-mode image and CDFI.


  • 尤其对于贯穿油层水平井压裂增产措施来说,流动过程也是油藏内流动裂缝流动耦合渗流过程。

    Especially for the fractures which are not perforated the formation, the flow process in this system is a coupling flow about the three-dimensional reservoir and the two-dimensional fractures.


  • 初等方法计算二维线性谐振刚性原子分子两种情况能量曲面包围体积

    A simple method is used to calculate the phase volumes enclosed by energy surfaces of 2-dimensional harmonic oscillator and rigid diatomic molecule.


  • 二维色谱(2d - LC)提供了合成聚合物生物聚合物分子异质性不同方面信息

    Two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2d-lc) provides information on the different aspects of molecular heterogeneity of synthetic and biological polymers.


  • 二维色谱普通一维色谱对比馏分芳烃组分分析上体现了极大优势

    The comparison with conventional method, gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry(GCMS), illustrated the obvious advantages of the method for heavy gas oil analysis.


  • 优化后预处理正交极小化算法为基础多层全隐式模拟模型进行单位的粒度并行任务划分 。

    At the base of optimized ORTHOMIN method, the two dimension two phase full-implicit model with muti-layers has been paralleled as coarse granularity.


  • 纤维增强基体中分布均匀主要二维分布

    The reinforcing fibers is well distributed in the base, and mainly in 2-dimension distribution.


  • 硅酸甲酯硅酸钠形成有序二维六方结构硅酸乙酯形成了囊泡结构。

    TMOS and sodium silicate led to iron-containing silicas with ordered two-dimensional hexagonal mesoporous structure, and vesicle mesostructure was obtained using TEOS as silica precursor.


  • 结果M图像显示气球模型形状运动心室十分

    Results Conventional m mode and 2d imaging verified that the balloon model was similar to left ventricle in its shape and wall motion.


  • 本文介绍了一个用于平面图形直线圆弧处理算法

    This article is intended to provide new algorithms for the intersection processing of straight line and arc used in the 2-D plane figure.


  • 本文介绍了一个用于平面图形直线圆弧处理算法

    This article is intended to provide new algorithms for the intersection processing of straight line and arc used in the 2-D plane figure.


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