• 此外尽管二氧化碳排放交易市场的确存在没有展示其应有的大规模减少排放的潜力,大规模推广可能性目前来看也极小。

    And besides, though carbon markets do now exist, they have yet to demonstrate an ability to reduce emissions in a big way, and their large-scale expansion currently looks highly unlikely.


  • 此外通过数据呈现的波形曲线显示其他分子存在有可能是二氧化碳二氧化硫甲醇更为复杂含碳分子。

    In addition, there were squiggles in the data that indicated other molecules, possibly carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, methane or more complex carbon-based molecules.


  • 气孔二氧化碳进入氧气水蒸气开口

    A stoma is an opening through which carbon dioxide goes in and oxygen and water vapor escape.


  • 这样可以使电厂产生废气排放通过液,分离其中二氧化碳;之后在适当的地方加热胺液可以释放二氧化碳

    Power-station exhaust can thus be purged of its CO2 by running it through an amine bath before it is vented, and the amine can be warmed to release the gas where it will do no harm.


  • StatoilHydro检测海床那微乎其微重力变化可以标示二氧化碳在下面水库中的稠密程度。

    It also tests miniscule changes in gravity on the seafloor, which indicate CO2 density in the reservoir underneath.


  • 数据不仅显示排放量大幅升高记录——2010二氧化碳排放量为306亿——历史最高

    It is not just that the statistics showing another record leap in carbon output – 30.6 gigatonnes of CO2 over 2010 – to make the highest annual total in history are grim.


  • StatoilHydro公司将斯莱普尼肯尔称作“一切CCS工程绿色程度很大程度上是超过实际需求因为那里天然气本身拥有客户需求二氧化碳含量

    StatoilHydro calls Sleipner "the mother of all CCS projects" but its green status came partly out of necessity as gas found there naturally has a higher CO2 content than clients wanted.


  • 为了获得清洁燃料经济必须采用可再生原料来分离氢气,不是石化燃料,这样我们就能够阻值二氧化碳进入大气

    To have a pure hydrogen economy, the hydrogen must be derived from renewable sources rather than fossil fuels so that we stop releasing carbon into the atmosphere.


  • 其实壁画是因为地下水石缝,水中钙质遇到空气中的二氧化碳形成碳酸钙凝聚石壁上形成的。

    In fact, when the calcium of the groundwater from the dissolution of crevice encountered carbon dioxide in the air, they formed calcium carbonate on the stone wall.


  • 超临界二氧化碳萃取技术,在比较温和实验条件下,蛋黄粉中分离蛋黄油。

    Extraction of yolk oil from dried egg yolk by supercritical fluid with carbon dioxide is described.


  • 假如氢氧化钙就是足够二氧化碳你的心结中沉淀的心结。

    If you are that hydrogen oxidize calcium, then I am enough carbon dioxide, the heart precipitating me out in your heart forms.


  • 许多日常工作都会环境产生令人震惊破坏作用,根据搜索正确答案需要的尝试次数多少一次谷歌搜索释放0.20.7二氧化碳

    Many everyday tasks take a surprising toll on the environment. A Google search can leak between 0.2 and 7.0 grams of CO2, depending on how many attempts are needed to get the "right" answer.


  • 二氧化碳驱油期间流体中分离二氧化碳再将它回注

    The carbon dioxide can be separated from the produced fluids during the flooding and recycled.


  • 溶液中通入二氧化碳沉淀碳酸钙循环利用

    Carbon dioxide was led into the solution and the calcium carbonate was deposited which could be cyclically used.


  • 本发明提供二氧化碳甲烷催化剂二氧化碳甲烷化反应显示优越活性甲烷选择性

    The methanation catalyst of carbon dioxide in the invention shows superior activity and methane selectivity in the methanation reaction of the carbon dioxide.


  • 辽河油田稠油开发主要热力采油为主,人为地使油井二氧化碳含量增加

    Thermal production, which is used in Liaohe oil Field as a main method to explore viscous oil, gives rise to the artificial increase of CO2 content in the crude produced from well.


  • 辽河油田稠油开发主要热力采油为主,人为地使油井二氧化碳含量增加

    Thermal production, which is used in Liaohe oil Field as a main method to explore viscous oil, gives rise to the artificial increase of CO2 content in the crude produced from well.


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