• 金牛座星座代表成长

    Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, representing growth and development.


  • :第二宫通常认为财产金钱有关。

    The Second House: is usually listed as ruling money and possessions.


  • 掌管收入土星今年第一正行。

    Saturn, the planet that rules your second house of earned income, is about to go direct for the first time this year.


  • 一个太阳工资在2011年的新月

    It is the one and only new moon in your solar second house of salary in 2011.


  • 太阳火星孤立而失势龙尾落代表盘主易耗财或挥霍家产。

    Sol and Mars peregrine or the Dragon's Tail in the Second, signifies that the Native shall squander away his substance or Estate foolishly.


  • 财政上礼物运气给予者——木星一直代表收益太阳守护着

    Financially, you still have Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, in your solar second house of earned income.


  • 随着木星天王星对人微笑收入可以土地地位金钱工作

    With Jupiter and Uranus smiling at you from your second house of earned income, you could land a job with status and money.


  • 这个6个行星穿过收入而且每个行星几乎都是立刻就可以你增加现金

    This month you will have six planets moving though your second house of income, and each will help you find ways to increase cash flow almost instantly.


  • 太阳位于合成中的任何赚钱积累物质财富商业职业关系来说,最佳位置

    Sun in the second house of the composite chart is the best possible position for any business or professional relationship whose primary aim is to make money or to gather material possessions.


  • 然而因为第八强调基本情感深刻心理所以组合盘太阳意味着困难

    However, because the eighth house is more basically emotional and profoundly psychological than the second house, this is not so likely to be a source of difficulty.


  • 月亮位于有关自我价值富足木星代表信仰海王星(位于你家庭)相得益彰。

    The moon will be in your second house of self-worth and will make a beneficial link to both Jupiter, the planet of abundance, and Neptune, the planet of faith, in your home and family sector.


  • 自从天王星2003年进驻第二宫可能已经到了你不能永远依赖客户老板或者其它收入来源

    Since Uranus started to tour this house in 2003, you probably already learned that you couldn't depend on a client, employer, or other source of income to last forever.


  • 收入增加帮助处理任何现金暂时短缺可能觉得最近由于火星通过九月中旬到十月旅。

    That increase in income would help you deal with any temporary shortfall of cash you may have felt recently due to the tour of Mars through your second house from mid-September through October.


  • 因为4月22日火星运行到了的代表收入财产这意味着你的开支迅速攀升并且的冲动。

    I say this because Mars has been moving through your second house of income and possessions since April 22, always a sign that expenses are climbing or that you've been overcome with a yen to spend.


  • 若命盘中月亮金牛座位于第之内,木星形成出相位,太阳形成拱的入相位时,则盘主拥有大量财富

    He that hath the Moon in Tairus in the second separating from the square or Opposition of Jupiter, and applying to Trine of the Sun shall obtain very considerable riches.


  • 59日的,满月出现,这会让金钱上有所耗费,如果此期间进行高消费的话水星逆行时,你会为你金钱付出感到懊悔

    A full moon in the second house, as you have on May 9, could burn a hole in your pocket, but with Mercury retrograde, you will be sorry if you buy your pricey item now - wait.


  • 凯撒拳击台上,曼尼西钻过围绳,自己WBA轻量级拳王头衔卫冕

    Mancini was defending his WBA lightweight title for the second time when he climbed through the ropes at Caesars.


  • 了解普京入主原因以及那以来统治手腕,最好办法视作克格勃世界文化思维观点显著复苏

    The best way to understand both Mr Putin's ascent into the Kremlin and his rule since is to see them as the remarkable recovery of the culture, mentality and view of the world of the old KGB.


  • 一张邮票上印有的是皇家会议室拍摄正式订婚张邮票上的照片沃尔房间中拍摄的比较生活化的照片。

    The first stamp replicates the official engagement portrait taken in the Royal Council Chamber, while the second is a less formal shot snapped in the Palace's Cornwall Room.


  • 计划于2011年落成电影举行了奠基仪式。

    A foundation stone was laid on day two for a new cinema palace planned for 2011.


  • 本周宣布将于明年春夏择日伦敦举办婚礼。 消息发布数小时,英国威廉王子携未婚妻在伦敦詹姆斯于订婚后首度亮相

    The happy couple made an engaging debut at St. James`s Palace in London on Tuesday —just hours after announcing their plans to wed in London in the spring or summer of 2011.


  • 他们美国大使官邸WinfieldHouse享受一个愉快的开始私家花园可是伦敦市中心第的,仅次于白金汉,大使路易斯还是奥巴马芝加哥时期的老朋友

    They enjoyed a leisurely start at Winfield House - the us ambassador's private garden is central London's biggest after HMQ's and ambassador Louis Susman is an old Chicago Pal.


  • 怀孩子的时候,因为我的感觉就像柔和气体不得不叫来朋友是否快要分娩了。

    With my second, I had to call a friend and ask if she thought I was in labor because my contractions felt like mild gas.


  • 怀孩子的时候,因为我的感觉就像柔和气体不得不叫来朋友是否快要分娩了。

    With my second, I had to call a friend and ask if she thought I was in labor because my contractions felt like mild gas.


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