• 东亚思想库网络正式英文缩写NEAT”,应明确定位东亚合作进程的“第二轨道”,主要为推动东亚合作提供智力支撑,对东亚合作政策性和方向性的重大问题提出建议。

    The English abbreviation for Network of East Asian Think-tanks is the NEAT.


  • 例如,(0,1,2)按逆时针方向定义第1个三角形顶点,而第二个三角形为(1,2,3)按照顺时针方向定义的。

    For example, (0, 1, 2) defines the first triangle's vertices counter-clockwise; the second triangle (1, 2, 3) is defined clockwise.


  • 10年期美国国债收益率(变动方向价格走向相反)周二的2.77%下跌本交易日2.71%,利率经常10年期美国国债收益率为基础确定

    The yield on the 10-year Treasury note, which moves opposite its price, fell to 2.71 percent from 2.77 percent late Tuesday. Interest rates are often set based on the yield of 10-year Treasurys.


  • 其它情况下,摩擦力根据情况调节自身,此时在x方向使用第二定律,合力为0就是结果

    And the frictional force, in this case will adjust itself just the right way so that Newton's Second Law in the x direction will give you, for the force, a zero.


  • 那个柴火堆块生锈铁皮仔细一分为二,铁皮向两个方向展开,把前面门廊占据了一部分

    The woodpile, carefully divided in two by a rusty sheet of corrugated tin, spread out in both directions, partly filling the long front porch.


  • 第一力矩顺时针方向第二个力矩为反时针方向

    The first moment is clockwise and the second is counterclockwise.


  • 此种单元可以假设温度沿壳体厚度方向线性变化次函数变化。

    The temperature variation in the direction of thickness is assumed to be linear or quadratic.


  • 近年来离线编程为基础机器人柔性自动化系统开发代表了机器人系统次开发的方向

    Recently the development of robot flexible automotive system based on off-line programming delegates the secondary development direction of robot system.


  • 维有限元列式只需对扇形区域角度方向离散最后的总体方程一个特征方程。

    Discretization in angular coordinate is needed only and the global equation is a second order characteristic matrix equation.


  • 第二节阐明晚清至五四时期文艺理论审美追求中国散文理论现代性转变指明方向

    Part two the Aesthetic pursuit of the Literary theory from the Late Qing Dynasty to the May-forth, which indicated direction of the change of the modernity in the Chinese prose theory.


  • 虽然不能完全消除病毒二甲胺四环素科学家们指明一条方向寻找更多作用等同于二甲胺四环素药剂

    Although we can not completely eliminate the virus, but minocycline for scientists pointed out a direction, that is equivalent to looking for more role of the pharmaceutical minocycline.


  • 同时研究发现了钢丝拉拔方向上形成的第二相硬质颗粒为核心的孔洞

    The results also presented that there were so many shuttle-shaped micro holes in this steel wires, lugging along drawing axis and cored by the hard particles.


  • 指出有利勘探目标调整方向二次开发部署深入研究提供了依据

    This paper points out favorable exploration and modification objects, and provides basis for deep study of secondary development.


  • 所述活塞设置沿第一方向移动流体所述 体,当沿第二方向移动时将流体从所述缸体中排出。

    The piston is configured to draw fluid into the cylinder when moving in the first direction, and to discharge the fluid from the cylinder when moving in the second direction.


  • 首先PIFA天线基本结构设计通过控制二极管开关状态来改变方向图的可重构天线,实现了天线带宽拓展

    Based on the PIFA structure, a pattern reconfigurable antenna can be controlled by RF diode switch is designed, with bandwidth expanded at the same time.


  • 第一线第四线段垂直投影方向大体上为迭合,第二线段与该第三线段在该垂直投影方向大体上为迭合。

    The first segment and the fourth segment are generally lapped in a vertical projection direction, and the second segment and the third segment are generally lapped in a vertical projection direction.


  • 管道消音器(23)具有敞开,其被设置面对风扇,并且第一(18)消音器与第二组(24)的消音器沿轴向方向径向方向分隔开。

    The tube silencers 23 have open end portions arranged to face the fan and the silencers of the first set 18 are spaced from the silencers of the second set 24 in both axial and radial directions.


  • 现实中的教育公正永远是在二者之间摇摆,谋求减少极端方向平衡

    However the educational equality in reality always rocks between the tow and try to find a balance to reduce the extreme orientation.


  • 日语语言文学二级学科硕士点研究方向为日语语言学、日本文学日本民俗文化

    The Master's programme of Japanese Literature and Literature covers the following research areas: Japanese linguistics, Japanese literature, and Japanese folk culture.


  • 穿刺机构接合的第二,其中,联接构造为将第一方向上的发射力转换成第二方向上的穿刺力;

    The linkage arm is pivotably attached to the housing and has first and second ends engaged to the firing and lancing mechanisms, respectively.


  • 第二部分将邀请在行业内具有重要地位企业代表进行有针对性具体问题分析,力求为行业某一点的问题总结经验指明方向

    The purpose of the first part is to provide overall information of the industry and second is to sum up experience and resolutions related to specific problem of the industry.


  • 第二部分将邀请在行业内具有重要地位企业代表进行有针对性具体问题分析,力求为行业某一点的问题总结经验指明方向

    The purpose of the first part is to provide overall information of the industry and second is to sum up experience and resolutions related to specific problem of the industry.


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