• 事故反应计划每年

    Incident Response Plan - annual.


  • 培训海岸警卫队预算削减海事事故反应组织可能丧失

    Training and coastguard budgets have been slashed, there is the likely loss of the Marine Incident Response Group.


  • 额外的互助训练必须提供以便机场外单位了解有关飞机事故一般建筑物事故反应相关事宜

    Additional mutual aid training be provided to clarify what is expected of an off site agency and the issues relating to an aircraft vs. a structural response.


  • 当前,世行正通过首个专项道路安全项目支持相关工作,包括改善道路工程、加强交警执法公众道路安全教育、提高事故反应速度等。

    The World Bank, in its first project dedicated solely to road safety, is supporting efforts to improve road engineering, policing, public road safety education, and post-crash response.


  • 检测我们方案结构反应确保他们处理任何事故,这至关重要的。

    The testing of our plans, structures and responses to ensure they can deal with any incident is vital.


  • 实际上神经元细胞可能失去它们捕获信息,这他们最大弱点之一对于意外事故反应则是它们最大的长处之一。

    The fact that nerve cells can lose the information they capture is one of their greatest weaknesses - but their response to such accidents showcases one of their greatest strengths.


  • 检测我们方案结构反应确保他们处理任何事故至关重要的。我们奥运会开幕前吸取一些教训是很重要的。

    The testing of our plans, structures and responses to ensure they can deal with any incident is vital. It is important we learn lessons ahead of the Games.


  • 东欧波兰立陶宛保加利亚罗马尼亚日本事故反应大相径庭

    In eastern Europe, in Poland, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Romania, governments differed in their response to the Japanese accidents.


  • 另一个原因,受感染者似乎反应能力低下而且容易卷入交通事故中。

    Another is that those infected seem to have poor reaction times and are more likely to be involved in road accidents.


  • 三里岛事故处理工作组可以靠近反应工作而在日本由于放射性太强,这样做可能非常危险

    His team could work close to the reactor. In Japan it may well be too dangerous to do so because of high levels of radiation.


  • 很多情况下有经验飞行员能够快速反应并将飞机安全降落,就最近西南航空事故一样。

    In many cases, skilled pilots can react quickly enough to land the plane safely, as in the recent Southwest incident.


  • 休斯:“我们尽量人们事故作出适度、真实坦诚反应。”

    "We try to give people a balanced, factual, truthful response," Hughes said.


  • 泰坦尼克号沉没、1986年切尔诺贝利反应的核泄漏事故世贸大厦的倒塌——一切都迫使工程师解决这些致命缺陷

    The sinking of the Titanic, the meltdown of the Chernobyl reactor in 1986, the collapse of the World Trade Center - all forced engineers to address what came to be seen as deadly flaws.


  • 因为有通用设计的反应发生事故,这更使通用集团名声受到打击

    And the nuclear disaster in Japan, involving GE-designed reactors, hasn't helped the conglomerate's reputation.


  • 起草海上搜救有关政策法规制订重大海上搜救船舶污染事故应急反应预案有关规章制度

    To draft the policies and regulations on marine salvages, formulate emergency response plans and related regulations and systems for marine salvages and vessel pollution accidents;


  • 这句话我的理解和你稍有不同:得克萨斯运输研究所提出了一些有助于舒缓拥堵的简单措施缩短事故处理反应时间等。

    p5:TTI points to simple steps that could help, such as shortening the response time to accidents.


  • 尽管德国70年代石油危机期间开始建造反应,1986年切尔诺贝利事故之后,国内舆论哗然

    Although Germany also started to build nuclear reactors in response to the oil crises of the 1970s, public opinion soured in the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.


  • FlibeEnergy创始人科克·索伦森称:“福岛事故标志着传统轻水反应消亡。”Flibe Energy位于美国阿拉巴马州亨茨维尔,是一家备受推崇核技术初创企业。

    "Fukushima marked the death of conventional light-water reactors," says Kirk Sorensen, founder of Flibe Energy, a highly regarded nuclear technology startup based in Huntsville, Alabama.


  • 岛核电站发生事故时,所有反应已经自动关闭,也就是说,发生爆炸不是正在运作反应

    The problem at Fukushima was not the explosion of a working nuclear reactor (all its reactors had been automatically shut down).


  • 最近几个月反应油井煤矿致命事故提醒我们所有形式能源获得都具有风险

    Deadly accidents involving nuclear reactors, oil RIGS and coal mines in recent months remind us that all forms of energy generation carry risks.


  • 说:“我们传统作法一直认为单一反应发生单一的事故。”

    Our traditional approach has always been to assume a single incident at a single reactor, "he said."


  • 历史严重的核电站事故发生 1986 年的切尔诺贝利一个反应发生了爆炸当场炸死几十上万受到辐射影响。

    The worst nuclear power accident in history took place in Chernobyl in 1986 when a reactor there exploded, killing tens of people instantly and exposing hundreds of thousands more to radiation.


  • 你们需要反应设计展示电站能够成功处理这些事故,能够燃料设计的限制不会被超过

    You need to show in the reactor design that the plant can manage these events such that these fuel design limits are not exceeded.


  • 那次事故中,有一半反应堆芯在事故发生后小时内便融化了,直到工作人员应急冷却系统开关重新打开反应堆芯才停止了融化

    There, half the reactor core melted in the first two hours of the accident. The melting stopped when an operator turned on emergency cooling, which had mistakenly been turned off.


  • 事故令人毛骨悚然部分那些反应升腾起来的放射性尘埃,它们静静地乘着风,画出了一条致命路线。

    The most frightening part of the nuclear accident was the radiation thatspewed from the reactor and then was carried by winds on its silent, deadlypath.


  • 事故华盛顿颁布安全条例迫使反应成本一升再升,此后30再无新的(核电)工厂出现

    New safety rules issued by Washington after the accident drove the cost of reactors up and up, and no new plants were ordered for 30 years.


  • 项新的研究表明驾车吵闹音乐会严重影响反应次数引发交通事故

    Listening to loud music while driving can seriously hamper reaction times and cause accidents, new research suggests.


  • 项新的研究表明驾车吵闹音乐会严重影响反应次数引发交通事故

    Listening to loud music while driving can seriously hamper reaction times and cause accidents, new research suggests.


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