• 男人了解一个女人被忽视内心多么痛苦。’

    What men don't understand about women is how much pain they experience when they feel neglected.


  • 无法了解一个女人怎样能够毫不润饰就还俗门,哪怕出于礼貌也该装扮一下。

    I don"t understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little - if only out of politeness."


  • 女人必需了解一个男人呆石头上时,只是需要独处思考

    Women need to understand that when a man is on his rock they need to leave him there and let him think.


  • 如果一个女人想要了解模仿动作

    It turns out that when a woman digs you, she'll copy your moves.


  • 了解那个家伙就是骗子,他背叛了,他一个女人面前就像是个傻瓜,几乎一文不值。

    I know that Alberto: he's a crook. He betrayed me, for next to nothing he made me make a fool of myself with a woman.


  • 了解那个家伙就是骗子,他背叛了,他让我一个女人面前就像是个傻瓜,几乎一文不值。

    I know that Alberto: he's a crook.He betrayed me, for next to nothing he made me make a fool of myself with a woman.


  • 家庭成员朋友了解一个男人女人许多方面有共同之处——两人相同兴趣或背景。

    A family member or friend may know a man and a woman who have a lot in common-who share the same interests or background.


  • 味觉不仅仅女人提供卫生习惯的参照窗口同时女人了解她们中的男人不可见DNA的特点。

    Sense of smell doesn't just provide a window into hygiene habits; it also gives women access to the unseen DNA of their chosen mate.


  • 其他女人在一起时,可能会了解一个花花公子

    You would know he is a playboy when he is with other women.


  • 一个女人想要从里到外彻底了解那个

    Every woman wants to know her man inside and out.


  • 自己了解,自己的儿子不至于到会喜欢一个没有头脑女人

    With own know, own son is unlikely silly to will favor a matron who has not has a nice head.


  • 这种显而易见差异中世纪拉比们建议,有关夏娃一个女人陈述不同个人

    Thus to resolve this apparent discrepancy, mediaeval rabbis suggested that Eve and the woman of the first account were two separate individuals.


  • 想让一个女人幸福你就必须要许多不用试着了解她。

    To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.


  • 女人通常希望男人使她们窥探一个世界她们一些热爱的但是她们了解的事情。

    Women often want a man who'll give them a peek into another world. Teach them something they don't know about a subject you're passionate about.


  • 女人通常希望男人使她们窥探一个世界她们一些致谢但是她们了解不事情。

    Women often want a man who'll give them a peek into another world. Teach them something they don't know about a subject you're passionate about.


  • 然后了解发现一个拥有无限幸福的无限存在发现你是男人还是女人一样容易

    Then you will realize that it is as easy for you to discover that you are an infinite Being with infinite happiness as it is for you to discover that you are a male or a female!


  • 当然事实而且我们幸运的生活一个可以在开始了解女人进行进的年代。

    That is certainly true, and we're lucky we live in a time when doing kino with a woman is considered acceptable as soon as you start getting to know her.


  • 皮皮译:如果一个女人不幸地了解某些事最好尽可能地隐瞒一点。

    "A woman especially if she has the misfortune of knowing anything, should conceal it as well as she can." -jane Austen.


  • 记住女性其他女人那里了解一个产品的能力男性

    Remember: Women are three times as likely as men to learn about a product from other women.


  • 那个女人碰见每个女演员都胡乱吹捧一番,把一个如何了不起了解借此得到什么东西,可能不过得到一些假惺惺感激而已

    That silly woman gushes over every new actress that she meets, telling each one how wonderful she is; I don't know what she hopes to gain by it, except perhaps some rather false gratitude.


  • 真正一个女人了解,要洞察她的内心倾听她的心声分享她的梦想想要飞翔给予翅膀

    To really love a woman, to understand her, you've got to know her deep inside. Hear every thought, see every dream and give her wings when she wants to fly.


  • 阿尔法纽约市男性神奇地转变美丽的女孩爱上了,了解什么是什么意思一个女人

    An alpha New York City male is magically transformed into a beautiful girl, falls in love, and learns what it means to be a woman.


  • 了多年婚姻咨询案例以后,了解女人会爱上一个心甘情愿为了需求而付出男人,这种男人长相厮守

    After all my years of counseling couples, I've learned that a woman falls in love with a man who sacrifices to meet her needs. She also stays in love with this kind of man.


  • Faye Valentine一个过去现在将来没有联系女人低温的休眠状态50,对过去一点也了解

    Faye Valentine is a woman with no ties to past, present, or future. She spent almost 50 years in cryogenic stasis, has no knowledge of her past.


  • 西顿也许了解自家女儿一样了解但是我知道一个恋爱中的女人是什么样子的。

    Seton, I may not know you as well as I know my own daughter, but I do know what a woman in love looks like.


  • 西顿也许了解自家女儿一样了解但是我知道一个恋爱中的女人是什么样子的。

    Seton, I may not know you as well as I know my own daughter, but I do know what a woman in love looks like.


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