• 很多未充分就业股票交易人算计他们老朋友那里取得一些买方订单

    There are plenty of underemployed stockbrokers with the guile to squeeze a few orders from their old PALS on the buy-side.


  • 购买完成后带有买方要求产品类型数量订单发送供应商

    When a purchase is complete, an order is sent to the supplier with the types and amounts of products that the buyer requested.


  • 最后假设买方银行帐户状态良好供应商仓库发送一个订单发货请求

    Finally, assuming that the bank account status is good, the supplier sends a request to the warehouse to ship the order.


  • 每当一个跨国公司作为买方订单,为达到订单要求,工厂就会工人分配定额。

    When a multinational places an order at the behest of a buyer the workers are set quotas to meet the order.


  • 这个场景中商业合作伙伴(买方)个商业合作伙伴(卖方)提交一个订单

    In this scenario, one business partner (the buyer) submits an order to the other business partner (the seller).


  • 由于订单履行针对卖方的,卖方只有在得到买方书面通知后才分包本协议

    Because performance of this Po is specific to Seller, Seller may assign this Agreement only upon Buyer's prior written consent.


  • 我们希望你们能够接受这笔以买方设计度量为准订单

    We hoped that you can accept the order in the buyer's design and measurement.


  • 收到订单响应不久买方注意交货地址错误

    Shortly after receiving the order response, the buyer notices that the delivery address in the original order is incorrect. The buyer now has a few options to correct this error


  • 正式定单买方确认样品正式定单,卖方收到外汇现金一定时间装运,具体时间根据订单确定

    Formal order: After buyers confirm sample and then confirm order, within some days after receipt of T/T, to confirm times according to order.


  • 卖方事先书面同意买方不得披露信息相对采购订单

    Seller without the prior written consent of Buyer shall not disclose information (including denial or confirmation) relative to the Purchase Order.


  • 如果没有提前得到CTS公司的书面同意买方订单一经CTS确认后,应当任何理由取消整个或是部分订单

    Buyer's purchase order, when accepted by CTS, shall not, for any reason, be canceled in whole or in part by Buyer without CTS 'prior written consent.


  • 采购订单买方交付货物等于厂项目如果改变通过电话通知行动

    Purchase order to deliver the goods to the buyer equal to plant, if the change by telephone to inform action.


  • 如果订单买方满意,他们可定期订购

    If this order proves satisfactory to our buyers, regular orders will follow.


  • 卖方根据买方要求订单周期内提供足够额度保险包括局限一般责任保险。

    The seller should according to the buyer requests in order cycle of insurance amount provided enough, including but not limited to general liability insurance.


  • 买方发出采购订单60交货时间

    Buyer shall issue the purchase order sheet by 60 days before the delivery time.


  • 我们希望贵司能够接受买方设计尺寸订单

    We hoped that you can accept the order in the buyer's design and measurement.


  • 转让订单全文项条款适用客户继承人买方允许受让人

    ASSIGNABILITY: This order in its entirety and each provision hereof shall inure to the benefit of the customers, successors and assigns of Buyer.


  • 供应商收到订单接受订单的,买方应有撤销订单

    If the Supplier does not accept an order within three weeks of receipt of the order, the Buyer shall be entitled to cancel the order.


  • 买方订单确认中的内容异议24小时之内提出异议。

    If the Purchaser has objections to the contents of the confirmation of the order, the Purchaser must object to the same within 24 hours.


  • 如果发现商品质量低于订单标准买方要求减价换货或者取消订单甚至索赔

    If the goods are found substandard products, the buyer can demand either reduction in price, a replacement of the goods, or the cancellation of the order even a claim to damages.


  • 买方订单必须卖方书面形式接受或者开始履行为准

    Buyer's orders shall be subject to written acceptance or start of performance by Seller.


  • 交易条款条件规定卖方修正,不时地卖方采购订单报价买方卖方。

    The terms and conditions of sale contained herein, and as amended by Seller from time to time, apply to Seller's quotations and purchase orders placed by Buyer on Seller.


  • 订单确认买方向卖方30%定金其余货款发货俩个工作日付清

    After the conformation of the order, the buyers should pay 30% deposit, the rest can be pay off in two weekdays before sending the goods off.


  • 买方采购订单发货放行其它地方任何条款,均卖方没有约束力。

    No other terms or conditions, whether contained in buyer's purchase order, shipping release, or elsewhere, shall be binding upon seller.


  • 卖方收到购买订单后应在在个有效工作日买方出具确认信。

    Seller shall give Buyer a confirmation within 3 effective working days after receiving the purchasing order.


  • 根据适用订单产品指定地点交付接受后,产品所有权损失风险转移买方

    Title and risk of loss for the Products shall transfer to Buyer upon delivery and acceptance of the Products at the named place of delivery in accordance with the applicable Order.


  • 买方事先书面同意卖方不得转让订单任何未经买方同意的转让均属无效

    Seller may not assign this order without Buyer's prior written consent, and any purported assignment without such consent shall be null and void.


  • 卖方底部签名, 将报价单连同签名页面交与买方订单视为确认

    The order shall be deemed as acceptance after completion of Seller's signature on the buttom hereof and submittal of Seller's PROFORMA INVOICE with the signed page to Buyer.


  • 卖方底部签名, 将报价单连同签名页面交与买方订单视为确认

    The order shall be deemed as acceptance after completion of Seller's signature on the buttom hereof and submittal of Seller's PROFORMA INVOICE with the signed page to Buyer.


- 来自原声例句

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